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Jan 25, 2025
Macross Δ (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
I have an issue with this series. No matter what I liked about this series, no matter what praises I can sing of this series it comes back to one thing. Macross Frontier did it better. Animation quality and character design are equal, that's a problem because one is older than the other; the newer should look better. Also both series pretty much have the same end, which adds nothing. None of the songs are memorable, not getting Yoko Kanno for the soundtrack hurt as well. The downfall was dividing what was a 2 singer story into a 5 singer story. So only a few ...
Jan 17, 2025
Macross F (Anime) add
17 years after it was released and it looks good. The animation and CGI look good despite it's age. The only complaint is the vajra have little distinguishing characteristics. They can be described as indistinct CGI monsters. The emotional story told off the battlefield gives much more depth and meaning to this series. The characters seem real and have depth, but also seem one note. Which works because they never act out of character, per SE. One big complaint is it's very predictable. There's foreshadowing and then there's "oh, so that's where this is going." I specific villain has no clear motivations to be evil ...
Nov 12, 2024
Mixed Feelings
On the positive I binge watched it in three days, so it's not so bad as to be deemed unwatchable. But I have a lot of issues that stem from the characters themselves. Nina & Subaru are the only characters that seem to have any depth to them while the other three come across as repeating cliche. For example, Tomo is tsundere and there's no aspect of her character beyond that. Rupa is nothing more than a cheerleader encouraging the others to do their best, while ignoring her tragic backstory. If Subaru has any character outside of her Grandma story feel free to let me ...
Aug 1, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Everything is good: The score, animation, characters, story, world building and the design are all top notch. My low score is a reflection of the overwhelming problem, I've seen the original anime adaptation. Which makes Stampede a different road to locations I've already been. So, if you watched and enjoyed the original anime, I have no real reason to recommend this one. But if you hadn't seen it, this is a great show for sci fi fans. Another issue is the show has elements of sexism that the modern audience will find off putting. It's a remake of a good show different enough to justify ...
Jul 8, 2024
Well, I liked the characters designs, it was easy to identify and distinguish between the characters. Also I loved the adult content, there isn't enough sex and ultra violence anime anime these days. I also like the setting, cyberpunk was my second favorite genre of Japanimation if you catch my meaning. The world they built is okay. Visually it's nothing to rave about, and the only time the backgrounds shine is when they're out side the urban areas. I almost love this anime. What doesn't work is it's pacing. The time jumps between episodes and non-linear storytelling towards the end make this feel like I'm ...
May 30, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Let me start by saying I liked the character designs. It was easy to distinguish each character. I had no problem with animation quality or voice acting. What I did not like about this show is its episode count. When the show ends with there were further adventures and the show isn't guaranteed to showcase those adventures, then the show barely told a complete story. Like it's literally 8 episodes leading up to one battle and two episodes of a flashback to a previous battle that inspires this battle. This show is why actually watching your main character train and train and train doesn't pay ...
May 18, 2024
The show is 14 years old when I completed it, so I won't dwell on animation, design or sound. Suffice to say they do not suck. Also, I'm assuming the show's reputation proceeds itself, so no need for trigger warnings and disclaimers. Instead I want to focus on what I didn't like about the show because I love over the top raunchy adult humor and the show is nothing but that and it delivers. My issue is the show just feels juvenile with the literal potty humor and random profanity, like it was made by 12 year olds for 12 year olds. It brings back ...
Apr 3, 2024
Okay, let's start by stating the obvious, it's very pretty in terms of art, style, backgrounds and characters. It is animated well and the action is engrossing. Like you're on the battlefield witnessing this. World building is so/so, meaning sci Fi fans will get it but those with questions won't get answers. How do these gladiator types differ from other neans? How do they differ from each other? Why do their weapons and abilities differ? No answers coming. I also want to say that the big red flag is the best bits of animation are used on the opening. The characters are all single mind ...
Jan 3, 2024
A good anime ruined by pointless melodrama
I liked the characters and design. They all seem unique and likable. Animation, sound, voice acting and music are on or above par. No the problem is the story outside the cafe and esports. No spoilers but isn't the drama of using esports to save the cafe enough? Couldn't that be built upon? Yuu's drama could've been solved with one adult conversation and/or a few social media posts. Who wrote this? The esports portion is fine, but the rest of it feels added on for the sake of building drama, that still takes a backseat to the esport.

Dec 18, 2023
I liked the world, and world building. Particularly the concept of forbidden skills and the persecution that comes with it. I can relate to that as a POC who follows non traditional religious beliefs, and persecuted for it. The big issue is Fate is the most over powered MC I have ever seen. Not just his gluttony skill, that's cool, I meant Greed's various forms and powers. It's so ridiculous that I had to check to see if this was based on a video game. None of the characters are likable or memorable save Fate. There isn't much of a story, the action becomes ...

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