Have you ever felt as if the world is crumbling into destruction? The looming sense of doom appears to be an inevitable fate, a chain reaction of human nature that we can only observe and experience. Nothing we could do other than living our everyday life. Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction capture this sense wonderfully. So many things happen in the world that it can seem bleak, but they are just natural and realistic, and often beyond our control. Everyone is focused on their own things, and we should be too. Be there for each other.
As you might expect, this anime
May 29, 2024
Not a good introduction to the series.
It seems like they want you to think this series is about a fast-paced post-apocalyptic alien invasion by adapting the last arc. This is far from what the series is actually about. You can read the synopsis of the main series to see the difference. Despite avoiding the original 'slice of life' start of the manga, they instead give you exposition dump about many things you never see before in this episode. Seriously, there isn't much value added by having this in animated form. Early episodes should give people an idea of how the entire series will be, and ... Mar 13, 2023
This manga have a good potential. The premise is questionable but still interesting, the MC are total douchebag but he doesn't pretend to not be, and it's fitting with this type of manga. The beginning of the story have some nice potential plots, there are various consequences that might happen caused by MC abusive & moron behavior. There is also antagonist character who keep MC in check and give sense of danger. But few chapters in, they threw it all out of window and downgraded all to dumb hentai plot. Nothing interesting anymore.
If you want sexy scenes you will get it, ... Dec 24, 2022
Bocchi the Rock!
Unbelievable, this show is so perfect, every aspect is polished. Especially the characters, everyone is so likeable & fit together nicely. I enjoy every second of this show. The animation, sound, and humor also very well put together. I start this anime expecting just another K-On or Watamote, but i was wrong. This anime have character development, this anime have story & progression, this anime doesn't have pointless filler, this anime treat every characters with respect, this anime have beautiful animation & creative visual humor, it also have a ton of fun references. This anime is something else. This might be anime of the year
Oct 27, 2022
Romantic Killer
Finally a new romcom anime that focus heavily on comedy! the comedy itself is hit and miss, but the presentation is full of energy. I love it's over the top expressive art style breaking continuity. When the comedy hits, it slap hard with that kind of delivery. Overall the comedy is quite entertaining.
Being dating sim parody the meta joke is thrown a lot (it's funny), but also because this premise i can't take the romance seriously (even though it actually have decent romance), especially at the beginning, the plot device literally manifested as a real character, they also introduce new character like introducing ... Jul 14, 2022
Kanojo mo Kanojo
This is what harem anime should be, fun, dumb, and not trying to be realistic / dramatic.
I love that everyone speak their mind out loud & being honest in this anime, no complicated social norm or logic, it's easy to watch and laugh at the absurdity of this anime. Why this anime entertain me is probably because in real life i must think about social norm, consequences, and other factors before i express myself or do something, but in this anime screw all that, let just be honest do whatever we want and have fun. It feels very nice break from 'think before you act' norm, ... Jun 16, 2022
Ai no Utagoe wo Kikasete
What is this? Skynet disney princess? The setting, and story about future AI is overdone at this point. Nothing new in the story / the message, conflict & resolution also a bit cliche like fairy tale. But despite all of that this movie still fun to watch, it's strong aspect is how it deliver the movie, smaller detail of presentation.
This maybe the most western anime i've ever watch, the musical aspect feel a bit forced & awkward, but the animation & song quality made up for it. If you familiar with musical show it won't be that weird, although this integration is not the best ... Jun 13, 2022
This is very hard to watch, the scenario & story is just very uncomfortable. This show is about making fun of person suffering, yes it's funny, but it's a awkward laugh, whatever you relate to MC or not, it's uncomfortable.
STORY Story is just bad. i know this is slice of life, but come on, there is a lot of thing that could progress or change, why everything seems pointless? it have a lot of potential to be interesting story. ART All the negative aside, this show done extremely well visually portraying whatever happen & how person feel / think. It what keep me watch the entire ... Jan 4, 2019
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara
I think this show dedicated mainly for the art, leaving other part weak.
Although the art is excellent, the story & character is meh, if you care about the story you will be disappointed, it's very mediocre. Oh yes, i must mention this show have so many still shot (looks great for background art drawing, but maybe not good for animated show). As i said earlier this show is about the art of drawing, the beauty of the world, and the joy of doing work for someone. Personally i'm very enjoyed watching this, i love art, this is very beautiful. The OP & ED is very ... Oct 19, 2018
3-gatsu no Lion
Sangatsu no Lion story is not that impressive, and this is not only an anime about shogi, but its more about coming-of-age story of overcoming depression. It's a surprise for me because i was expecting a depressing drama like Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, turn out complete opposite of that. What spectacullar about this anime is the character. Rei, the series' protagonist, resonate with me very close, it feel so real to me what & how he feel.
Altough Rei have very different story & living place than me, still i can relate so much with him. For example many characters do not understand ... |