Winter's Profile
HOW DO I SCORE? I used to score very generously; if an anime held my attention during most of its runtime and left me with a mainly positive impression after its last episode, it'd get a 10. However, I realized that that put some anime that deeply affected me on the same level as anime I loved when I watched but forgot quickly. These days, I'm more demanding, and I try to keep the 10s for anime that truly were incredibly well-made, well-written and/or that marked me in a major way. I also sometimes go over the scores I gave and lower them if I feel like I have to.
WHY ARE THESE ANIME MY FAVORITE? These are the ones I feel like I'll continue loving forever. This time factor is important; they are anime I continue thinking about months and years after I first saw them. But to elaborate more precisely:
MONOGATARI SERIES: This anime, starting with Bakemonogatari, was my real introduction - and the first reason I fell in love with - anime. The characterization and stories stick with me to this day, and I feel like the Monogatari Series has unique characters with traits I haven't encountered anywhere else. Finally, the touch of supernatural and Japanese folklore is the cherry on top.
HAIKYUU: The ultimate feel-good anime! Characters are a big part of why I like any story, and the characters of Haikyuu are so well-written, interesting and endearing. The story is filled with passion, intense sequences, heartwarming moments and cute humour. It's the anime I've come back to and rewatched the most and it occupies a big, big place in my heart.
SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN: At the heart of this story is excitement. No other stories have excited me or kept me on the edge of my seat quite this well. Then this is made perfect with fascinating characters, heartbreaking moments, interesting dilemmas and an intriguing world.
While the next anime are currently in my favorite, I am not yet 100% sure they will forever remain so.
YURI ON ICE: This one is particular because it only became one of my favorites when I rewatched it a few years after I first watched it. Upon doing so, I realized how much the characters and story had stuck with me, and I related to the main character. Figure skating is also an activity that's close to my heart, contributing to this anime's place in my rankings.
MOB PSYCHO 100: Few other medias have made me laugh as much as MP100 (particularly II). It's the main factor that has elevated this anime to such a high place in my heart. But I also really love the struggles and temperament of the protagonist as well as the message the anime it carries.
xxxHOLIC: As it is the most recent addition to my list of favorites, I have yet to know if my liking of it will perdure through time and rewatches. For now, however, I deeply, deeply loved the mix of humor, supernatural and characterization, I love the aesthetics of this anime, and I greatly love some of its messages.
HOW DO I CHOOSE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS? My love of stories is in great part driven by the characters that populate them. It's hard to know why a character has stuck with me so hard and so long that it became my favorite above all the others. I can just say that they have, and that I enjoy their arc and seeing them on screen.
Sawano Hiroyuki is the master of soundtracks, his style is magnificent. He is my favorite composer and he has continually blown me away. I discovered him through SNK, but I've also adored his work in other anime, like Kill La Kill.
Kousaki Satoru & Haneoka Kei have composed the absolutely beautiful tracks of the Monogatari Series. Their songs' ability to create a unique atmosphere has impressed me greatly.
Katou Tatsuya was added for his soundtrack of Trigun Stampede. I can't stop listening to it, it's haunting me.
Park Romi & Itou Setsuo's voice actings for, respectively, SNK's Hanji Zoe and MP100's Shigeo are masterful.
Please refer to me with the name Winter and the pronouns she/her. I am 23, and the languages I speak are French (first), English (fluent), and Japanese (intermediate).
[last profile update: winter 2023]
All Comments (16) Comments
If AoT: The Final Chapters is going to stay on top, it will be a new era. Apparently, episode 2 is being released in Fall 2023. Maybe I should just watch episode 1 in that case. I'm not on twitter so I doubt I'll get spoiled if I wait, but I am curious.
It is a well known fact that for some reason there is a faction of users that is hell bent on making FMA:B #1. They will down vote everything. It wasn't always like this. I remember when the Legend of the Galactic Heroes was the #1 on MAL. Even when those people start to vote, it wouldn't make a huge change because the percentage of people will be small. However, you already see 2.6% of people scoring 1, which is the same as the number of people scoring 7. You need a lot of 1 scores to impact the high number of 10 scores.
Thanks for browsing the pages haha I like being the first person to make a recommendation between two anime titles. I'll make recommendations even if I don't think one or both of the series are good to watch. I figure that if someone is looking at a recommendation for a specific title then they've enjoyed it so they'll want more similar titles. If my recommendation appeals to them then they can explore it. Runway de Waratte was overlooked when it came out. It deserves more attention. Only one person in my MAL friend list has seen it. I don't remember how I came across it since I didn't watch it when it was currently airing either.
If someone scores one below or one above my own score then I think our scoring is pretty similar. If someone is consistently higher then they just tend to score higher than me. If a title has two points different then I know we had a different experience.
When I first finished Nodame Cantabile, Planetes, and Honey & Clover, I thought they were undoubtably great series. I can't say why I didn't give them 10s other than being stingy. I think that I realized that they were favourite series when I thought about my favourites. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is my favourite gundam. It gave it a 10 and it was part of my favourite anime list. I removed it from my favourite, but kept the 10. I have personal attachments to it, but I won't champion the series to others. If I champion the series then it is part of favourite anime list. That's when I realized that Nodame Cantabile, Planetes, and Honey & Clover were favourites despite not scoring them 10s. I could give them 10s right now but I just don't think it's that important. I have only managed to push LoGH to two friends who gave score the series 10. Too many people are intimidated by the episode count. It's a bit too much to simply start it because a friend recommend it and you have no desire to watch it otherwise.
I'm sure you do notice animation style! You can identify a Ghibli movie. Kyoto Animation, Trigger Studio, ufotable, Studio Orange (for their 3D GCI series) also have distinct animation styles. I'm not a sakuga expert, but everyone has a baseline for animation that stands out.
There are series that I would totally re-score, but I wouldn't go so far that I don't remember them. I just don't think that I would make the same decision twice. Like I don't think that Elfen Lied or Basilisk would get 9/10 but maybe they would still get an 9/10. I have favourites that aren't 10/10, but that I have rewatched and would rewatch again with someone immediately. lol
I think that discovering the catalogue of a studio or director is an excellent approach when you can binge watch. I've certainly done it for a few studios even if I choose not to watch everything.
I used to rarely score an anime below 7. Maybe I should say that anything below 7 was bad because I didn't enjoy it. However, I hit a certain point where I could say that I enjoyed a 6/10 but that something preventing me from giving a 7 or higher. My scoring definitely changed and I think that is perfectly normal. I won't go back to score something from years ago just because I think that it wouldn't deserve the same score now. It deserved that score at the time. I'll only change the score if I rewatch something. Like I didn't really care for Akira when I first saw it, but I gave it a higher score when I rewatched it. I'm also needlessly stingy with 10s because I'm an idiot like that.
I always commit to watching what I pick out. I will rarely pick out an anime that is simply not to my taste. It might not be a good anime, but it will be to my tastes. For example, it took me a long time to finish Re:CREATORS, which I picked up after it finished airing because the premise was misleading so I it did not fit my tastes. It also took me forever to watch Kokoro Connect. I don't like overly melodramatic series where the conflict is purely about misunderstandings and catharsis. Romance melodrama is fine.
What I like about watching currently airing shows is that I can take gambles and the cost will be minimal. I can continue watching a 6/10 or 5/10 show when it's currently airing because my commitment is just one episode a week. Otherwise, I will only consider watching a series that has an average rating of 8/10 or it is a genre that I feel like watching but the average rating is 7/10. Of course, I also look at my MAL friends to see what they thought about a series. However, if I only watch the cream of the crop then I would watch a lot less anime now days. Right now I only have Shippuden that I've low key dropped and Saint Seiya, but I think I will continue Saint Seiya at some point. The filler on Shippuden is just too much. I should have researched more about the fillers. For some reason, I thought it was all good because people only talked about the fillers in Naruto.
I totally get not wanting to invest into a slow burner, but sometimes the payoff is worth it. When I was watching Attack on Titan: The Final Season, I was so discouraged because it felt so detached from everything that happened in Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2. I could have easily quit the series if I didn't decide that the payoff would be worth the investment.