Aug 1, 2018
Nktheepic's Not-so-epic Reviews
Review 1: Orange
This review will most likely not contain spoilers, but I cannot guarantee that. Proceed with caution.
People have always debated over whether human lives are controlled by fate or by free will. There are some that believe that everything is set in stone, while some also believe that humans control every aspect of their present lives as well as their futures. That being said, Orange is an anime that essentially sums up the doctrine of free will, as the characters of the show have to prevent the death of one of their close friends.
The story follows a girl named
Naho Takamiya who uses letters delivered to her by her 26-year-old self in order to save her close friend from death. While time travel has often been used in several different series, the creators took a unique approach to the use of time travel - which emphasized the present over the past or the future. Thus, the story was quite unique.
However, the story could have been improved. While the point of the story was to pull at one's heartstrings, I was unable to feel any sort of sadness or hopelessness while watching. This was mainly because the audience members could easily predict the ending from the beginning of the show. This is easily a shoujo type of story, where the main character ends up with her fated other, and where there are no tears shed or any sad endings.
Now, even as it easily followed the general archetype of shoujo anime, it was still unique. Thus, I rated the story as a 7/10 - because it was an interesting story in spite of it being rife with cliches.
The characters were almost exactly as I expected them to be, and thus I did not enjoy them at all. The main female protagonist, Naho Takamiya, was the housemaker type who did not have any redeeming qualities besides the ability to blush easily when in love (does that even count as a redeeming quality or is it just a flaw). She did not have any complexities and was basically a cookie-cutter shoujo heroine.
Next, the main male protagonist, Kakeru Naruse, did not have many qualities at all, except for low confidence and what looks to be depression. Even then, he consistently takes it out on others, like towards Naho, and it largely seems as if he is just hung up on one incident, his mother's death, believing that it is his fault. This seems less like depression and more like a normal reaction towards emotional stress, so he is being quite weak and melodramatic, just to keep the darn story going.
Finally, the side characters, who are Naho and Kakeru's friends, pretty much exist for the two to ultimately get together. These characters are not interesting in any way, shape, or form. Their whole purpose is to make Naho and Kakeru a thing, so even if they are removed, the story would ultimately have the same result. The only redeeming character of the side characters is Suwa, who is shown to be caring and puts Naho's happiness over his own. Suwa has proved himself to be a nice guy, but, just as in real life, the nice guy ultimately gets friend zoned.
Oof, now I feel bad for nice guys.
Due to the issues that I found with the characters, I rated them a 3/10.
The art is quite average. I found the background art to be interesting and quite beautiful, but at the end, the characters were designed in a basic way. I rated the art a 5/10.
I do not normally consider sound as a big factor in anime, mainly because I skip the openings and endings whenever I binge watch a show. However, I decided to re-look at the opening and closing and found them to be quite delightful, albeit skip-worthy. So, I rated the sound as a 7/10.
Even though there were several flaws in Orange, I still enjoyed it to a reasonable extent. Orange is the kind of show one should watch if they need a break from dark psychological thrillers or action masterpieces. It is certainly worth watching, even as there were several things that could have been improved. I hope you watch this and enjoy it.
I hope you liked this review. Please give me some feedback on it by commenting on my profile. Thank you very much for letting me display my opinions over this show. Have a nice day!
Conclusion of Review 1: Orange
Nktheepic's Not-so-epic Reviews
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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