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Nov 20, 2023
I Am a Hero (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
I AM A HERO. one of my favorite manga.... or so i thought...... well, it still is, but theres some nuance. this is my fourth, yes fourth, reread, and it seems that only on this last read i just finished have i gained any sort of critical thinking when it comes to media.

story, 7: the story progresses like an average zombie media would; survivor, survivor meets survivor, stuff happens, move locations to one group, stuff happens, move locations to another group. im phrasing this like its bad, but its really not, i love the "hopping from one group to another" trope, the characters of each ...
May 5, 2023
story, 9: this is quite possibly the most batshit insane thing ive ever read and i loved every part of it, i legitimately cant even describe the last 60 or so chapters, it was like a rollercoaster that had me genuinely smiling like shinra the whole time, there were some chapters where i realized i was holding my breath for most of it. im not even going to try to explain how insane, as in abstract, the story is, you just have to read it, but at the same time it delivers a GRAND but concise and easy to follow plot with twists thatll have ...
Apr 10, 2023
Mixed Feelings
i originally had in mind the score 6/10 for the first 10 or so episodes because i had a lot of complaints about how the story was written, and i still kinda feel annoyed by some of the things that happened that couldve happened like 5 episodes sooner, and i had also come into it expecting to be a weepy mess the whole time like everyone had said, sure i got misty eyed a few times, but never CRIED really... thats all until the last episode though. i cried 4 times during the last episode. it single handedly made me raise the score by 2 ...
Nov 20, 2022
imawa no kuni no alice, or alice in borderland, was NOT what i was expecting. like, literally AT ALL.

story, 9.5: what i thought would be a death game manga where friendship triumphs all challenges! turned out to be.. well, kinda true?? like i dont even really know, the more you read, the more that idea gets twisted, but never disappears. the further in you read, the topics that this series delves into go from "dont you wish you had an escape from your reality?" into "what is the point of life?" and "what is our purpose?" and all sorts of other complex questions. this complexity ...
Sep 23, 2022
Dungeon Meshi (Manga) add
Preliminary (87/102 chp)
dungeon meshi is a manga i started reading because i was on my kingdom break (so i dont get worn out) and looking for something else to read, the reviews were saying, "this series may be cute on the surface but past the surface is something great." and they werent joking, first couple dozen chapters or so was just an un-impactful, nice read, full of cute moments and world building, but it EXPONENTIALLY raises the stakes the more you read, unexpected story developments, genuine character arcs shining through, you begin to feel like youre reading an actual group of friends go through this dungeon with ...
Sep 16, 2022
100th "a game anime actually done right!?@?!?/1/" title

cyberpunk edgerunners really surprised me in the fact that i was expecting very little going in, but gave it a shot and came out with something great. im a big fan of the game, got like 112 hours on it, done 2 playthroughs, i love the cyberpunk universe, and seeing a fleshed out side story set in the same universe with fun characters and fuckinngggg sick animation was really something special.

story, 8: i was actually super invested from the start because of my interest in the game, and it did not disappoint, this anime will push you around ...
Jul 29, 2022
i really cant wrap my head around this series if im being honest, on one hand i absolutely loved it all the way through, but on another hand the entire thing just pissed me off, and i think that was the point?? reading something that actually gives you a genuinely wide range of emotions CAN be a really great feeling, at other points it made me question the point of even reading it

story, 6: it was hard picking a score for the story, i felt like it was just gut punch after gut punch after gut punch, seriously, our poor tanishi never gets a break, ...
Feb 20, 2022
Beastars (Manga) add
beastars is great. at first you may think its a furry bait zootopia esque bland romance story with some action mixed in, and if you think that, i guess y'know... MOST of that is true... i wont say its flawless, but i really really do love this manga.

beastars is an unsuspecting story of animals and their relations with other animals, the world of beastars is very vast, having animals of all different shapes and sizes, from mammals to reptiles, from mice with lifespans of 30 years, who also get their own walkways and ...
Feb 18, 2022
im a huge sucker for zombie media, and when i heard there was a zombie manga that i had never heard of that takes huge, huge inspiration from 'i am a hero' i legit started reading it within 2 minutes after.

story, 7: the story setting basically revolved around either being stuck in the detention facility, or going across the city somewhere, with random zombie hijinks mixed in the middle, exactly what i want from a zombie series, chaotic cities and cramped buildings where smart thinking or a last second brain splattering save by the protagonist saves the day, all with yoshioka dropping a one liner ...
Oct 30, 2021
Preliminary (43/56 chp)
i had to stop reading this because im completely uninterested in the tower arc, ill finish it EVENTUALLY but not now, and if youre curious why i STILL decided to rank this a 9, then keep reading

story, 8: i first started this manga when i saw the picture of jyu and giller on mudae, a discord bot (LOL) and i thought they looked cool so i looked the manga up, and from what i could tell it was a manga about a human living with animals and i expected it to be pretty lighthearted, and lighthearted isnt what i got at all. doubutsu no kuni ...

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