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Oct 17, 2024
Literally kawaii waifu with csi elements: well deserved with its 8.8 ratin on mal, with hints of L from death note x]
Story: Story is amazins, in terms of what happens, speed, and satisfaction. Each episode is almost its own entry, in terms of pacing it flows very nicely as either comfort or binge. u can go back to any episode and enjoy something new about it after a previous watch due to how this anime executes its story, so goods. Not many shows can do that, let alone animes.
Characters are somewhat memorable if we don't include the very memorable main cast, but i
consider that a good thing. since i like short stories like these with 4 or so major characters rather than 40 we have to memorize. my brain isn't that huge x]
Execution: amazin show that really seemed like i was watching a very good western show but... kawaii anime waifu s. i say waifu but only loosely, since i relate more to the main char than anything. there's a certain execution in western shows that has faster pacing and story beats that is usually not really seen in anime, but this was a pleasant surprise when i saw it. Since i came into this anime blind: because i only decided to watch it after seeing it was rated so freakin high...which it well deserves. it makes complete sense 2, every episode was executed with a good balance of progress, it wasn't cursed with the anime filler snail's pace that sometimes we get... even in 24 episodes. So that's saying something to how well directed this is, i believe.
Watch this show as it's the closest thing to CSI: Anime Waifu edition we've got, at least in my experience
I hope any 1 that likes western shows such as CSI, Westworld, Breaking bad, give this a shot. It's familiar in that way in the sense of execution and speed. Also add in some shoujo romance which I just forgot about, and some smaller anime stereotypes, and it's no surprise why this show is so highly rated.
Cue all people begging for more animes like this, as i'm sure with this, many will realize there's a quality of this type of genre that hasn't been popularized yet in animes. But it'll be hard to follow up, since this 1 was done so beautiful s
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 31, 2024
This anime is ahead of its time, should easily be scored 8+ on my anime list. I believes scores based on overall atmosphere will be the scores meta in the near future, but until then, enjoy this underrated show (currently a mistakenly low 6.8). It's a feel good show, main char is awesomes, and the hilarity of his denseness is pure. Story is simple, hilarious yet sincere learning moments. Art style is great, with an style befitting of its waifus.
Any fans of One Piece will like this show. It has a pure adventureness to it that many of us fans will find familiar, with
a humor just as insanes as some of One piece's best moments xD
Akin to eating an orange creamsicle when you have a desire for something sweet yet creamsicle s
I parry a cow is an episode title, you know that already solidifies it as 8.4 💙
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 28, 2023
Amazing subtle satire anime. Subtle enuff that it's equivalent to someone's smirk.✈️
He is a chuunyubi or basically someone that likes to be seen as dark, edgy, badass. Since he spends so much time fantasizing about being so, he is actually able to pull off these badass scenarios since he's played them through his head hundreds of time's, lol's. So it create's this amazing vibe of, 'Wow, this is so cool.' with, 'Oh lol's, he is trying his hardest to make this look cool's.'
A scenario I'll make up is someone that fights off 1vs3 bullies, let's say this person saves your butt. After you say
thanks, this person turns around, so you only see half his face, and says, '...Be careful.' as he walks away, he says, "It was fun." You're going to think, wow this person is so cool. But then in the next scene we see the cool dude practicing in the mirror to get just the right angle to turn around, so that someone can only see half his face. All the while, he's writing, "Ok, this angle is too far, my nose doesn't look cool. If I tilt this much, my hair gets in my eyes. If I bend my neck too far it looks weird." Then we see him practicing his lines, "Be careful. Be..careful. Hmph...Be careful. Be careful, always.'
It's so hilarious seeing the contrast between the 2 scenes. And after showing enuff of the scenes of this dude practicing, you realize literally everything cool he does is conscious. I think that's why some people keep saying, 'This is cringe." They totally miss the entire point of the character lol. I'll call out the other reviewers that gave this anime a low rating because 'It's cringe.'
****You're cringe.****
I seen their fave animes and other reviews, they're about 4 levels behind on meta animes. Anyways, that's the meta section of this review. Time for score's:
Anime 8.8 Easily give this 8.8 relative to all other isekais, I give it 8 on mal only because shows like Mushishi/Death Note are all 10s, so this being an 8 is quite amazins. I also have a bias to badass scenes+waifus. If I were to rate in weights, it is about 80lbs, where as Deathnote is 4XX+lbs.
Badass 8.8+ Lots of badass scenes, with the added layer of subtle meta humor's
Waifus 8.8+ Surprising amount of waifus, like holy shizz. I expected mb 4, but there are like 8+
VA 8.8+ Voice acting literally carries some scenes, the va delivers in all aspects of badass lines + serious humor's
Music 8.8+ Surprisingly good music, there were some songs that reminded me of Final Fantasy tier music. It was that good.
Story is fine, no rating here since it isn't accurate to rate a story unless it breaks boundaries. This one is fine, but objectively speaking it's actually an amazing story, it's just been told so many times that people are used to this stories.
Animation 8.8+ surprising amount of good animation scenes, especially for isekai which generally is lower budget. This is 8.8+ relatives to other isekais.
Big rec's, I put this above Overlord. It's basically Overlord but emphasis on badass+waifus.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 22, 2020
This is the single sentence to describe this manga :
teenager writes a nihilistic view on the world + bird boi
i gotta give props for them to make the main character look like a bird lol ; it's really good execution
however, if you're into philosophy beyond ' nihilistic ' majority of this will be seen as pretty much poopie. nihilistic philosophy is sort of like your first step into questioning the world ; the problem arises though once you grow out of that phase + find meaning in it yourself / other branches of philosophy much more complicated
compared to it.
nihilism = " life is meaningless '"
this entire storie's premise is basically about nihilistic theory ; it's not exactly hidden either - though i'm not surprised it's so popular cos of course there are a lot of teens or those still stuck in the childish mind. it's quickly to sey ' life is meaningless ' once you're growing up cos your mind or soul has not developed. it's sort of like a child asking ' how come i have to eat my vegetables ? ' ( even though i love brocolli )
so the reason how come nihilism is such a low logic is cos if you expand it out towards entropy ( the end of our universe ) you could say there is no meaning to anything at all ( which is comforting to those lost ; cos now you got an excoos to not think about yo future lol )
i personally don't think this nihilistic view of the world ( nor do others who do love philosophy ) is good writing material ; do to the fact that the ' end ' is so simple that quite literally you could give the premise to a 3rd grader and he'd write basically the same thing as 20 year old. ' oh nothing matters ? then in the end people just all die :D '
i don't want to sound like i'm bashing all you youngsties on this site ( as i'm definitely part of the nihilistic group once i was younger too; around 15 or so though i grow out of it coming to 20 if i do remember correctly )
only it's quite telling that a philosophical basis that can be ended in the same story over and over again ; it goes to show how simple the premise itself is
so the basis of this story is already pretty noobie lol ( not hating of course ; )
it wouldn't be given such a low rating by me if that were it though , the reason why i gave it such a low score is due to mainly the story + characters
STORY: 3/10
This story without spoiling anythiing is like looking at a Korean drama ; not sure how many of you weebs are aware - though, in korean dramas something normally random pops up just to add more ' spice ' to otherwise BORING story. for instance, love triangle? NOT COOL ENOUGH ! THIS GIRLS TWIN SISTER IS EXISTS / THIS GIRL GOT ??? CANCER / THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY A PRINCE FROM THE 1300TH CENTURY / OMG THE COOL BOY LOVE INTEREST IS ACTUALLY LUCIFER ( GIRL LOVES HIM )
This happens quite often in this story, i've on one hand now counted 10 story routes that attributed almost nothing from their actual ' shock ' value. it's like if i told you guys the story of the tortoise and the rabbit, the tortoise wins cos he goes at a slow and consistent rate, the rabbit is over confidence = lost ; how bout i ' spice it ' ? ' the tortoise now has to visit his dying dog in the hospital in the middle of the race, so he goes there slowly, oh yeah the dog dies too - the rabbit bangs 100 rabbits whilst racing + you find out the rabbit is gey + this rabbit is evil cos doesn't like dogs. o + this tortoise is suicidal too '
this race ends up the exact same way with the exact same moral / theme ; so how come all that excess s*i* ? ' cos it's spicy '
This story is just not good, HOWEVER - if you DO like it ; it just means that you enjoy the korean drama spice too ( where it seemingly throws random plot shit into your face that is so ridiculous LOL ) hey if that's your thingie ; go for it LOL
i'm not trying to bash on anyone disliking this ; it's just like cheap drama - or fast food ; if you want to consume it : Consume ( i no there is audience for this )
Characters 3/10
( IMO ) 2 characters are the only 2 good character interactions i've found in this *ENTIRE* story ( seki + shizimu ; their relationship seems one that actually is realistic + you can tell there is deeper meaning in their friendship )
1 character is the only one whom i've found to have deep writing put into her ( aiko ; her story is quite tragic though i believe she is quite possibly this story's BEST written character - she grows, she's fragile, she's tough, she's innocent ; )
( the MC is just so horrendously written on the 1/3rd end of the story it's LOL worthy ; like seriously i think this is just a case of Flanderization ( where you over exaggerate a characters attributes til it just becomes ridiculously stoopid LOL ) )
i'd write more ; i don't want to cos this journey is WAIST OF TIME !!! ( BIG FAST WAIST ( 1000 pounds )
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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