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Jan 1, 2024
Total crap and the worst part of this Crystal remake series, which was very mediocre and sometimes outright bad anyway. While the previous parts were directed maybe at 12-13 years old, Cosmos audience have to be some 7 in order to enjoy it. It's emotionally flat, with incoherent plot, too much talking, and lukewarm play of voice actors. The characters' personalities are inconsistent, and they behave in ways that oppose their basic characters. Stupid gags and improper humour ruin the presumably serious mood of this part, with the characters suddenly getting all happy and cheerful right after being sad and broken.
There's nothing good to be
said about this movie, except maybe for Yasuharu Takanashi's soundtrack. Still, despite all my love for this composer, I appreciate the ost of the old anime much more. Definitely not recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 22, 2022
I really enjoyed this epic movie, probably the most of all new DB Movies. One reason is that the movie has literally no Gokuu, whom I could never stand. (On the bad side, it has literally no Vegeta either, but well, those two come as a set so no help). The animation is superb, and the plot is dynamic. We get new characters, and they are very nicely portrayed and played (Miyano, Kamiya and Irino really do their best!). Piccolo steals almost every scene, which is great! As for some complaints, I wish Bulma, a genius after all, had a more important role in the
movie than showing her butt and taking about beauty. Also, I find Gohan too silly for my taste; he was much serious when a kid and even in DBZ as an adult. However, I strongly recommend this movie, as it's very enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 23, 2022
The TV series didn't captivate me at any point, I found it pretty mediocre and until the very end was certain I wouldn't watch the continuation. But then that very end came with an announcement of Mugen TRAIN movie. As I totally love railways and films happening aboard a train, I felt it was a must to watch Mugen-ressha, after all, if only for that train. And I was extremely surprised by how much I enjoyed this production, and not only because of the setting. The story was interesting, the pacing was superb, and the events really moved me. To praise animation is a silly
thing when it's year 2021 and great animation is a given, but the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful. All in all, the movie is executed in a masterful way, and I was lucky to be able to watch it in a movie theatre.
I don't remember the last time that I felt, "Ah, I must see this again", right after ending. And no matter how may times I see it, I'm even more excited and even more touched. In the end, the movie made me stick to the series, as I got the impression of it getting better as it goes on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 1, 2022
What probably bothered me the most about this anime (and manga) is that adult people look like 13 years old boys, although it's pretty unimportant and even trivial thing.
Like many people mentioned already, this anime lacks coherency and logic in many points, which may lower the overall enjoyment pretty much. However, like many people mentioned too, there's also quite a unique and novel approach towards the relationship in general. At first, I was pretty annoyed with the character, who seems unable to make decisions about such an important thing in his life, but afterwards I started to appreciate this kind of portrayal. After all, people
in relationship are often confused, experience trouble making decisions or even understanding what it is they need; the partners have different levels of commitment or simply need more time than another. When seen from this point of view, this anime is extremely good, because real relationships are rarely fluff and sex, even though it is mostly how BL/yaoi depict it. However, it's slowly changing in a positive direction, and this anime can be a proof of this change, as well as the sex scenes and sex talks between the characters, that provide us with a novel outlook on roles in gay relationship. This anime is an important step towards normalisation of same-sex relationships, and its epitome is what the character says in the end: 'It's a normal thing'.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 13, 2020
Contains SPOILERS!
Banana Fish is the most overrated anime ever, at least in MAL. I personally can't comprehend how it can be given 10 points and considered a masterpiece. I give it 7, but it's only because I tend to round my rates up; it deserves some 6.5, at the very most.
BF anime is a terrible adaptation that ruined that little decency the manga original had. I mean, the manga is sure overly dramatic, too, but there still some interesting plot and nice threads in it as well (and some terribly improbable and naive ones, too), so the things are more or less in balance and
a reader can enjoy it anyway. As for anime, I didn't enjoy it at all, save for some scenes, and most of the time I kept asking myself, "Seriously?", when yet another 'plot twist' occurred on the screen. Unfortunately, the anime is ONLY dramatic, aimed at shocking and moving to tears, while the plot gets horribly cut down and the action just runs forward without stopping. Well, it's only natural when you think that 18.5 volumes was squeezed into just 24 episodes. It's like watching a music video.
Putting aside how bad anime is contrary to manga, the major faults I find with this title are:
1. Ash-centrism. This is an Ash-centric story with the main character being stunningly beautiful genius, a victim with deeply tragic past and an object of everyone's desire (both carnal and spiritual). The author focused on her main hero to such an extent that everyone else hardly gets any serious background or love. I certainly don't detest Ash, he IS a fine character and someone to sympathise with, but having the story evolve around him and happening through entirely is just not convincing. As a creation Ash is bearable only because of the fact that, for all admiration he gets, he clearly thinks badly of himself. Even though rest of the characters form a fanclub of him, Ash himself doesn't belong to it, and I appreciate it a lot.
2. Eiji. I do understand the main purpose of this character was to simply 'be there for Ash and love', as well as being someone plain and normal (contrary to great Ash), but I still find it something unacceptable for a second main character in 24-episode long anime (or 19 volumes of manga). There's absolutely no development in his case, and as the story evolves, he gets plainly boring.
3. The ending. I would have borne with the overdramatisation of the anime, I really would have, if not for the ending. The ending made me get furious and disappointed with the author. Not because Ash dies, but because he dies in such a pointless way and with absolutely no plot justification. When watching, I expected him to either die for Eiji or survive together with him; I certainly wouldn't have thought of such a stupid development for him. Here we had 24 episodes showing how great he was, fighting and defeating two mafias, police department, an army, getting shot, tortured, and experimented on, kidnapped several times and locked in the facility, suffering from anorexia,killing his friends and enemies alike... only to get himself killed just like that. No, it's absolutely insufferable and a an insult to the viewers. Also, this ending is terribly hopeless; is there really any point in introducing a victim with tragic pass and then getting him killed when he finally had a chance to get some happiness in life? I cannot agree with such a view. For me, there's no beauty in this ending, and claims that 'Ash died a happy man' are a rubbish. There's no happiness in dying, like Himura Kenshin said.
As for the good points and something to enjoy this show (other than seiyuu play that is really great, with Uchida, Nojima and Fukuyama doing a splendid job), there's actually just one (or two-three, but they are connected), and that is Lee Yue-lung. He is the most psychologically consistent and interesting character in Banana Fish, and watching him is really pleasant. Personally, I find it a miracle that he survived, but apparently the author didn't bother about him enough to even kill him. Yue-lung is the only thing that gives some kind of hope to this otherwise gloom and dreadful ending. He is exactly the same kind of victim Ash is, and yet he survives and has a chance for some kind of happiness. (Well, only until Yoshida's next manga, but anyway). I totally loved his development happening through his relations with other people, namely Sing and Blanca, who are those two other good points about BF. I absolutely admire Sing, who is psychologically most stable character in this story and exactly someone Yue-lung needs.
It really pains me that Banana Fish, that had the potential to be a really great anime, turned out such a waste. If it had been given twice as much episodes, it would have probably been much more enjoyable. Then again, it would also require some courage of the director to change/contribute to the characters and the ending in order to create a REAL masterpiece. Still, the manga is worth reading, so if you only watched the anime and weren't satisfied, I strongly recommend that you look into it as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 16, 2020
I can't really say if this anime is great or silly, but it's undoubtedly very cute and charming. As a fangirl of Date Masamune, I was absolutely delighted with seeing some other historical characters (like Mego and Shigezane) in the story and learning a little about the Date Clan previous heads. I certainly had a great fun when watching this short anime. Actually, I wouldn't mind it to be a bit longer; however, I'm not going to complain, as it's pretty hard to find anything dealing with the historical background of Masamune, so even such a small piece of art is desirable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 17, 2016
The series left me with pretty mixed feeling, and unfortunately the general impression was unpleasant. First, I had trouble finding the genre of Clannad After Story. Was it school life, slice of life, comedy, drama, romance, or fantasy - or all of them? When you don't really know, if makes hard to relate to it in a right way, as well as create the feeling the anime is very poorly balance.
Second, I couldn't really understand what it was that Clannad After Story wanted to tell. Among all, certainly tall, theories, only one I found convincing: that a person can't really plan their the life. That
absolutely everything can happen, and you can do nothing about it. Many good things, many bad things, many things you could never imagine. And even if you make the same choice twice, it doesn't necessarily mean the outcome will be the same - in reverse, another choice wouldn't mean you won't get the same shit.
Third and the most important, the suffering of the main character is unbearable. No amount of happy endings is going to compensate it, at least not to me as a watcher. It's extremely painful to watch Tomoya, a person who deserves all the best, loosing every thing he managed to gain.Tomoya, one of the undoubtedly most wonderful male characters ever made in anime, who had already suffered his share as a child, facing such terrible losses in is adult life is simply too much. Having never experienced anything similar, I can't even imagine his pain, but if I had, it would be like the end of world. In my line of work, I meet many people who suffer, so it was too much for me to watch such things in anime. Thus, the enjoyment of Clannad After Story was very poor.
I can't rate this anime as great just because it's different than others, shocking and leaving an impression. It certainly has good moments, and it shows many valuable things, but I still don't like its general image.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 23, 2015
Oh, my! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun watching anime. I found "K" very extremely enjoyable and can't really say a bad word about it. It's such a hilarious and amazing mix of any possible genre, scheme, and theme, that you just have to laugh at it. No-one can possibly take this anime seriously, and I doubt its producers did. It contains everything: a whole spectre of personalities, bishounens, cat-girls, Lolita-girls, beautiful, well equipped and deadly intelligent women, samurai with their swords, Japanese art and culture, advanced technology, school-life, gangs and organizations struggles, superpowers, even immortals - and in just
13 episodes! Against that all, I daresay, the plot itself is of a lesser importance.
Technically, it's a very good anime, with fine soundtrack and superb art/animation. I also found seiyuu did a great work - especially Mamoru Miyano, whom I normally don't admire, but generally I felt really positive about most of the cast. (To tell the truth, I decided to watch "K" only because of seiyuu ^^) I'm definitely going to watch the movie, as well as the second season!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 16, 2011
It's a classic. My love for CLAMP began with this movie. I saw it in 1997, in the manga con. I was overwhelmed. It's the best start of familiarizing oneself with X. Those who already read manga probably won't be delighted. It certainly lacks depths of characters and between characters - or, does it really? For me, the depth of Kamui-Fuuma relation was obvious from the very start, as well as of some other people, even if it was only slightly pointed at. Apart from this...
It's epic. Art. Psychology. Emotions. Despair, choices, fate, love, desire... Shattered glass, sakura petals, feathers, fire and water, holy swords
and chosen ones. Dreams, above all. Struggling for a future.
Design is fantastic, much better than intv series. Music is... Well, I've never heard so psychedelic sound in any movie. It stays in your mind forever. The plot is so minimalist and so rich at the same time. And the end crushes you and leaves you unable to think or feel anything.
For me, X The Movie is a masterpiece and the best you can get from anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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