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Dec 28, 2020
This show is basically 3 different shows combined into one. not in a good way.
It starts off as you expect. video gamer gets isekai'd to fantasy world with OP videogame powers. typical premise. the first few episodes are about her learning the world and her abilities. saving people by beating up monsters for the adventurer's guild. again, expected. The main problem in this part is that Yuna does it all with the soulessness of a puppet. Zero personality. Perhaps she's an autist.
After 4 episodes of that it devolves into a 'food tastes good' anime. I don't know how many times people need to be reminded
that food tastes good, but this anime is here for all of it. Look, I get that Japenese people live lives intentionally devoid of most luxury and taste is one of the only things they allow themselves to become indulgent in, but jesus can we stop this trope already? almost the entire rest of the anime is her cooking food and everyone remarking how good it is. maybe they switch it up AND SOMEBODY ELSE COOKS and then everyone remarks how good it is. Occasionally you will get a "You mean if I go beat monster X, I can eat food X!?!?" type of scenario and it still sucks. the fights are completely lame considering she's so OP. literally never faces any real danger herself the entire time. She's also kind of a nitwit and not very efficient with using her powers. The only rule to them is she has to be thinking about bears and she doesn't even remember to do that most of the time.
But here is the kicker, at THE LAST HALF OF THE LAST EPISODE(!) it again devolves into a pure yuri anime out of nowhere. It doesn't make any sense. The show itself ends on a confession that really doesn't get resolved. Is the bear girl a lesbian with the other little girl now? I don't know. I don't care. I was honestly wishing they would just go eat some food and talk about how good it tastes again.
I find it rather confounding this thing isn't scoring in the 5 range. It's awful. Are people giving it 10s out of irony? has to be
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 21, 2019
Hilarious premise for an isekai that sort of flubs the landing
I'll keep this short. This is a weird anime. It's not really about wrestling until the end. More so, it's about how the main LOVES animals. Like really loves them. Even when the love is unwanted.. For example, early on he sees a wolf man who is an evil criminal type. He basically rapes him (implied, not shown) and then a recurring joke is the wolf guy has PTSD attacks about it. I found that HILARIOUS. you might not. The story sort of makes no sense either and thats kind of it's charm in a
way. I was going to give it a 7 but the last episode is such a let down and very anti-climatic. There is also too many characters that seem pointless or have no real use and you wonder why they are around. Actually that's almost every character.. Still worth a shot if you are an isekai or weird anime fan!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 9, 2019
A bunch of naive girls who can't imagine a no-win scenario ever existing and are incapable of making a single sacrifice for the greater good. The art is cool, but my god are all the characters complete morons. It's like watching infants who know nothing but disney try to solve problems. I can't rationalize any of the things they do or choices they make. Especially time girl. Couldn't she have just laid the cards out bare? no. she's cryptic af and makes herself seem like an enemy. The final solution/wish was one that I was wondering why nobody thought of in the beginning. It was
so obvious. The end after the wish also makes no sense. Makes the story all for nothing. I really don't get what people see in this at all. Just because it kind of flips the genre and gets a bit dark it deserves 10s? this anime is hot garbage. feel free to give it a shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 14, 2018
This anime piles on information and backstory like it's all going to add up towards a big reveal of some super plot twists at the end but it really lets you down and 90% of that information/backstory is completely useless and irrelevant. the last episode is all convoluted exposition that tries to fool you into thinking it's all deep and the first 11 episodes were worth the payoff, but as you see from my summary above it clearly wasn't.
The characters are lame and/or unimportant. They try to paint kieth as some super genius but he really doesn't do anything to earn it. lucy? or whatever
the girl's name is has probably the best written character but the show can't seem to figure out if she's smart or dumb and flops back and forth between the two. She certainly has no business on any police force. The black wing kid has no personality. He just wants to save the girl and gets mad when he is impeded. The only other character I remember is the computer chick. she types fast. thats it. I finished watching this yesterday.
The supernatural side plot never makes any sense, even at the end. The detective side plot is one you could never really figure out on your own which is why it takes 20 minutes of exposition to explain it to you in the last episode. The whole thing was a slap in the face.
As others have noted, the fight scenes are well-done and the overall animation is too. I don't know how anyone could possibly pull any other positives from it. My jaw dropped when I saw it's current score (~7.7)
5/10 mostly for the animation quality
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 20, 2018
Who lets these naive children go for what they think is a fun adventure in the most dangerous place possible? I just can't get past that part and it was too hard for me to suspend my disbelief constantly as required to go along with this plot. Multiple adults could and should have stopped them because, you know, they are 12 and still view the world through disney lenses. Riko is a moron. She makes dumb decision after dumb decision constantly putting her defenseless-self in danger. She'll smell something or see a pretty color and go charging off straight at it without a care in
the world despite the numerous times she almost got herself killed doing just that. Meanwhile Reg seems fine letting her wander off on her whimsical flights of fancy while he stays motionless getting lost in his own thoughts. This formula manufactures all of the peril. While it does wind up going how you might think it would eventually, they get lucky far too many times. Nevermind that whole purpose for it is because stupid Riko has convinced herself she has to go save her badass mom ASAP immediately for some reason even though the note clearly says she can wait. Headaches and facepalms abound.
It's too bad because I was fascinated by the world they built and I wanted to learn more about it but they just give you a general idea of how things work before getting to the task at hand. They also needed more Kiwi. He's chill af.
Ignore the sheep giving it tens because they read the manga. Don't waste your time on this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 14, 2017
A great anime for people who don't really know much about or follow basketball. Still a good one for those who do
Positive: This anime is a lot more accessible than I initially thought it would be for being about a specific sport. The characters are interesting and unique and the pace of their development is great. They manage to inject a shounen kind of element into a team sport is pretty cool as well. I think most people would find it enjoyable.
Negative: If you know anything about basketball and physics, especially the rules of the game you are going to have a hard time suspending
your disbelief and you are going to need to do it constantly. I don't mean the obviously exaggerated stuff, like kurokos misdirection and lazer passes or that a bunch of 6 foot 1 kids that are 14-15 years old can dunk like nba stars or how they all seem to make almost every shot they take. No, I mean stuff like the impossibility of a high-arc full-court standing pull-up jumper that Midorima can make every time, the allowance of clear double dribbles and traveling (I'm looking at you, Aomine) or how absolutely no other basketball rules are enforced besides contact during the shot (would somebody PLEASE call defensive 3 seconds on Murasakibara!). As a huge basketball fan and daily player I found myself at times screaming at my TV lol.
Overall: If you won't be too off-put by the negatives the positives make this anime something you will enjoy and it's definitely one you should give a shot anyways, despite the negatives. I'd give it a 7.7 if they allowed a more specific score. The fact they find ways to give every game an interesting and unique aspect/challenge is undeniably impressive and the characters and their development is nicely done as well
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 1, 2015
Starts off promising, then becomes too weak to enjoy.
Although I'd say I enjoyed it overall the first 12-13 episodes are really the best part of the show and that section ends so nicely with great twists that I'm confused as to why it needed another 12 episodes. While the later episodes aren't a total snooze fest like say SAO, they do revolve around sudden love and really expose how lame the mains are in the same fashion. The writers manage to keep you engaged though, with twisty cliff hangers at the end of each episode for a while but they wind up writing themselves into
a corner when you figure out the final conflict could have been solved in minutes with a simple conversation between the mains. They explain this by having them all be suddenly too timid and afraid to talk to each other and it was a tough sale for me. I could have also done without all the love and relationship drama that mostly makes up the last half. A lot of it didn't make sense and it led to a whimper of an ending.
In short, if you can deal with a lot relationship drama and questionable character motives, you might find an enjoyable anime overall. However if that sounds like a turn-off, I could still recommend the first 12 or 13 episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 11, 2015
I felt compelled to write this review as a counterpoint to all the negative reviews this anime receives.
First off, it is a hard anime to understand at first as it gets very science-y explaining how all the magic works and you get lost in the technical terms a bit. Bare with it. The biggest thing I couldn't figure out at first was what the CAD they kept referring to was so if you haven't seen it: a CAD is a Casting Assistance Device. Basically the devices they use to cast the magic. They can be anything from a cellphone looking device to a gun
to watch to a baton or sword. I can say I enjoyed my second watching more than my first.
Now, I love this anime and it is easily in my top 5 of all time. It does a little bit of everything, from sci-fi to action to school days and even a bit of romance and it does all of these things quite well. I have re-watched it completely 7 or 8 times and every time I pick up on something I missed the first time. It's that deep. The main character Tatsuya hits all the right notes for me. He is not naive. He is not emotional. He is not a lovable kind-hearted child who still thinks the world is like disney movies and only can make morally correct choices. If you like that feel free to watch almost literally any other anime because that trope has been done to death and I find it either annoying or frustrating now. I like the progression that builds up to the final arc and slowly reveals just how underestimated Tatsuya is. While they spend a good deal of time on introducing characters and developing relationships in the beginning, they never overdo the romances or the humor like most anime do. nothing comes off forced, it's all very natural. When it gets into the action in the later episodes it's very gritty and real. This anime is not afraid to show graphic violence and death and nobody cries about it after. I could keep rambling about what I enjoy about this show but suffice to say there is a lot to like about it.
Some of its flaws would have to be its initial complication, but after so many viewings it wound up being something else I liked. The main issue with it for me though is that the other characters are never really developed. At the end of my first viewing I kind of couldn't remember who was who especially because a lot of them look the same. As there is quite a lot of them, it's only the first season and everybody wears the same uniform it's forgivable. The lack of development also makes it hard to care about them much but I have to say it's refreshing how it doesn't force your hand so to speak, as most anime do. They never drag you through a filler episode for some 'B' character's background story. Also it ends just as it's getting awesome. And it's weird that you never see any faculty at the school. That's really all I have.
The main arguments against it seem to be that it is slow or has a weak plot and that the main character is extremely overpowered. I can't agree with any of these statements and if people saying them had really paid attention to the show they would see it actually addresses these concerns. The ending arc, which is where all the action is, actually begins building up in the first arc. It's done in a way that's very easy to miss if you aren't actively thinking about it. Something you might dismiss as meaningless conversation or vague inner thoughts will usually make a lot more sense later on, or even the second time around. Suffice to say, the show alludes to more than it actually projects or reveals. As for the main character, he is very powerful yes, but they also state that there are about 50+ others on his level and each country or alliance has at least a few people equally or more powerful. The only people you have to compare him with the whole time are basically other first year high school students who had led somewhat normal lives where it is explained numerous times both mains had a very different upbringing. This isn't a dragon ball z thing where it's just gotten ridiculous (and everybody loves dbz). Almost everything tatsuya can do his peers are capable of as well just not at their age and experience level, with a few exceptions both ways.
I'll conclude by conceding maybe this show is not for everybody, as is the case with almost everything but its flaws are greatly exaggerated. It requires you to actively think about whats happening and make connections yourself. It is not like every other anime where characters are so easily definable. It doesn't paint an easy black and white picture of it's world and society therein. There is no accelerated love story or childish panty humor. In a way it's just as enjoyable for what it's not. I give MKNR a 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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