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Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Nai jan, Muri Muri! (※Muri ja Nakatta!?)
Jan 18, 5:02 PM
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Main Site | Forum Community | Voting Page | MAL Club | MAL Thread
We back! Very soon we will have member cards and card edition!
So if you want receive newsletters from now on sing up in Newletter sing-up! new topic!
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment, I need lots of help :)
Hello Dear Members!
It's a good thing to see the club is lively as we are in the back days then. *cough*
Our club is pretty old in this site *cough*
By the way, have you check out the Real Female Fighters Tournament? It's quite intense and I hope everyone will keep supporting the event until the end.
Special Notice : Recruitment!
In our club we love making card editions for our dear members to enjoy them. So we are currently looking for card makers to help us offer more to our members. Also, what about claims? They are pretty good, right? Then can you help us out? Do you know someone? Let them know! xD If you are interested, or know someone who's pretty good at it come and be part of our lovely staff. You can check for more information in this post. Don't be shy~
.:: Club Events ::.
Yatogami Tooka LE [OPEN] *NEW*
.:: Upcoming Events ::.
Real Female Fighters Tournament STAMP Shop: soon
Cake SE (Valentine Special Edition) : Februart 14th
Tobiichi Origami LE : February 23th
.:: Games to Play! ::.
say something about the person above you
The kill yourself and drop something...
Post a lie about the person above you
Rename The Person Above You
Pick a Waifu/Husbando from the User Above You Favorite Characters list
Anime Guessing : Screenshot *NEW*
Characters from A-Z
That is all, thank you. Have a nice day~
Hello Dear Members!
Yes, we are reviving. So it take time to be active again.
Thanks for being part of our club. How are you doing? Hope everyone is healthy and doing great. And guess what? We have reached 600+ members! hooray!
even though, we have been hiatus for so long, the members keep increasing. It's a good thing tho :D
Special Notice : Recruitment!
In our club we love making card editions for our dear members to enjoy them. So we are currently looking for card makers to help us offer more to our members. Also, what about claims? They are pretty good, right? Then can you help us out? Do you know someone? Let them know! xD If you are interested, or know someone who's pretty good at it come and be part of our lovely staff. You can check for more information in this post. Don't be shy~
.:: Club Events ::.
600+ LE: Pandora Hearts
.:: Upcoming Events ::.
Itsuka Kotori LE - January 18th
Bow SE - January 22th
Real Female Fighter Tournament - soon!
.:: Games to Play! ::.
say something about the person above you
The kill yourself and drop something...
Post a lie about the person above you
Rename The Person Above You
Pick a Waifu/Husbando from the User Above You Favorite Characters list
Anime Guessing : Screenshot *NEW*
That is all, thank you. Have a nice day~