My scores are not a rating of quality independently or by comparison; but rather a reflection of how much i enjoyed it.
For further details feel free to read by lousy and pointless reviews.
I will accept most any friend request
I believe in freedom of expression.

STRAIGHT/black/male/INTP/middle child/Scorpio & sheep
I never know what to put in these things things because I'm boring and uninteresting. All I do is watch anime, read and build gunpla. Well I do watch other TV shows and films outside of anime, but no ones interested in that.
Perverts are people who know the shape of their desires. They have carefully traced those contours like a blind man using both hands to measure the shape of a vase. Honestly, The ones we call perverts aren't trying to be that way. They can't help turning out that way. No matter how hard they tried to be normal they just couldn't be like everyone else.
- Moyoco Anno, Memoirs Of Amorous Gentlemen