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Aug 10, 2023
Wow! Watch this episode there moe cat girl is acting all entitled and pretentious, how funny and adorable!!
Wow! Watch this episode there moe cat girl is acting all entitled and pretentious, how funny and adorable!!
Wow! Watch this episode there moe cat girl is acting all entitled and pretentious, how funny and adorable!!
Many shows end up suffering due to having shorter seasons, than needed, yet Jahy is one of those shows which would
have more likely had better rating if it lasted for shorter. As show only consists of one-dimensional characters reacting in the same predictable manner over and over in slightly
different situations, results in it becoming repetitive quickly.
There is some entertainment to be had with Jahy, however in similiar vain to many other filler Isekai with one unique quirk, I find it very unlikely that this show becomes anyone's favorite or manages to a lasting impression.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 17, 2022
Half season length, over explanative title and generic premise are pretty good indication of what kind of show this would be- a flick I would binge on weekend evening remembering nothing about it by next morning. Unfortunately binging only really lasted for 8 episodes as after getting cup of tea I had no interest in finishing the rest of the show.
There is a trend in Isekai and fantasy shows where story concept which is worth at most a single episode being stretched out to entire or half season, Realistic hero did it, overly cautious hero did it and Genius prince is
doing it.
Mediocre writing is evident in every aspect of the show. Pacing is extremely rushed, with entire nations being destroyed or concurred between episodes, Cartoonishly Evil Villians dying 20 minutes after being introduced .
Pacing also results in alot of exposition dumps with show pushing pause button to regurgitate minutes long exposition about some person or nation .Again with story which should be covered in 48 episodes being crammed into 12 episodes, you can't expect any type of organic world building and character introduction.
While some character interactions are amusing it alone can't carry the show.
Now you might have noticed I have not even talked about MC that's because there
is nothing to say about it. His entire character is summed up in the show's title.
There is nothing to really say about Art or Sound design they are adequate if not absurdly generic not that show having a One Punch Man S1 production would have changed overall quality of the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 10, 2021
Term " Wasted effort" is good fit for this show as despite having one of the best production I have seen in very long time, bland and uninteresting story bogs down the show to mediocrity.
Setting is nothing unusual A.I Robots going rouge with our heroine's duty to save the world. While this whole premise was interesting enough on its own , back then it was still new, I would expect show in 2021 not a copy of I,Robot 2004.
I expected this show to have more of self awareness and tell a story with understanding that the audience is already very familiar
with its concept. Something similiar to how many newer and later wave Isekai's spend very little or no time at all explaining the mechanics of its world as they understand people watching the shows don't need to sit through another 5 minute explanation what XP and combat stats are.
In the same vein I was hoping for world of Vivy would not be stranger to dangers of A.I and that there would be genuine concern, with premptive measures takes to stop any disasters from occurring , in reality idea of A.I uprising seems to have never crossed the mind of people in the show. It leaves an impression that writer did not aim to create a living world rather a perfectly engineered thing with sole purpose to be destroyed by A.I and later saved by Vivy.
This lack of functionality extends to all aspects of the show. Things happen because the plot needs to extend. For example , Why does A.I meant to be a singer given a body capable of fighting off several armed men or given enough strength to crush a human skull with a single hand?
Answer this there is not real logical reason but it must be possible for plot to progress. This happening few times is already tiring as it is , but this occurs several times PER EPISODE.
Luckily for the show production quality both sound design and animation are so un-proportionally higher than its writing that I felt genuine sadness for the production team. Choreography was jaw dropping and brought memories of being taken back then I first saw Obito vs Kakashi or Sasuke vs Naruto in end of Shippuden. Last time I was It should really speak volumes about quality of production that it pushes show with 3/10 story to 6/10.
Main question is it worth watching the Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
No, Not really You can just as well watch the fight scenes separately , Story is so boring that knowing the context behind fight does not enhance the viewing experience .
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 29, 2021
SK8 is short but enjoyable viewing experience. While it is far from my top sport anime, for 12 episode show to accompany great visuals and art style with solid enough story to have viewer invested in the characters.
Plus who does not want to see Hisoka from hunter hunter skating people to death while being voiced by Dio!?
Story and setting:
This show gives alot of similar vibes to Kuroko no Basket as skateboarding constantly balances between fantasy and realism. whether or not this is pro or a con is based on who is watching it, While I found shows like One Outs and Hajime no Ippo
more interesting and memorable unlike Kuroko no Basket which seemed bit cringy at times, jut like Kuroko No Basket , SK8 infinity was fun to watch never the less.
Story itself is rather bare bone but nether the less adequate . It does it jobs to set up beefs between characters and gives satisfying conclusion , which is commendable for 12 episode show.
Action and animation:
Racing is the focus and it is very well done, it is fluid action packed and overall fun to watch. There are some recycled scenes and while alot of shows esp sport shows do this, this one of few times I have noticed them on first viewing so I figured it was worth mentioning.
As said before since show does go from realism to fantasy it might be bit jaring to be watching grounded skating for one second and characters leaping over entire hillsides the next, but as long as you suspend your disbelief it will be good.
OST and sound:
Opening an ending songs are solid however all the other tracks seemed forgettable, idk there are none that stood up to me or seemed impressive enough. Skating sound effects are amazing tho. hearing racers corner slide and sound of them going ever so faster down the hill really helps to sell the action happening on screen.
SO that is SK8 infinity,
Do I recommend it?
Yes, its fun 12 episode show about skating featuring one of the most iconic VA in the industry
Am I looking forward to a sequel?
Well if we do get sequel I will watch it but show didn't leave strong enough impression for me to looking forward for the next installment.
How would I compare to other sport shows I have seen?
Well it sits right bellow Kuroko no Basket , because in my eyes it aims to get the same style but Kuroko did it better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 19, 2021
It is difficult to write reviews for shows I feel very indifferent about , despite me finishing entire show in less than 40 hours, I had nothing but faint recollection of it an hour after I closed the tab. With that in mind it will be difficult for me to talk about specific aspects of the show however I can still share my general feelings.
Being partially zoned out was the dominant feeling during the viewing , the story was unfocused, unrefined, writer had very little idea how to develop the show outside the initial premise.
what is this show trying to say?
What story does it
want to tell?
Nothing , even a generic rom-com tends to have some spin to make it stand out, what did I gain by watching it, would I lose anything if I didn't ? I don't think I would have. See Both Hunter Hunter and seven deadly sins taught me appreciate shonen genre, Hunter Hunter did it by being arguably being the Best Shonen I will ever watch and other by setting bar so low that for every shonen I watch after it will still l have me thankful for not being seven deadly sins.
Horimiya on other end did nothing ,its existence is meaningless.
Some might say this show is just pandering but even there its not good at it, see good pandering show would have clear vision of what and who it is pandering to, but Horimiya jumps from author's one fantasy to another,so no matter what archetype got you interested in the show, you would surely be disappointing as each only get half assed, poorly written and directed episode or two, it's a complete mess.
So that's Horimiya a mediocre , boring middle of a line high school rom-com whose existence irrelevant and is to fade into obscurity only for some unlucky weeb to come across is several seasons later only to be disappointed just as much as seasonal watchers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 23, 2020
I will be writing this review with people who have watched the Original Series but have not watched half recap/ re imagining trilogy as I think thats how I and most people probably seen it.
As some might know Code Zero is widely loved showed and can even be considered classic so hype around idea of R3 or season 3 was massive. However it soon became known that the trilogy of movies which were suppose to come out massively altered the main story and as a result trilogy as well as this movie lost its relevancy. So it was apperent from the start that Lelouch
of Revival would at best case be small taint to overwise amazing cannon.
Overall Lelouch of the resurrection is fun distraction and nostalgic trip for Code Geass fans and surface level forgettable story for the rest. Despite "Revival" being in the name, Arguably worlds most wicked Emperor coming back to life happens with very little impact or reaction from the other characters. Aspect of the show which was suppose to be climax is felt like small detour and soured rest of viewing experience.
Overall Story seems alot more like an OVA than actual sequel , it takes place in Kingdom of Zilkhstan with dull cast and finale having at best temporary effects on Code Geass world and plot line.
Aside from plot out you have distinct style and typical Code geass animation and fan service.
It is difficult to write review and talk about my emotions and thoughts on the show then I experienced very little of either. If You are Code Geass fan as I said its fun seeing your favorite characters back in action but show it self does very little to build up on those memories.
If you thought Code Geass was okay show, viewing this movie will do very little for you if it doesn't lower your overall opinion of the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 11, 2020
Deca -Dence is short yet very enjoyable show.
Story is well paced, interesting and engaging. Something not often achieved by 12 episode shows. While naturally it does not compare to truly amazing stories , it has to be one of best half season shows I have ever watched.
Characters, main and side are all very likable. Everything from their casual chit chat to emotional revelations are all grounded and I got surprisingly invested in their struggles. Moments of happiness and laughter contrasted with grieve and desperation make both ends ever so defined and hard hitting.
Animation and overall cinematography are top
notch. Action scenes are well directed , despite characters often times moving in all sorts of axis, I was never lost. Show managed to present high octane and easy to follow action scenes, which were joy to watch.
No single sound track has left big of impression and as a result I would be lying that I remember single one , nether the less ost does great job accompanying fight scenes and helps to set mood during emotional moments.
Overall Deca-Dance is fun,short and interesting story accompanied with Solid animation and music scores. I whole heartily recommend watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 28, 2020
At this point I find my self dropping alot of shows I come across, maybe i became alot more impatient or became different type of viewer, nether less at time like this then most shows fail to interest me past first few episodes, it is especially note worthy than a show like Blast of Tempest had me binging it over few days. There are alot of things in this show which I liked and kept me engaged yet despite all of it there is one aspect of a show which stops me from recommending it.
I will be talking about the story last as i
have lot to say about it so, I'll cover other aspects of the show before it.
Animation was very good. I especially liked design and color scheme.Despite using bright colors, scenes seem very muted, from visuals alone it is easy to get into the mood show is trying to set, while still having colorful and distinct characters, this is something some "dark" shows tend to have issues with as they use too many of dark and black colors often making their characters look asame. Charecter are drawn sharply, there are no blurry or uncertain lines, this is most noticable with their faces as sharp lines help to bring across their facial expressions and emotions.
Actual animation was also very pleasing, actions scenes are directer well and fight scenes are joy to watch , this is especially true in first half of the show, with Mahiros fights been entertaining. Good animation wasn't only present in fight scenes , even in slow scenes or one with not so big of importance, you never have to see clunky 3 frame animation. Some might argue this isn't very significant but personally for me second or two long scenes with poor animation can really take me out of the show and weaken attachment i had to the story.
Music was great while no one of osts i think are worth listening on their own, opening and ending songs are fun. I especially liked opening and ending from first part. Rest of sound track accompanies scene swell, helping set the correct attitude and expectations for the viewer.
Character: they were fine, They failed to leave much of an impression on me, thats not to say they were bad, there are a badly written characters who I left more of an impression and still remember today Amano from Mirai Niki comes to mind. It comes down to lack of carisma or emotions , something most evident in two main heros, even if it is true that their cold nature was intentional it doesnt make it any better, I will talk more about it in last section about the story, but many of intial build ups fell flat and its largely due to those two. Side characters were adequate Solomon was arguably most likably character out of whole cast and rest of supporting cast ,while not getting any development from onset they well rounded characters .
Now i won't spoil anything however I can't talk about story and why despite being overall solid show I would not recommend this show with out going in deeper aspects of the show.So with that out of the way.
Story of Blast of Tempest circles around Shakespeare's two works Hamlet and Tempest , both are stories about a revenge with former having very tragic ending and later happy ending. Show is different from those two by its ending being not tragic and nor happy and hense ends up being mediocre. In hindsight I should have seen this coming alot of build ups which happen in first half and make you excited to watch them get resolved, end up being dead ends . Biggest example being death of Aika, its mysterious and uneasy situation was the corner stone for the whole show, its what guided actions of his brother and boyfriend, so then such major point of conflict has such voided conclusion and even less of lasting effect it not only harmed Aika as a character but also Yoshino and Mahiro. All the build up, all the possibilities wasted because writers wanted Aika to be more involved with the plot. On top of that you have time travel, now time travel like always ends up being a huge huge mess , while some shows do it admirably this isn't one of them and as a result it adds to the frustration of how the story developed.
Going back to the ending, which was actual killer, balanced endings are not only very boring but also it was not fitting to such grandiose story , story was epic in proportions but ending seemed to be out of light slice life anime. What makes it even worse is that it was intentional ,show deliberately chose the in between ending, which while yes completed the overall premise, led to very disappointing finale.
So why give it score of 8? ending on its own was like 5 maybe 6 and even tho i will forget this show rather quickly ,enjoyment of binding it and watching process and build up to different mysteries was enjoyable so I can't write it off completely. Going into deeper details would turn the review into an essay and long one at that so I decided for sake of review being review to keep it short.
Enjoyable show with great potential wasted by mediocre and lack luster conclusion and ending.
Would NOT Recommend
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 28, 2020
Everyone's favorite wholesome playboy Tanjiro takes break from seducing demon slayer gals to charming fashion designers and models by providing emotional support and encouragement then they really need it . Say what you want about him but he sure knows his way around women.
Jokes aside Smile down the runway is about talented but poor designer and a short model and their journey of becoming successful in their careers. Show does a good job of portraying its characters' desires , ambitions , regrets and accomplishments while presented with pretty animation and designs with some sprinkles of comedy. So why do i
think this show is only worth 6?
Well while whatever show does, it doesn't do it poorly , I don't thing it does anything exceptionally well either . Whole 'Poor but talented protagonist who has ill family member who has been in hospital for long time' is so common and even overused, there could be a template where you only need to fill in character names and rest of story is written for you. So it would be more of surprising if show messed up such refined formula. What this means, all in all story is not really interesting. If you are some one who is new to anime it might not be that big of an issue but for me, I knew how whole show would turn up out early as episode 3. It could say subverted my expectations of what it was going to be but it never does, overall predictability of the plot ruins any sense of tension or excitement a viewer might have.
Regarding animation its more or less the same. Its clothes and characters are drawn well and you have some money shots, but I was never taken away or impressed by it I can't really recall any scenes if you were to ask me to and i watched this was 2 days ago. It is bit unfair to criticize the animation, it never hampered the show and it pulled its weight, but then overall story is not interesting enough to justify watching the show, you try to find other aspects of show which are worth watching the show for but unfortunately animation isn't one of them.
Overall music was pretty good I did find Opening and ending songs fun to listen to and in between tracks which accompany the show do a good job setting the mood and conveying the emotions characters are experiencing.
On final note Run down the run way has alot of same vibes as Welcome to the Ballroom but what ballroom did well but this show failed to do was get me interested into a subject. I won't pretend after watching Wellcome to the Ballroom I went started watching ballroom competitions but nether the less the show managed to convey rare and bit unusual topic in a interesting and entertaining way so that even some one like me, who never had any interest in ballroom dances, enjoyed it.
Meanwhile Smile down the runway failed to awoke same type of interests in modeling, clothes designing and creating. Maybe if it focused on those topics more intricately by closely following design process or was more informative and technical with sewing and different techniques associated with it, but as it is whole fashion and modeling seemed more like a surface level reskin to make it look like show was unique and interesting then in reality it was very cliche story.
As a summary I fail to see why I would recommend this show to anyone, it doesn't do anything interesting with topic its covering nor does anything new with 'poor guy big dream' trope. At one point I was thinking maybe it is aimed at female demographic but problem with that is that, show focuses very little on heroine compared to protagonists, not to mention most fan service features the heroine; its pretty clear who show tries to appeal to then it has a shot of Chiyuki doing a split in pink underwear while wearing red stiletto heels.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 22, 2020
This show was made for children and I'm not saying this with negative connotation but simply that from story, voice acting , plot and narrative it is plainly obvious that it was made with children , well younger audience as its target. This is important because there are shows which are bad and shows which are not meant for me. Time I got reincarnated as smile is the latter, I didn't find it interesting but I can see some one in early teen or younger enjoying this show.
I am pointing this out because I saw alot of people bashing this show for being
a bad Overlord clone and it comes off as ignorant and lacking in awareness in my opinion. For example Bunny girl senpai is a bad monogatari clone, it follows same formula and is aimed at people who liked monogatari series but with Slime-kun while it has similar premise to Overlord , its not aimed for the same audience. Some one who liked Overlord might like Slime-kun but that doesn't change much.
Regarding story as I said, it would be pointless for me start critiquing plot , characters and story for being bland and boring as I would just be larping. Closest comparison would me if i started trashing Magic girl shows and started comparing them to Madoka.
Main character voice from 37 old man to that of a child, later human body it takes shape of is of a young boy. Humour is simplistic althought I did find parts were slime is talking to Great Sage (one who does most exposition and explains). It never goes into any complexities of running a town or country, most diplocamatic talks go as
- Hello slime I want treaty
-Hello Mr King I also want treaty
- Ok that means we have a treat
I not saying any of this with negative meaning, just examples who show that this anime is aimed at kids.
With that out of way, I found overall Show to be fine. Animation was respectable it, while there were no amazingly well animated scenes you never got horrible stick animation or CG shenanigans, plus considering how frequent actions scenes were, animation was adequately good.
Well I don't really remember any of them or have much of desire to go back to listen to any of em , I am writing day after finish the show. However, that being said at no point do I remember music being bad or recycled like I did with Parasite series. So it served its purpose as background music set tone to scenes it accompanied.
Overall action sequences were alright, they were entertaining enough for me to want to watch the next episode but none really left much of an impression.
So yeah overall show was fine but its dependent on your age, if you are in late teens or older you won't find it interesting(probably). If you liked "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?" you will probably like this too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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