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Yamu ni Yamarenu! Tensei Kenja no Heion(?) na Nichijou
Dec 25, 2024 10:51 AM
Plan to Read
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All Comments (3) Comments
too much wrong translate and using vice versa word or completely change the word, in short rewrite the original dialogue.
like do your best to dont give up, smile to don't be sad. i not understand what's wrong just write the original dialogue without reverse everything.
if the original dialogue doing the reverse will the translator reverse it back ?
the translator think who watch only kids who dont know anything about what they watching, i even waiting when they will translate tokyo tower to eifel tower.
btw translating yen to usd also bad because every country have different price for their product and money currency isn't static.
like 40000yen = 371$ not 400$ not sure if tomorrow. it's like make people stupid by giving miss information.
And this was the first time I've ever come across a true Harem Ending.