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Nov 20, 2023
I AM A HERO. one of my favorite manga.... or so i thought...... well, it still is, but theres some nuance. this is my fourth, yes fourth, reread, and it seems that only on this last read i just finished have i gained any sort of critical thinking when it comes to media.
story, 7: the story progresses like an average zombie media would; survivor, survivor meets survivor, stuff happens, move locations to one group, stuff happens, move locations to another group. im phrasing this like its bad, but its really not, i love the "hopping from one group to another" trope, the characters of each
group, their morals, leaders, how they survive, the downfall (if there is one), so this is always very enjoyable to me, however, after the part where takashi's arc happens (which is like half way through iirc), i feel as if the story takes a sharp decline. the parts with the other groups, like the middle school group, were really fun, it was suzuki's portion that really started to weigh down on the story for me. it became less about "we are surviving in a zombie apocalypse, isnt that neat?", to a more character centric slog that really wasnt doing it for me, but more on that when i get to characters.
if youre talking about i am a hero's story, then you cant not talk about the ending. its as bad as they say, nothing gets answered, nothing. like another reviewer said, this isnt a "reader fills the gaps" moment, its just unsatisfying and feels completely pointless, like the series was about to get axed and the mangaka needed to rush an ending. its abrupt to a degree of whiplash, half a volume before the ending we were still in the heat of battle, with a dozen questions left unanswered, but nope, timeskip, story ends.
what i really love the most in the manga is the zombies themselves, very spoiler-y rant involving the zombies upcoming here, so skip this if you havent read it. zombies mutating is no groundbreaking idea for the zombie genre, but its just the creativity of these zombies not just being mindless flesh eaters.... well, they are, but they serve a grander purpose than just that, the behemoths they eventually turn into just fires off my neutrons and makes me go "woaaaaaaahhh cooooool". there's also the hybrids, the kurusu's. kurusu and the kurusu's (insane band name) were always a huge treat to watch, the idea of these "half zombies", who became some what of transcendant beasts in the series who just wreaked havic on everything in sight. i especially liked when we got glimpses into the other countries, like that bit that took place in italy, where we met the italian kurusu, or the spain kurusu with the interesting mustache.
art, 8: its a very dichotomizing art style, on one hand, you have the bubbly and round facial expressions of the characters, which for me is sort of the hanazawa special, and on the other hand, the bodies. they're given a strict adherence to anatomy (most of the time). sometimes, if you cover the character's head with your thumb, it sort of looks like someone just traced an actual person. this sorta makes a weird opposing style when the manga shows you the random weirdly mutated or anatomical abomination when it comes to the zombies, that works really well to be very shocking.
characters, 6: the characters are where most of my dissatisfaction comes from in regards to this story. the main character, suzuki hideo, seems to be a self insert for the mangaka, like just google kengo hanazawa and compare him to suzuki and youll get what i mean. i usually wouldnt have any problem with that, but suzuki here is really scummy. i quite like him as a character and ill get to that soon, but there are a few things that i find really creepy that he does that i need to address. for one, he gives himself basically a love triangle, where one of the members of said triangle is a minor. spoiler warning here, but they have sex. very big no no, very not cool, very very creepy. i also find it quite odd that, if suzuki IS a self insert, the fact that his main gimmick when he talks to women is "im a pervert!" and the fact that he has sex with every main female character, QUUUIIIITTEEE odd. a lot of other grievances i have with the manga are just the one-dimensional-ness of most people who arent a main character, that isnt to say theyre bad, they just dont really have much going for them. and even knowing this, most of the main characters just dont really do it for me, i just didnt really care for oda nor hiromi. i found hiromi's arc, especially her final arc, really really really anticlimactic. like.......... i dont even have any words to describe it, spoilers here but it just... theres something then... boop! gone from the rest of the story! it all just felt so contrived and pointless.
suzuki is a weird case for me, because despite the clearly weird as fuck things he did, i still like him. he has this mentality of not really caring about anything, despite appearing that he may. he doesnt really care for being a mangaka, he doesnt really care for any of the love interests, despite acting like he does, and he doesnt really care about people in general. not to sound like edgy bxdvss gvts from bxrsvrk or anything but i sorta relate to that, i find it really hard to connect with people past a surface level friendliness, let alone romantically, so that characteristic he displays kinda resonates with me.
that isnt to say that all the characters are bad though, the side cast actually had more of my favorite characters than the main cast. all of them died, however, sadly. what i also dont like, although this is a very nitpick-y problem for me, is that all the character deaths just seem so meaningless, specifically the side characters. i understand that this is an apocalypse and that not every character gets a happy ending, especially with the amount of characters there are in this manga, a lot need to be weeded out to feel realistic, all understandable stuff. it just kinda rubs me the wrong what that a lot of my favorite characters go down so anti-climactically, or even offscreen.
speaking of characters dying, something that i ABSOLUTELY LOVE about this manga is how characters react WHEN theyre dying. im going to recreate a hypothetical death scene of a character that happens like 10000 times in this manga.
char 1: hi im a character
*char 1 gets stabbed 14 times in the stomach by char 2*
char 1: woah no waaay
char 3: woah that guy is being stabbed, guess i should try and kill char 2
*char 2 stabs char 3 through the throat and rips his head off*
char 3: oh
*char 1 and 3 show up later as zombies*
enjoyment, 9: overall, how many times ive read this should speak for itself. i wont say its the best, but despite my grievances, i love it. it just does "surviving in a zombie apocalypse" so perfectly for me. well, until the ladder half, but that was still just as enjoyable if not more so if i look at it as a transfer from suzuki's perspective to the other groups', which it kinda was.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 5, 2023
story, 9: this is quite possibly the most batshit insane thing ive ever read and i loved every part of it, i legitimately cant even describe the last 60 or so chapters, it was like a rollercoaster that had me genuinely smiling like shinra the whole time, there were some chapters where i realized i was holding my breath for most of it. im not even going to try to explain how insane, as in abstract, the story is, you just have to read it, but at the same time it delivers a GRAND but concise and easy to follow plot with twists thatll have
you falling out of your chair. but the best part is, THE ENDING ACTUALLY HITS, i was so sick of reading manga and having them fall short at the ending, but the ending works SO WELL and leads straight into soul eater, it was incredible, the only reason it falls short to a 9 for me is because the beginning is a little slow compared to the rest and there were a few moments i was questioning the reason of showing at all but it picks up fast and it doesnt stop
art, 10: ohkubo just went mental on this, the spreads on this are the best ive ever seen in any manga, and theres just so many "moments" that i have a whole folder of just insane plot moments, fight scenes, or all around just crazy panels from this manga, i do that with all series i read and i usually get like 4-7 saved panels, but for fire force alone i had TWENTY. SEVEN. saved spreads and panels, the way ohkubo draws some of these fights actually makes me stand up and scream in hype like i have autism or something
characters, 10: i quite literally loved every character, every character with screen time was fun to watch in some way or another, there wasnt a SINGLE character that was written in a way where i was like "ugh i cant wait for the focus to be on someone else", almost every single character introduced got their "moment", their awesome moment, and i was there for it every time
enjoyment, 9: well i binged all 300 chapters in just a few short days, i really shouldnt need to say anything else, the previous paragraphs should explain enough
overall, 10: just pick this up, PICK THIS UP. its a must read. idgaf if you dont like tamaki stop crying and focus on the actual story, because its fantastic
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 10, 2023
i originally had in mind the score 6/10 for the first 10 or so episodes because i had a lot of complaints about how the story was written, and i still kinda feel annoyed by some of the things that happened that couldve happened like 5 episodes sooner, and i had also come into it expecting to be a weepy mess the whole time like everyone had said, sure i got misty eyed a few times, but never CRIED really... thats all until the last episode though. i cried 4 times during the last episode. it single handedly made me raise the score by 2
points, the flaws are still there for sure, thats why its mixed feelings still, because some people might not be so forgiving, but im able to somewhat look past it because it ended up really getting to me
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 20, 2022
imawa no kuni no alice, or alice in borderland, was NOT what i was expecting. like, literally AT ALL.
story, 9.5: what i thought would be a death game manga where friendship triumphs all challenges! turned out to be.. well, kinda true?? like i dont even really know, the more you read, the more that idea gets twisted, but never disappears. the further in you read, the topics that this series delves into go from "dont you wish you had an escape from your reality?" into "what is the point of life?" and "what is our purpose?" and all sorts of other complex questions. this complexity
is my own frustration with this series, because there was so much that went past me in just the last 10 chapters alone, so many messages and themes i didnt pick up on that i know are there, because i saw the patterns, but didnt catch the meanings. which is why the series is rated as an 8, if i were to reread this series with everything i know now, i think this series would easily go up to a 9-9.5.
this series can get genuinely gut wrenching, i got some tears even in early developments, if a series can do that for me i think itd do it for anyone lol. also there are some story beats that i think go by WAAAY too fast, like the introduction of a certain character that becomes a main character in practically a chapter, and they have one of the most important roles too. but thats a major nitpick overall, genuinely, if you consider your self lost, and you dont really know your purpose, then i really think you should pick this up.
art, 7: it is.. okay! its not bad but its not really something that sticks out to me too much. the character designs are nice i suppose. does it job well but you should really read it for the story; though all art IS subjective, so you might think its awesome so what do i really know.
characters, 8: this ones weird, the characters themselves to me are all different forms of answers in the face of the story's questions. i dont know if that makes any sense, but when i think of the characters in this series, they all feel like different answers and different paths for each of the complex questions asked.. its really hard to explain. the characters just feel so in tune with the story and what its trying to convey.
as for the actual CHARACTER of the characters.. they aight, some are super cool, some are pathetic, some are forgettable.. but the best characters are the ones that go through change though.
enjoyment, 8: i need a reread sometime but i had my jaw drop every couple chapters, definitely worth.
overall, 8.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 23, 2022
dungeon meshi is a manga i started reading because i was on my kingdom break (so i dont get worn out) and looking for something else to read, the reviews were saying, "this series may be cute on the surface but past the surface is something great." and they werent joking, first couple dozen chapters or so was just an un-impactful, nice read, full of cute moments and world building, but it EXPONENTIALLY raises the stakes the more you read, unexpected story developments, genuine character arcs shining through, you begin to feel like youre reading an actual group of friends go through this dungeon with
real feelings rather than just a silly group of characters.
story, 8: my score for the story quickly went from a 6, to a 7, to an 8 as i read more, which for me usually doesnt happen, i usually start with a guess score after ive read a decent enough amount of chapters to gauge where the story will go, and itll usually only go up one or down one from there, but this story is an exception. what started off as "lets all cook and try out random monsters while we venture to save falin!" quite rapidly turned into "this could easily be the end of the world!" a decent way into the story, and by then, youre already so immersed that its just like "okay yeah that makes sense"
art, 8: the art is without a doubt very pleasant, facial expressions are really what make the characters pop in this, and on certain panels can be absolutely filled with detail and artistic expertise, but that being said i personally would just consider it alright, does what it needs to, but it doesnt really stick out to me in specific way besides good character designs
(EDIT: the art really grew on me after i finished the review, when i thought back on it after reading this, the art was always something i thought about, and how charming it always was, im raising my review to a 9)
character, 10: here's what really makes dungeon meshi so special, the characters are some of the most likable and well thought out ive read. for what STARTS OFF as a comedy manga it sure knows how to portray feelings and passions in a realistic manner. the art is just as important as the writing for portraying this with how expressive they are. most of dungeon meshi's cast of characters dont feel like they're restricted to just the story's plot, they feel like real people in their own world.
enjoyment, 9: it was a fun read and im glad i found it, i like cooking so that was just a bonus. ill definitely be keeping up with it.
overall, 9.
(EDIT 2: this review sucks dungeon meshi still goated though)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 16, 2022
100th "a game anime actually done right!?@?!?/1/" title
cyberpunk edgerunners really surprised me in the fact that i was expecting very little going in, but gave it a shot and came out with something great. im a big fan of the game, got like 112 hours on it, done 2 playthroughs, i love the cyberpunk universe, and seeing a fleshed out side story set in the same universe with fun characters and fuckinngggg sick animation was really something special.
story, 8: i was actually super invested from the start because of my interest in the game, and it did not disappoint, this anime will push you around
in every direction every single episode, i was having my mind blown on every cliffhanger it felt like, i really had no heavy criticisms besides the ending few episodes, now this is what brings the score down to an 8, which mind you, is still a really good score, but it couldve been higher, personally i felt like last 2 or so episodes were really rushed, by the time the credits for the last episode rolled in, it hadnt really hit me that i finished it, it took a little bit to wrap my head around all the stuff that happened, and it lost what emotional value it couldve easily EASILY had for me if it was just a few episodes longer, like a 12 episode project instead.
animation, 10: the action sequences in this anime are some of the best ive seen, like ever; my jaw physically dropped on multiple occasions. edgerunners REALLY knows how to make blows have WEIGHT, let me give you an example: someone gets punched, their whole body contorts around the fist... small pause with slight movement... then BOOM they fling into the wall and fucking explode, its so fucking sick. the gunshots too, theres a lot of gore and head popping in this, and its BRUTAL every single time WITHOUT fail, there was story driven brutality that i was actually questioning if they really just put that in the show; they really go all out on every action sequence.
characters, 7: david is one of the most fun mc's ive seen in quite some time, his character growth was something i expected to go one way, but then went COMPLETELY left field, but at the same time, with the theme of the show, you never really know what to expect for him and the crew, which makes every episode, every action sequence, tense, but thrilling. speaking of the crew, theyre fun but a lot of the times never really fleshed out. some get fleshed out a bit more, but others dont, which is okay, thats just how it goes in night city (lol), it just never really let me get too attached to any of the characters besides the ones that get fleshed out.
enjoyment, 9: knowledge on all the slang and especially whats even happening is something that i know others might not have, which will probably make it harder for people whove never played it before, but since i HAVE that knowledge, my enjoyment was just multiplied it feels like, especially with all of the locations and references that tie into the game, a lot of the times i found myself imagining what V would do in the situations that come up in the show. i had a blast watching this, it was something fresh when i was running out of things to watch/read.
overall, 9: most definitely worth the watch if youre a fan of good action, fan or not a fan of cyberpunk.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 29, 2022
i really cant wrap my head around this series if im being honest, on one hand i absolutely loved it all the way through, but on another hand the entire thing just pissed me off, and i think that was the point?? reading something that actually gives you a genuinely wide range of emotions CAN be a really great feeling, at other points it made me question the point of even reading it
story, 6: it was hard picking a score for the story, i felt like it was just gut punch after gut punch after gut punch, seriously, our poor tanishi never gets a break,
but at the same time, its 80% of the time his fault, but more on that when i get to characters. the story has a very good pacing, reading it felt like i was being dragged by a wave, even the parts that made me want to close my eyes and skip 3 chapters (if youve read it you know the ones lol). reading this is like walking over firey coals to reach some snow and just repeating it over and over. like seriously, by the end i was left saying, "that's it? THAT'S how it ends? there's no more chapters??" the whole series felt like i was walking down a slightly sloped downwards line, with points of up, then back down again, expecting major growth followed by a huge line going upwards, but it never happens, it just ends.
art, 9: im a giant fan of kengo hanazawa and 'i am a hero' is in my top 5 favorite manga, i love his composition. a stand out mention is that the characters faces are all really pleasant to look at, in specific, their wide mouths really sell the expressiveness, it makes when people smile feel very endearing and realistic. its simple, but really detailed and effective at telling the story, no complaints.
characters, 8: thiiiis is a rough one, every single noteworthy character in this series only goes through either a very sliver amount of growth, stagnates, or plummets really really hard. all that i can recite tanishi growing in is bravery, he doesnt really grow as a person at all, the same mistakes he makes on the first few chapters by the end of the series, i cant even call him a good person, what he does to a certain character's life was really really heartbreaking, especially when i was under the belief that they would be the happy ones in the end. everyone he knows around him is moving up in their life, thinking of the big picture, but whenever he gets started on moving his life forward, its like he trips and falls back down to stage one again, he just keeps fumbling the bag over and over and over and over and OVER again, i cant tell you how many times i genuinely facepalmed over something he said or did. but even despite ALL of that, i cant say i hate him, he tries his hardest, and he never runs away, and i think that is his flaw AND his strength.
enjoyment, 9: this series will leave you feeling every single emotion in the books, it's what kept me going. moments worth smiling a huge grin over, moments where youre holding back tears, moments where you want to drop kick your monitor, all of it, it's a genuine rollercoaster.
overall, 9: i really dont think this manga will be for most people, but for those who are interested, i HIGHLY recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 20, 2022
beastars is great. at first you may think its a furry bait zootopia esque bland romance story with some action mixed in, and if you think that, i guess y'know... MOST of that is true... i wont say its flawless, but i really really do love this manga.
beastars is an unsuspecting story of animals and their relations with other animals, the world of beastars is very vast, having animals of all different shapes and sizes, from mammals to reptiles, from mice with lifespans of 30 years, who also get their own walkways and
staircases to avoid being stepped on, to a massive whale whos been alive for 400 years, whos seen wars and all sorts of tragedy, and with this world so different from ours, comes its own values and struggles; its polite for carnivores to hide their teeth and claws, herbivores must stay wary of carnivores, even if they are friends, because instinct can take over in the heat of the moment, suicidal herbivores can slap their cheeks 3 times to a carnivore, signaling that its okay to eat them, which to SOME is very rude to do, and those are just a few rules and values off the top of my head. however, most importantly of all, carnivores should never, ever eat meat, contrary to their instincts. our story is driven by a wolf named legosi, who very slimly avoids breaking carnivore code, almost devouring a small rabbit named haru.
story, 6: this is by far, the weakest point of beastars, ill get more into why later, but for now, the positives. the beginning up until around the end of the riz fight was nearly a 9 or a 10 in story for me, the mystery, the action, the character growth (more on that later), along with the ever expanding world that we slowly got to see more and more of, i was hooked. i was completely satisfied with the story, and was excited to see more.
beastars gets a 9/10 in world building, it all just feels so unique and full of personality on every page, youre always learning something new about this strange world. its only a 9 though because i wish we couldve gotten more, like maybe other parts of the world, other continents or more about living in the ocean, or other animals' experiences kinda like sebun, who's story i actually really enjoyed, i loved how her story ended up entangling with legosi's.
where beastars falters, is melon. full disclaimer, i love melon as a character, i think hes an amazing foil for legosi, who will have to deal with having half carnivore half herbivore blood kids, if haru and legosi decide to have kids that is since we will never know because their relationship wasnt as fleshed out as id hoped it would be, it kinda just ends just as it starts to get good. same with louis and juno really, this series has a very hard time ending plot points, coming back to our main point, melon. this dude has his own arc that takes up like literally 70 out of the 200~ chapters. beastars devolves from being a story about legosi's growth as a kind wolf who has a herbivore fetish, to being a cat and mouse chase to catch this one dude, ending up in an entire GANG WAR happening at the end where legosi survives beating after beating somehow. dont forget how paru acts as if she wanted louis and legosi to become beastars and then NOTHING came of it. it really just irks me that beastars couldve ended on SUCH a better note than it did if the writer was just a littttttle more competent. (no offense, i love paru, but im just being honest)
art, 9: beastars is beautiful. if you dislike the story, you might stay for the art. the style is something so unique to me that i cant even compare it to any other series, every character feels drastically different, take the shishigumi for example, all lion yakuza members, but each have their own feel and personality, or legosi's dorm, a bunch of dogs of different breeds and sizes. any backdrop scene of a city filled with animals is always fun because you get to look at all the little details; ex: https://i.imgur.com/QnbcmA9.png , even in the black market, all different types of carnivores lining up to buy meat, a random customer walking by, talking about how he bought some sausage to celebrate for his graduation or something along those lines. and there are dozens of other panels like that one, even on the minor panels, theres always some sort of interaction happening in the background, the public settings always feel full of life.
characters, 10: this is the best part of beastars to me. everyone is dealing with their own issues, legosi is struggling over his instincts and climbing past them, just trying to grow up into a good guy who loves herbivores a little too much, trying to keep a stable relationship with a rabbit a third his size. louis is trying to get past his own awful childhood, his own weakness, weakness stemming from being born a herbivore. haru, thinking shes worthless, just another bunny in the crowd of other probably millions of bunnies, resorts to sex to feel equal to other animals for once, until legosi comes along and pulls her from that crowd of millions of bunnies and makes her all confused, and i just barely scratched the surface with jack, melon, gounin, bill, and others you could probably make full essay about. the growth that every character goes through and every last angle of the main moral dilemma that gets covered feels really satisfying to me. ill get into that now.
the main moral dilemma. are carnivores REALLY so evil for just following their instincts? personally, i think not, and thats also what i think the story tries to convey. the black market is filled with mostly friendly (at least towards each other) carnivores, selling meat to other carnivores while casually talking about the happenings of their day, smiling and chatting away, these carnivores, who partake in the taboo of eating meat, will then casually go back to their schools and works, talk to their herbivore friends and act as if nothing ever happened. though most are able to resist and eat the usual eggs and other protein, but carnivores are still meat eaters after all...
(semi manga spoilers) which is why it was kiiiiinda ABSURD TO ME that it took the whale THAAAAAAAT LONG to be like, "OKAY, FISH EXIST. EAT SOME OF THOSE INSTEAD OF EACH OTHER." but either way.. i think there would be a lot of carnivores who dont accept this new, "fish only" policy. it also really kinda needed to be that way for a plot to even exist.
enjoyment, 10: i could read beastars any amount of times and always have fun, finding new things i missed last time. on my second read that i finished around a month ago, i remember finishing the last chapter and immediately feeling like reading it again, i didnt obviously.. but i seriously think i could have and i wouldve been entertained. maybe its because the series left me wanting more beastars after such a lackluster ending, or maybe its just because i seriously love this series, but either way, the point still stands.
overall, 9: i can understand if you dont appreciate the series as much as i do, the story is all over the place, plot points come up and never get explained that well and theres never really any CONCLUSIVE ending to the series. however i really love the characters of beastars and when you combine them with the beautiful and unique art and the vast world and you get this really lovable series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 18, 2022
im a huge sucker for zombie media, and when i heard there was a zombie manga that i had never heard of that takes huge, huge inspiration from 'i am a hero' i legit started reading it within 2 minutes after.
story, 7: the story setting basically revolved around either being stuck in the detention facility, or going across the city somewhere, with random zombie hijinks mixed in the middle, exactly what i want from a zombie series, chaotic cities and cramped buildings where smart thinking or a last second brain splattering save by the protagonist saves the day, all with yoshioka dropping a one liner
like every other chapter. this series basically copy and pastes the 'zombie evolution' and 'higher beings' stuff from i am a hero, though im not really mad about it because i really wanted to see more on something like that after being very dissatisfied by the ending
i loved i am a hero's take on the zombie genre and all, but was kinda sad that it ended so abruptly, and guess what, so does this one! yeah, its a pretty short read. however, i feel like apocalypse no toride actually got the better ending, dont get me wrong, theres still a lot of questions unanswered, but i feel like it left on a better note than i am a hero.
art, 7: the art is apocalypse no toride is really interesting, because on one hand you have the gritty realistic style of zombies and their evolutions like in i am a hero, and on the other you have this mix of bleach (especially in how iwakura is drawn) and like, attack on titan??? with all the crazy stuff that happens near the end. overall its not like, an outstandingly unique style or anything, but that doesnt mean its not visually pleasing to look at, which it is and then some. (and very NOT appealing when it needs to be)
character, 9: this is where i feel apocalypse no toride shines the brightest, now ill be honest, i dont really care for the main character toooo too much, hes an alright character, especially in the emotional moments, but like we barely get any of maeda's family or backstory, probably because the series was cut so short.
however, the others of the main cast really bring this series from a 6 to an 8, while being kinda 2 dimensional characters that dont really have a too deep story or anything, they dont really need to be fleshed out and more complex to be enjoyable characters. these are just a group of friends who bond over the travesty taking over the world, just trying to live a day at a time.
there were moments during this where the characters ALMOST made me tear up, and i never cry, at least while reading, lol.
enjoyment, 8: i binged this in like, 24 hours tops? i mean its not that long, but i was pretty invested. its a great read if you love the zombie genre, and even if you dont care for it as much, i bet you the characters will be enough to get you to read the whole thing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 30, 2021
i had to stop reading this because im completely uninterested in the tower arc, ill finish it EVENTUALLY but not now, and if youre curious why i STILL decided to rank this a 9, then keep reading
story, 8: i first started this manga when i saw the picture of jyu and giller on mudae, a discord bot (LOL) and i thought they looked cool so i looked the manga up, and from what i could tell it was a manga about a human living with animals and i expected it to be pretty lighthearted, and lighthearted isnt what i got at all. doubutsu no kuni
shows real elements of nature from the pov of a tanuki, and later, the human that tanuki adopts. the first few chapters show you right away this manga wont be all you expected, with unfortunate events spread throughout the whole manga. tarouza's growth from a stumbling kid to a leader felt natural and you really get familiar with the cast. however, im not a huge fan of the tower arc at all, it feels so different from the rest of the series in such a dramatic way that it takes away from the previous rest of the story's feel.
art, 8: the art can be very dramatic and powerful, which was super unexpected to me. the animals are all very unique and pleasing to look at, and its always a treat seeing what tarouza will look like as he ages.
character, 10: this is the part i was most surprised about, the character development. the characters in doubutsu no kuni are to me, it's strong suit. monoko's growth from a scared tanuki to a strong mother figure for tarouza over the series is especially powerful to me, with tarouza needing to grow up and find himself over the series.
enjoyment, 9: i grew to love this series very quickly after realizing this wouldnt be what i was expecting it to be, a comedy, but instead it a dramatic story about change and the power of language.
overall, 10: it's a solid pickup, not much else to say, i loved it (DISREGARDING THE FACT I HAVENT FINISHED IT YET LOL)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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