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Dec 28, 2023
So let's dive in cause definitely it's one of those animes that is so painfully generic at the point it became unwatchable, it's basically the good old story where a guy meets a girl from another world. Basically, the story somehow feels like a parody, as i thinking One Punch Man did this better many times before. While i'm personally think the idea of psychic powers generated by a pair of hands is kinda creative at best, the real fault is the writring that decided to throw all the elements in the story all over the place and what's worse is that the first episode
barely introduce to us the concept, instead it shows the main character in a classroom waking up from a nightmare, why he talks to a girl with jiggly breasts listening to music and that's probably what we know from the series, as the rest of the episodes having the formula of a Pokemon episode we seizure inducing visuals and moving cameras (i saying this because, when the main character is introduced. I feel like there should be a Cartoon Network logo in the corner)
Speaking of the characters, what do i have to say about the characters is that just like the concept, they are GENERIC AS WELL! even the female protagonist who apparently supposed to be a Brazilian representation is a generic shy girl in fact, as a Brazil native myself, i can garantee this character doesn't look like a actual Brazilian, but rather a emotionless Russian stereotype.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 31, 2023
This one is the fine exemple of a poor excuse for a anime and it does not even trying to be a thing, it's just a copy-pasted version of Dog & Scissors with juvenile jokes, while we watch uncomfortable close-ups of a girl doing "something with his Akita-turned classmate. Describing My Life as Inukai-san's Dog is like stepping on a Lego block when you are walking through your bedroom and you know exactly what you just stepped into before receiving amputation. The only good part of the series is.. i admire the animation, even through the characters look like Assassination Classroom rejects, but this is
just a minor quality. Combine that with characters that are flatter than a slice of bacon, story that doesn't fit into 2023 standards and voice acting that has all the emotional investment of Jar Jar Binks's Japanese brother.
In conclusion, My Life as Inukai-san's Dog is just BAD and i think the series could be better if it was released eight or ten years prior where these concept of a guy being turned into a dog was normal.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 1, 2023
Well, this is a anime about female knights in a bikini and that's about the most exiting part of the series. But it's my belief that the writers never actually know what a parody means, as it feels like they slapped a bunch of Garfield comic strips, and then asks to the audience if they laughing about.
Most of the time, the voice acting is pretty questionable, with some actors begrudgingly forcing their voices for an easy paychek, particularly the villain Deathgeld. I've nothing against the actors, but he performed in this series like a 13-year old high-chain smoker. By 4 minutes of each episode,
you will see lack of soundtrack and boob jokes shoved in your face, if not, you're in for a real rough series that have a super cheesy art style that look convincing as a wisdom tooth.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 1, 2023
Just looking for 4 seconds of this deformed Evangelion wannabe, you can say this is the most insulting sense in anime industry. While Skelter+Heaven feels essentially like "i can believe it's not Evangelion that was banned as a eye cancer symptom by the National Academy of Medicine!" but this new middle finger to the Japanese animation industry has something special, it's made by Idea Factory and it kinda give the thought that one of the creators is a 6-year old with the idea levels of a garbage can.
Skelter+Heaven somehow ended up being the most lazy of the Evangelion rip-offs, with the entire episode having the
editing cuts of a CameCube cutscene. As a bunch of high shallow characters with stupid personalities quarrels a giant cuttlefish that wants to take over the world, they tries to defeat the cuttlefish, they wins and... really there's is nothing else to the story, their facial expressions or animation frames never change, because we never actually see the character moving their mouths, watching paint dry could be a refreshing experience rather than watching Skelter+Heaven!
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 6, 2023
Normally i give use of shock value in anime a very hard time for being immature, but to start in, School Days is absolutely horrendous more than you imagine, extremely unlikable people with no redeeming qualities whatsoever with the protagonist Makoto being a unapologetically despicable pervect that treats women in a vile way which mean it should gives an manipulative bad name to all high school drama animes. But personally considering that this was just a fan service made by a group of stoners so we just shown some respect to the creator attempts in making School Days kinda of innovative since we'got Kakyoin voice
actor here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 14, 2022
So, this is a anime made by the same studio as School Days and what words can i describe Redo of Healer?
Well, i can say that this thing is even worse than School Days and it's an very special kind of brain damage that literally becames painful very quickly, so what kind of story did the series has to offer?
The story is basically that in a vast Isekai-like kingdom our main character Keyaru leaves away his village just for the sake of being a hero. But due to his 6-year old maturity, he ignores facing challanges just for torture some girls using some dark magic
and that's it, the fascinating part about Keyaru is that he is not only an extremely unlikable protagonist. But he also low down the bar in making a black hole that sucks all the characterzation, and this results in making her an uncharismatic anti-hero that didn't know what he is doing.
Redo of Healer is one of those rare cases where it came out of nowhere with little no advertising us what anime is coming, the entire series is just a mess on the point of feeling hard at being your "typical" juvenile anime with shock humor. Personally i have no problem with the use of torture in anime, but it has to be done for some obvious reason to deliver an artistic meaning, i mean where can that thing fit into any art form or substance?
Seriously, i never seen a professionally-made anime acting so strangely indecisive like this, in fact. Redo of Healer was way too controversial, that the last episode's airing get axed when it was aired as well international dubs, particularly an English one was cancelled due to it's imagery. Because apparently, no one outside Japan wants to watch demi-human orgies, 20 minutes of sexual abuse and revengeful torture, because this thing deserves so much to be banned and forgotten.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Feb 16, 2022
Oh this is just delightfully abysmal, another generic surving anime for the surprise of everyone! but i don't know what could possibly be more more legally blind that adding a lot of shock value involving insect sex.
I mean obviously the animation is lazy as a bootleg mobile game and the characters are so stereotypical that they grow, age and progress through the story like a rotten apple, so what's the story about? Well it's basically a teacher and some high school students that survived a plane crash and they are ended up in a extremely generic island inhabited by giant insects and..... that's it!
anime didn't have to tell us a more complex story, it didn't have to be funny or entertainming in any way, it didn't have to deliver some educational scenes explaining the insects or even being mature!, all it had to do is just being shoving in your face overuse of characters being killed by the giant insects in a disgusting way just in the sake of making "fanservice" and after 22 minutes of more insect sex and deaths. Unsurprisingly the Island of Giant Insects was cancelled one single episode.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 28, 2021
Okay, to start in, the Alicization arc is much better, But the first seasons? well it fascinates me how an cult following series like SAO have a rough past that literally throws the word "Juvenile" every six seconds just to be sure it can be more rotten than a bottle of soy sauce left in the fridge 14 months after a late-night Sushi dinner.
As in matter fact, i agree with other SAO fans in calling this first seasons poorly-written, and it just seems to assume that it can slap a bunch of tasteless and cruel shock value scenes in your face and just see what's
mature. Unfortunately, nothing was mature at all.
But it doesn't help that Kirito in this first seasons was very unlikable, he was a arrogant bullseye that treats his girlfriends like garbage, be overpowered than the actual villains and of course, we only have to deal with until the Phantom Bullet arc introduces us Sinon. To the point that her personality made me need an year of trauma therapy and i know nothing about the rest of the characters with the exception of Kirito and Asuna because you know, root the audience and cheat the villains!
And speaking of the villains, they was the main problem of this seasons, first we got the fairy king who raped Asuna just because "her hair smell like cookies" or even the main antagonist for the series who forget his actual motivation for why he trapped everyone in the Sword Art Online game. But what i do love about the series, is that we can really feel the charm behind the series with the creator apologizes for the bad writing and the sexual harassment, and really lush, creative and detailed backgrounds of the levels that really fit on the animation style, but most important at all we finally got an emotional ending in the Mother Rosario arc and an improvement over the Alicization arc by making the story more well written and Kirito turning intro a relatable protagonist.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 28, 2021
There's no absolutely greater spit in Japanese animation industry than Mars Of Destruction, but personally you want to know how can this glitched kinky Evangelion rip-off was made?
Well, welcome to the tutorial of how to make the Worst Anime ever, here will show you six steps to demonstrate everything you should do to make the worst thing that ever happened in Japanese history since the Hiroshima bomb and Samurai sepukus.
Step 1 - Begin by making the story cliched as possible, with basically being your typical human vs aliens sci-fi anime". Audience should have no idea why there's alien robots invading earth and who the
heck are these girl soldiers, but you're lucky that one of your characters literally dies 1 minute after they gets introduced.
Step 2 - Make sure that the animation is cheesy, i mean really cheesy since a double cheese crust pizza with extra cheese slice. You know exactly that is unnecessary to paid some animators, instead splat together some random scenes in a video editor, adding some stock images of seizure-inducing flashes, and using too much blurry color gradient with nobody actually meant to be looking at.
Step 3 - If you're not drawing the characters, there's clearly something wrong with the production! Just make all of them with the same body sections, highly disturbing facial expressions and give them unnatural movements to the point that during the fights. Your audience give the impression that one of your characters literally broke her neck.
Step 4 - All the voices should be high-pitched and have a lot of echoes, just to make sure that the audience is hearing the screams of the walking imps of hell.
Step 5 - Have at least the soundtrack sounds like a broken achordeon being
squished by a van, but they could have possibly made the music sound ear grating? how about combining the characters' voices and cartoonish sound effects in a blender and making the final result sounds like someone's being sick into an Taco Bell toilet while repeating some of the music's instrumental in a loop.
Step- 6 Congratulations! You now smelly trash in anime form, now just add an advertising reference of a PlayStation gane during the scenes or twisted undertones through the plot This will assure the 2 remaining audience members who haven't run out of the theater feel manipulated.
And that's it, that's what i called a pure abomination getting unleashed upon the world! I mean, many anime reviewers was right, why didn1t nobody listened to me? the creators literally tried to make something so poor and sugary vile that is likely to cause liver failure with lines that wouldn't pass human patience in a low-budget North Korean mockbuster, Mars of Destruction is easily the worst anime our universe has even seen, because personally i rather swim in a ocean of bear feces than watching this farcical rotten fetus corpse again!
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 13, 2021
What is the actual excuse for Pupa anyway?, did you laugh at necrophilic incest? how about watching an group of twins being obessed with eating each other after being infected by the Pupa virus. But there's so much gut-wrenching gross-out imagery in this one, to the point where i found myself asking if this was made by someone with a very specific fetish and it also gives us some bizarre and cruel things that's happening in the writers's heads.
This also works as a horrible premise for a anime, making the writing tasteless like a vanilla ice cream without a hint of chocolate in them,
but i'm gonna say that's among the worst thing shock value could be called? just because is ringing some alarm bells that everything here is uncomfortable to look at.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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