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Nov 23, 2014
I am a big fan of Cinemasins Everything Wrong With(EWW) and screenjunkies Honest Trailers so this review will be in their satire comical style. I repeat SATIRE/COMICAL style. You have been warned.
Finally after enjoying the comradery of One Piece, the joy of Toriko, and the laughter of Naruto(not shippuden), welcome to depression within the first five minutes of the episode. Awe in amazement at a society that looks predominantly European speak flawless Japanese and a dub with a horrible European accent.
Meet our heroes, Eren, a guy so caught up in revenge against the evil Titans that he will ignore superior orders, ignore his mother orders,
and become a person unable to control his urge to kill titans. But man he has worked hard!
Eren's friend Armin, no one's favorite. He is a soldier with the inability to defend himself or others physically, but that does not stop him from giving people the best tactics ever. Sad that no one likes this smarty! Eren's older sister Mikasa. The most badass, calm(usually), smart, soldier the humans have.
These heroes must face the most misunderstood villains since Gatson from Beauty and the Beast, the Titans. Seriously he was just concerned about Belle since the Beast kidnapped her. No one in this story understands much about the Titans except Eren's father, but that bastard is secretive about it so no one. When they're not killing them, 1/3 of the series will spend time naming Titans, experimenting on Titans, observing Titans when one should run away, and determining whether Titans have intelligence. Instead of doing the thing everyone has in mind, but has not openly said, give Titans CLOTHES to wear.
So if you want to watch a lot of people die, innocent creatures tortured, and a fucking cliffhanger ending then please enjoy Attack on Titan a.k.a Shingeki no Kyojin
Honestly, I loved this anime. It is action packed with a nice pace, great visuals, and relatable characters. You fall for Eren even though he is hatred driven. Armin is my favorite character because he is one of the most realistic and the Titans really do need some clothes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 9, 2012
Naruto Shippuuden is a very average anime considering it's vast popularity and will make you wonder why it is so popular. Most people who are watching this or is planning to watch this has seen the previous series. I will warn you now with the exception of Naruto chasing after Sasuke and the female characters still being completely useless please forget everything you think you know about Naruto because it is buried one way or another.
Story 7: It manages to keep you in suspense, but sometimes becomes too dark for fans of the lighter Naruto.
Art 6: The art
is still average. Nothing special.
Sound 5: Beware voice actors and tunes that don't fit with a scene.
Character 7: Some characters changed drastically, most stayed the same. Some characters are cliche.
Enjoyment 7: I'm still watching it so I like it overall.
The series pick up from Naruto two years later and we see how much our heroes grown changing the mood to a darker more mature tone. Part of the reason people stay tuned to Naruto was because of the light and refreshing tone so for it to be almost completely gone puzzles me. It makes me miss the plot line of the old Naruto.
As for fillers, whether you like it or not fillers need to be use in long anime series so the mangaka can have time to write more. Still I guess the complaining of fans worked because there has been less filler use in the series. The problem is because there has been less filler use the pacing of the show has suffered. Some fights scenes are ridiculously long and constant repeat of the same flashback is the new norm.Even the camera shots are repetitive and unnecessary. For example in one episode with a reunion like air every five seconds you see the face of a character. It gets infuriating at times.
Naruto has always been average with their art and this time is no exception. Expect the same overall look with the occasional darker backgrounds to draw more suspense. Also the characters look mostly the same with just a change of their outfit.
Since this series is darker than the original Naruto so is the music. Even when it is supposed to be a funny moment sometimes the same dark melody will still play. The openings and endings are mostly mediocre, but if you want to check them out then do so! To me the dark tone of music sets the mood, but is overplayed to the point it does not stand out. Background music blends, but also makes the emotion of the scene stand out and Naruto Shippuuden falls to do that. Also it took me a while to get used to the voice actors. I know the characters have changed, but it's only been two years! Naruto's voice in the sub version sounds like a 30 year old man! When I watched Naruto I watched it in dub and I liked how their voices(even if it was annoying) matched the age of the character and was unique. Many characters in this series voice has the monotone base that never changes making the character boring.
Now the moment most people have been waiting for in this review, the characters. "Do Hinta and Naruto get together?" "Who becomes the 6th hokage?" Well I'm sorry I won't be answering those questions, watch it for yourself. Naruto probably changed more than any other character in Naruto Shippuden. No longer is Naruto the repulsive ninja who acts before he thinks, no longer is he immature. The failure of getting Sasuke back and the training with Jiraya molded the Naruto we knew into a man. He is not even naive anymore. Sure chasing after a friend who doesn't want to be saved is naive in a way, but to me is shows his loyalty more. Sakura may have become a medical ninjia and strong like tsunade, but she is still useless like almost every girl in this series. As for Sasuke, if you still liked him after watching Naruto, well you won't now. Sasuke gets so annoying in this Naruto Shippuden it makes no sense. Sometimes you would wish anyone would kill him. Besides old time favorites you get a new set of characters plus a more detailed background of some minor ones like Kakashi. Still the characters are a little cliched.
Overall I still enjoyed Naruto. It's funny considering at first I was totally against watching the new series, but life changes you sometimes. I would definitely recommend this to fans of the ninja genre! If this review was helpful I am glad I helped you and if it was not well I hope my next review helps you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 4, 2012
Beelzebub. Weirdest Yankee Anime
Beelzebub is a delinquent filled anime that makes your blood boils as you watch the fighting scenes and makes you laugh.
Story 6: Nice take off, but the end leaves you unsatisfied.
Art 6: Wonderful Graphics, but seems typical
Sound 7: Good voice acting and music match the anime.
Character 8: Unique yankee. They have you laughing your pants off.
The story started out great. You had Oga a student
who is so badass and is only a first year at the infamous Ishiyama High, a place for yankees to relax. He stumbles upon a man floating down a river and he splits open revealing a baby that is the son of the demon king and it's mission is to get stronger and destroy the human race. Oga is then chosen to raise the baby and help him get stronger. The anime follows the duo along with the baby's maid as they face strong opponents. The concept appealed to me as I fan of this type of thing so I watched it and fall in love. Then towards the end my faith dwindled as the story was becoming short. The manga is still on going so I thought the anime would at least be longer, but as I watched the last episodes I could tell it was rushed. It ended so sloppy and that pissed me off.
The art is not bad, but it doesn't really catch me eye. Sure there is a lot of weird things that happen in this anime including a flood of tears, but I felt like the graphics was typical. The only characters that really stood out was the baby with his nudity and green hair and Alaindelon who is masculine, but with a girl taste. Also while there is fanservice in this anime, it is not used to the extreme like a lot of shounen.
I loved the op and ed in this anime and I felt it matched the anime, especially the first op dadada. The background music didn't stand out in a bad way, but blended in with the anime. The voice acting did a nice job portraying the characters, but it wasn't outstanding. For dub fans this anime is only in sub, but if you wait a dub might come out.
The characters is what steals the show as they were so different from what you thought. Oga starts off as the tyipcal bad guy with his funny moments so you think all the characters are going to be typical like him, but shocks you when they have their unique personalities. Beelzebub is the baby that likes fighting and scary stuff while Hilda is the maid from hell who has her nice moments. One thing people have a problem with is Alaindelon because he is different in the manga, but I haven't read the manga so I can't say anything.
Overall liked the anime and would recommend it to people looking for a new delinquent show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 3, 2012
Cromartie High... The School I would go to if I had the balls
Story 8: No storyline, but nice material and delivery of high school and some other stuff.
Art 8: Different but in comic way.
Sound 8: Background music and theme music matched the anime. Splendid voice acting
Character 8: Colorful cast of characters like few other anime. None that I have seen so far though.
Cromartie is a shounen comedy that is like no other. Mainly for the fact that it relies mainly
on the aspect it should, pure comedy. No excessive fan service. No good looking dudes. No perverted jokes. No creepy sensei, I don't think there was teachers in this. Pure comedy and a little weirdness.
Kamiyama is attending Cromarite High, a place rampant with delinquents, as the only good kid. That's it. Nothing else major really except he becomes friends with certain people and hang out. It makes you wonder how something so ordinary is a good story. Well to put it in a nutshell the funny moments. Every episode fills you with laughter as Kamiyama and he friends goes through life and struggles. It's like a sitcom, but it's an anime. What makes it better is the puns are funny even if you haven't seen one show about the tough guys. It's a parody of their world, but without the unnecessary fighting. Truly a simple work that leaves you with an impact.
The characters are tough guys, yet they say some of the realest things, especially Kamiyama. As you watch these episodes you find the characters relate able. We've all had a rival, been bored in class, made some dumb mistakes and the characters bring it out the best. Besides Kamiyama you got a freaking gorilla, a robot, Freddie Mecury, and an allien! And that's only the weird ones. Best of all they bring something to the comedy table.
Not only does the characters shine, but so does the art. It looks so manly and different from an other anime I have seen. Also I love the fact the art sticks closely to the manga.
The voice acting is what seals the deal though. Dub was amazing and I was shocked. Usually it's the shows like this when the mess it up the most, but dub fans should be proud. You didn't feel like the dubbing sounded so fake or trying to hard. As for the subs I have watched an episode in subs and it was the same vibe. A little hard to transition, but the voice acting was also good.
Overall loved the anime and I would recommend it to someone who wants a little change in pace. Some may not like the lack of girls, artwork, or the lack of story line and I understand. If you decide to watch it enjoy :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 29, 2012
Baccano! Ruckus, but in a good way.
Story 9: A brilliant story told in a brilliant way.
Art 9: Unique and different. The artist actually researched American history.
Sound 10: Outstanding soundtrack and good voice actors in both sub and dub.
Character 7: Unique, but with not enough episodes to get personal with all of them.
Baccano is a story I stumbled upon by chance after watching Katekyo Hitman Reborn and I am glad I did because I enjoyed this anime from start to finish. Unlike so many anime before it Baccano challenges the way a story is told and tells it in clusters out of chronological order leaving the audience to piece it together. To some that may seem unappealing and difficult, but it is not as a hard as it seems and it leaves the viewer to become like a detective and gather the clues to get to the bottom of the story. What is the story? The story is not just one story, but three that come across as unrelated. One is about alchemists in 1711 learning the secret of immortality. The second is about the tragedy that happened in the transcontinental train, the Flying Pussyfoot. While the last one is about the war of the Mafia causing a ruckus. As you watch this anime which is mostly set in the 1930's you feel like you are actually in Big Boomer America. The accuracy of this story is so good and I applaud the author. From the slang to the clothing you feel like you entered a time machine.
The settings is in the Big Apple mostly, that's right, New York. Particularly in the tough ol' Manhattan swarming with mobsters. The characters match their time period. Their is not a wild hair color or clothing that is too Pilgrim to be of the 1930's. The colors of the backgrounds really shout to you and come to life. The biggest masterpiece in this anime though is the train, The Flying Pussyfoot. It is detailed greatly and accurately.
However you can't have a good anime set in the 1930's in the Big Apple without some killer jazz to set the mood. The soundtrack is what will win your heart. The upbeat theme song followed by nice blues and jazz ballads playing in the background gives this anime a sitcom feeling. For the dub fans the dub is wonderfully so don't worry. The accents are amazing and you feel like you are watching actual Italian and Russian mobsters. I did not watch this in sub, but people who have said the sub version was nice as well so for sub fans you will just have to give it a shot. On the other hand the ending theme song is the only thing that is flawed. It's not that it's bad, but it just doesn't fit the mood of the anime, too Japanese.
This anime is not just equipped with a killer soundtrack, but it has a big cast of great characters. There are too many to list and no of them is the main character,it's more like they all are main characters. Still two characters still shine farther than the rest and that is Isaac and Miria, the wacko thieves that bring comedy and kindness to the tough world of Baccano. The main flaw in this anime lies in the characters. While the characters aren't bad and are very unique and and have few cliches about them you feel as if the anime leaves you hanging. You fall in love with the characters and with 13 episodes it's not enough to get to know some of them like you would like.
Overall, loved this anime and I did enjoy it. If you are looking for a change in pace in anime watch Baccano.Also this anime is good if you are thinking of finally venturing in the historical anime genre. Give it a shot and I bet you won't be sorry.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 28, 2012
Kimi ni Todoke. Simply...?
It took me a while(very slow at times) to realize that you do not see individual scores on reviews so here they are and I hope you can help me improve my review writing(worst area in writing)
Story 7: Reviews I read over-hyped it, but it was good.
Art 9: Liked how different it was.
Sound 8: Music and Voice acting was good.
Characters 7: Main leads were
more typical then described, but the minor characters stole the show.
Enjoyment 8: Really liked this anime and I am planning to watch the live movie.
* * *
When I read reviews of this anime I thought it would be a change of pace from the typical shoujo genre. However as I began watching this anime I realized the reviews I read exaggerated this anime. The story is about a girl named Sawako, but people call her Sadako after the scary character from "The Ring." She is feared by her classmates, yet is clueless about the reason. Then she meets her savior, Kazehaya who is a nice guy. From there the story is slow paced as the two feelings grow. In some aspects the story is different from others as it does not have unnecessary misunderstanding and unrealistic situations. The realness from the anime match the setting of high school. Yet there is one thing it has that is not typical yet is disappointing and it was the ending. It didn't end bad, but it felt flat, so maybe more fun stuff will happen next season.However the anime still holds typical shoujo elements mainly in the characters.
Never had I watch a shoujo anime where the characters looked mostly normal. The water based color softens and sweeten the anime helping tell it's cute story. You get used to the art and the fact the the main character is not a bishie which I love. Normal guys are not that sexy and I feel it draws away from the story and characters. If I knew more about art I would describe it more, but one thing I can describe is the camera angles. From the close ups, to the wide shots none of the video seems unnecessary and it all fits the anime.
The theme songs both fit the mood of the anime as the opening is sweet, yet a little edgy and the ending softens the episode. The voice acting is nice and normal just like the characters. In the beginning Sawako soft voice bothered me until I got to know her character and realized it was the voice actor transmitting the character perfectly.
The male lead, Kakehaya, is more typical shoujo then some would admit. While he is not cold or rich he is athletic and smart. People assume he is not just because he does not play baseball anymore, but once an athlete always an athlete. Also like a lot of male leads the guy is popular with his peers both guys and girls, and the girls can be creepy. The female lead Sawako is not dumb in school and has her creepy ways, but she is too is like a lot of female leads. She is naive, kind hearted, and easily loved. The cock blocker in the season was t Kurimi and while she didn't do daring moves on Kakekaya like many cock blockers she still had that jealous behavior. Besides some typical shoujo personality traits the characters are lovable and you find yourself thinking how cute they could be. Still the sidekicks Chizu and Ayane stole the show as they brought the aspect of different type of friends. They are not the type of friends you would expect Sawako to be friends with which makes it more believable. Throughout the story characters like Sawako grow while some stay neutral like Kakehaya.
I enjoyed this anime overall and I can't wait for the second season. I would recommend this anime to someone looking for a mostly drama free story with plenty of sweet scenes. I wouldn't recommend this to someone who likes heavy drama because this anime is too sweet for you. This anime is unique in it's on little way and if you decide to watch it well enjoy :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2012
Itazura Na Kiss. Playful Story that challenges the shoujo standard?
Itazura Na Kiss is a comedy, romance, shoujo, that is PG-13.
The story starts off like a typical shoujo. The female lead Kotoko is a baka, caring girl who is in love with the smart, handsome, male lead Irie. Then in a scenario that can only be made possible in a shoujo her house is destroyed by an earthquake and her and her father stay with her father's
friend, which happens to be Irie's father. If you seen shoujo you know how it will end, the two will end up together despite the obstacles that stand before them. Yet unlike any shoujo I have ever seen it doesn't end with the two happy ending, the story continues and you watch them grow afterwards. It was a shock because the story throw in the element of slice of life in the beginning, yet unlike shoujo that just becomes outrageously unrealistic it kept that element. Before you know it you are watching episodes back to back in anticipation of what will happen in their lives because it's not just about their love, but about their life.
The art will throw you off. It's not bad, but the characters are different. With most male leads in shoujo they look drop dead gorgeous, but this male lead looks average giving you this realist flare. Most guys that are handsome aren't really handsome, but they have that charm around them. Also the female lead is average as well. The settings are plain and simple which fits the mood of this anime.
I didn't pay attention to the theme music, I mean for crying out loud I watched this in a day and I have a headache, but I am happy for it. However the voice actors did a splendid job. Sorry to my dub fans, but this anime is purely sub. Still do not let the fact that this anime is only in subs stop you from missing out on it.
The characters were cliche and typical. This is a shoujo we are talking about so it is not strange. However they still manage to grow on you and I bet some would wonder why. Well just because something is cliche doesn't mean it will not have an impact. There is almost always something unique in characters even the cliched ones and in this anime it is not hard to find. Kotoko comes off as a stupid, naive chick, but her determination makes you cheer her on because we all have our stupid moments, yet we drive further.
I definitively enjoyed this anime and I would recommend it to a person who is tired of the same shoujo stuff and want something different even if it's just a little. I do not know though about recommending you watch the live dramas because I have not watched them and I am still considering whether I should or shouldn't. There are three, Korean version, Japanese verison, and Taiwanese version. If you enjoy the anime and would like to check them out then go ahead.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 19, 2012
One Piece. The Treasure Of Shounen Anime?
One Piece is a PG 13 tale of adventure and comedy. It has been around since 1999 and the author said it is only half way done. It's no surprise this anime is in the top big 3!
The One Piece story is a simple story about a kid named Monkey D Luffy with a dream to become the Pirate King and to obtain the ultimate treasure, the One
Piece. The first couple of arcs is basically getting his powerful, witty crew together. Usually when an anime is introducing main characters there is little action, but not in the case of this one. Whether he had one partner or five The Straw Hat Crew (Luffy's Crew) always managed to stay in trouble. This anime is not just about it's action or wise crack moments, but it also get intense and will have you in tears (personal experience) as more of the story and mystery unravels.
The art of this show throws some people off because it is not like the usually anime style, but looks cartoonish. I love the art and actually a lot of shows before the 2000's especially in the 70's and 80's looked like One Piece. I think it's art gives it unique style an easily distinguished it from the rest.
The sound is where I have mixed views. If you watched this is dub I am so sorry and I know how you are skeptical of watching this show, but that was 4Kids dub. They chopped up the anime and made the voices younger like so it would appeal to kids. That is why I recommend skipping dub all together in this anime. Even the FUNimation dubbed is not finished and not worth watching. Please watch this anime in sub to get a taste of what the anime is really supposed to be like. Besides the Voice Actors do a splendid job. As for theme music I missed the first opening. I felt it went really well with the pirate them. I like the other openings as songs, but it really doesn't fit the adventure mood.
The characters are something else. They are cliched yet not cliche and it's really hard to explain. I do not want to spoil it so I will only tell you that the characters each have their own special personality and this show works a great deal of showing their backgrounds. Even minor characters are not neglected in the show and you grow to love them like you grow to love the main characters.
Overall I loved this anime and I recommend it to a person who loves to laugh, cry, and be overwhelmed with other emotions through the long ride.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 3, 2012
Fairy Tail... as one of the next big three?
With Bleach finished I guess it is about that time that anime fans whether cliche or unique are looking for the anime to fill it's slot and I think this is it. Fairy Tail is a magical comedy fantasy that is Pg-13. As I am writing this review I will not be comparing it to the manga because I have not read it nor One Piece because too many people are comparing
it to One Piece when they are not that alike.
The story follows the tale of the Fairy Tail Guild wizards as Lucy becomes a member after a fateful encounter with Natsu the dragon slayer. From there you are thrown into smaller arcs filled with battles, tears, and secrets leading you closer to the main story. Some people say there is not main plot to this story, but they are highly mistaken. Each arc reveals another part of the jigsaw as it touches on each main character personal story and background. Unlike many shounen that only focus on the history the one main character this anime does not leave one out no matter how weak or strong they are; keeping the motto that the Fairy Tail guild is one big family.
The art towards this anime is good, but it does have it shares of disappointment. If you are a fan of blood, sorry, but this anime has no blood shed. The characters could have bruises covering their body and you would still not see any blood shed. If you are sick of the same shounen fan service I apologize again. The girls on the shows aren't lacking in their racks no matter their age, well maybe Wendy, but that's it. Some good points about the art is that battle scenes do show great detail of damage to their surroundings exposing the powers of our characters. Also after a while how they look grow on you.
The biggest aspect of this show that makes it a top contender for the next big three is it sound! From the voice acting to the original soundtrack, fairy tail knows how to make it epic. The voice acting is outstanding in Japanese as each voice matches the character splendidly. The English did a nice try, but there were some holes in it as some of the female characters sounded superficial. Also the English adaption is not finished for the dub fans as it is only up to episode 48. Other than that the English adaption was nice as well, but FUNimation usually does a good job. The soundtrack is what pulls you end though as it matches the mood 100%. From Natsu fiddling theme, to the soft flute of sadness, you are sway by the characters emotions.
Speaking of characters... yeah they are very cliche. Natsu is the typical strong, hot blooded guy everyone loves. Lucy is the typical sidekick that is weak at times,but I must admit she does surprise you at times. Wendy is the soft spoken healer. I would go on, but basically the characters are not original. Despite the setback they still grow on you. Even the most cliche character has something about them that is different and it shows in these characters.
I have not finished this anime, but overall I must say I have enjoyed it. This anime offers something for all kinds of anime fans. I don't think you could be disappointed and don't be surprised if this is the top 3 in a year or so. It's already in the top 5!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 8, 2012
Toshokan Sensou or Library Wars in English is a Japanese anime rated PG-13.It aired in the spring of 2008 and is mainly a genre of action and comedy. Library Wars may make you think about boring, but this anime is far from it.
The story takes place in 2019 where the Media Enhancement Act censor all forms of media they feel is corrupt. To protect the libraries
and people a second organization called the Library Corps was formed with military Task Force. The story revolves around Kasahara, Lt. Doujou, Shibaski, and the rest of the people in the Kantou Base Library Corp. The story is one of the most original as I have never read nor watch a story quite like it. Props to the author who though of such a brilliant story. The story is fast paced, but gives you vital information so the viewers would not be confused. Sometimes the Library Corps are on the verge of losing and you could feel yourself rooting for them. As a story it brings out emotions and is relate able to people of all ages. The message is freedom and how even in this society sometimes we do not have it. I love the message and I feel other people would like it as well.
The art is not like your typical anime characters and even though I am not an artist myself you can see the perfect outlines on some of the settings. The creator must have spent great time in the creation of the art because it looks
The sound is great. I feel the VA(Voice Actors) in this anime did a superb job. You do not feel like they are reading off a script, but as if they are the characters themselves. I did not listen to the whole theme songs off this anime, but based off what I heard the theme songs seem catchy and fit the mood of the anime. Some theme songs are opposite to what they anime is about. As for OST'S I felt it gave the anime the extra edge to make the mood understandable.
The characters were the only thing I was skeptical about. Not that the characters were bad, but I felt they were cliche. Kasahara was the naive girl who inspires people even though she is horrible at book work. Lt. Doujou was the commander that often fought and teased Kasahara, but always tried to protect her. I could go on, but there are too many cliche characters. Still even though they were a little cliche you would fall in love with the characters because they had characteristics that we all possess.
Overall, I did enjoy the anime and finished it in two days. The anime is short and I wish it was longer, but I still loved the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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