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Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu
10 hours ago
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 36.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries565
- Reread1
- Chapters4,280
- Volumes550
All Comments (348) Comments
Aww, how did he take it? Wait, are you legal to drink alcohol?
I'm sure I've seen a class with Divergent-themed shirts before too. Last year my college gave out shirts with pop-culture references but remodeled to fit our school - we had Star Wars and Harry Potter among others.
GREE indeed is old. I played it back during its heyday. I tried Liar! Uncover the Truth, and while I do think it's an innovative concept (at the very least, it departs from the usual Voltage VNs), for some reason I don't feel compelled to play it. Maybe it's because it looks kinda complicated and nowadays I have neither the patience nor time to learn.
I really liked Jinrui! I like how it looks whimsical on the surface (and can be taken as just a cute anime on the surface), but does have plenty of social commentary and things to analyze beneath it. It was a pretty interesting anime to watch. I'm glad I picked it up.
Cool! I hope you have fun there! Oh dear, I hope your cosplay keeps you warm...
I'm not keeping up with dramas in general. Maybe it's because I'm used to anime, but the thought of watching hour-long episodes puts me off. And maybe it's the shows I pick, but they seem to be pretty slow-moving so it makes the episodes feel even longer. So no, unfortunately I have nothing to recommend!
As for Trump, change would probably occur, but whether it's for good or not remains to be seen. I don't think having a divisive America is a good thing, and remember you guys did have the civil war. But it's hardly my place to say anything.
I'm just going over to Malaysia for CNY since my mother's relatives are there! And in Singapore, university has already started so I can't go anywhere, sadly. Time to start studying again! It doesn't feel like I'll have much time for things this semester either... Sigh.
My relatives in general aren't that technologically-savvy so we give hongbaos the traditional way. And funny, my birthday last year was during CNY, so sometimes I got extra hongbaos! It was certainly nice to get a few additional bucks. Too bad CNY is earlier this year, but I might still get extra hongbaos, who knows?
And sorry for the late reply! School has just started but it's driving me nuts already. >_>
Luciel sounds nice, I agree. Do you know his Korean name? And *screams Four in your face* xD
Ah, I see! I played the Gree version of Be My Princess way back when. As for favorite Voltage games, even though I started with BMP, I find that I prefer Voltage's 'darker' games, like In Your Arms Tonight and Kiss of Revenge (which remains my favorite). Nowadays Voltage's games seem rather... similar? Like, change the setting and appearance, and the character archetypes remain fairly similar across games. They're good at getting well-known seiyuu for their games though, if only the games had more voicing...
I haven't watch S1 of Ao no Exorcist so I'll skip it for now. And yeah Jinrui, I'm following the rewatch on reddit so I'm not binging it. It's pretty fun though! I enjoy watching it. Bleeding bread haha, that was a real wtf moment for me.
The question is though, make America great for WHO? Who stands to benefit? But let's not get into a political debate on an anime forum ^^ (Singapore is definitely overpopulated, we have 7.6k people per km^2; not as high as New York, but pretty darn high!)
I won't be in Singapore this CNY so I won't be getting much hongbao, sadly~ and also missing out on all the yummy CNY goodies. But oh well!
Guanghong is just adorable. Haha, TFBoys huh? I can see it. And yeah, Leo deserved more screentime, but as it is 12 episodes is really hard to fit so many characters already, of course some would be shafted unfortunately.
Ahh, is that even considered slightly?! That's nice, I'm doomed to be eternally short T_T Seven is just pure love.
Ah no, I don't! Is Midnight Cinderella good? I used to play some Voltage games and I still have some, but I don't really have the time to play now.
Hmm, this season is pretty lackluster for me too... I'm mostly following up on season 2s, actually. Spiritpact is bad though, skip it.
It's indeed scary. Fast changing is definitely true. Perhaps your teacher will show it! It's an important event and historic moment, after all.
I would say quite a number of the other skaters didn't really get screen time to be developed, but this is a 12-episode show after all and we have a lot of characters. And Guang Hong is literally cinnamon roll personified.
Yeah, the ice skating routines in YOI are choreographed by Miyamoto Kenji, a two-time national champion :) there's even videos of him doing the actual routines he choreographed in YOI! And good job, I got my friend to watch too :)
Harajuku street fashion sounds cool! I've always admired those fashion styles.
I definitely fit the small Asian girl stereotype, I'm only 157 cm tall xD you didn't see my profile did you, there's a picture of Seven haha. I do play some otome games!
Ah yes, then you're younger than me since I'm in university. Ah, I see! I do the same too, though nothing political related. (Given the 2 candidates last year for America... Well.)
Season 2 will definitely be welcome. And agreed about JJ coming in 6th and meaningful.
Yeah. free healthcare or education would be nice. I'm envious too~
I really like Phichit too! Otabek is cool. I want to see more of Emil, Seung Gil and Guang Hong myself. I was quite meh towards Chris but the last few episodes have me warming up a little to him.
I think it's because the ice skating is realistic, since they got Yuzuru Hanyu's ex(?) choreographer to choreograph the routines in the anime. I do agree that a lot more people are tuning in to ice skating now, which is amazing. I also know Yuna Kim!
Yep, the countryside. And oh my god, that sounds utterly horrifying. Sorry you had to experience that :(
Big conventions are like that. AFA in Singapore is always very crowded too - nearly got squashed to death at the doujin circles this year thanks to Yuri on Ice and Mystic Messenger.
Ticket prices are high! There's Universal Studios Singapore here and I can't believe I used to buy multiple season passes, they cost like USD 60 for half a year's unlimited entrance. I mean, I was a kid who wasn't working back then. Ah, have fun! Graduating from university or high school?
I actually didn't think Yuuri was going to win because I thought it would be too easy and clean, not to mention they needed a reason for Yuuri to continue skating. I'm actually kinda miffed that Yurio won; having a first-time Senior competition skater win isn't very interesting from a narrative point of view, though I understand that it has happened in real life? And having JJ win bronze DESPITE MESSING UP BOTH HIS SP AND FS, what on earth. That is just ridiculous. (I heard Kubo likes JJ, maybe that's why.)
As progressive as YOI as, I didn't think we would get an outright wedding(-related announcement), at least not in season one. From what I understand, the pair skating at the end is very romantic, and Japanese fans are satisfied with it (because their culture thrives on subtlety and not outright declaration, as opposed to our cultures). Not to mention that the creators don't want YOI to be lumped with BL, and having a wedding announcement might ruin that. So we get that kind of ending.
OMG YES PHICHIT MY BAE TOO. I just love that sweet sunshine cinnamon roll. I do hope he gets his own ice show someday (AND HAVE THE OTHER SKATERS APPEAR TOO, they can do it after they retire haha), this boy deserves it and I would so totally go Thailand for that.
Hmm, why did you cringe? I thought his pronunciation was actually pretty accurate...? But I wasn't listening closely haha.
I liked that they cast Stephane as himself! Having actual ice skaters in this show is amazing of YOI and the production team.
That's interesting! We're both Chinese, living in fairly Westernized countries, but not China-born, haha. Cultural differences are definitely interesting. Reminds me of this word I learnt in lit class: "liminal", to be caught between two stages. In our case it'll be more like two cultures/identities (for you, as a Chinese and as an American, and what it means to be Chinese-American).
Yeah, China is quite different from Singapore. I've been to China before and it was a total culture shock haha xD to be fair, I went to the countryside so it definitely feels different from being in a city. It'll be nice to come to Singapore someday! Come during November, that's when we have the annual Anime Festival Asia (the biggest anime con in Singapore)~ (Though I do like July's CharaExpo too.)
Aww, I'm so envious! Do you go to Disneyland often? I've been to Hong Kong's Disneyland and Japan's DisneySea, but not America's Disneyland. (I haven't even been to America before!) And wow, I've always wanted to go to Vegas someday. Have fun and enjoy yourself! Are you going to hit the casinos (if you're old enough)?
Haha yes, JJ is indeed obnoxious. That comparison lol xD yeah, we haven't seen much of Yurio and Otabek, but it's nice to know that they did know each other previously (even if Yurio doesn't remember it). And Phichit made it to the finals and skating that song from The King and I, I think it's fair to say he's already made history even without winning a medal! Can't wait to see what happens next episode between Viktuuri.
Yeah, I'm Asian! Born and bred Singaporean Chinese. Hmm, cultural differences? It's said that Singapore is Asia on easy mode, because we're a fairly Westernized country - we're a very small country so our culture is influenced by the dominant culture movements in the world. Our road signs are in English, and actually most things are in English here, not to mention we listen to a lot of Western pop (not quite so much the other genres, but there's a fair amount of people excited over Coldplay and Metallica's concerts here next year). But we're still an Asian country so we're still rather conservative - we still have the death penalty for drugs (though not mandatory now), we still are fairly against homosexuality (though we do have a progressive movement). We're also very into Korean pop here, and anime is a fairly large subculture here (though not as much as some of the other Asian countries like China and Taiwan, but that's because of our size). It's an interesting blend of culture here.
Haha I'm pretty sure I'm in the 'utterly crazy about YOI' camp right now. Didn't expect to love a show so much while it's still airing but YOI strikes!
Ahh I see! Tea is good, I like tea (both Western and Asian)!
Aww, I hope you're feeling better now! Perhaps it's time to drink more warm stuff :) Eh, doesn't it snow where you are?
Yeah, if they're really against it I wouldn't suggest it. I'm only getting those that I'm fairly certain will like it to watch.
Oh dear. Gloves? And yeah we have artificial ice rinks!