Very simply put, this is a show that embraces the stereotypes it was born into, for better or worse, and your enjoyment entirely depends on whether you care little for cliches and just enjoy the ride, or you roll your eyes at them wanting something original. To be clear, this is a kids show. I mean, an ACTUAL kid's show, not just a generic shonen. You should think on that going in, because fights are very sanitized, language is typically sterile, and aside from some obligatory fan service, everything is pretty much intended for smaller children.
On a more personal note, I loved this series. I
Dec 12, 2023
The God of High School
I originally gave this a 1 because of how appallingly bad the writing was. I rewatched it and reappraised it to 2 for the simple fact that the animation was that impeccable. It is the only saving grace of this show. Literally every other aspect you can think of, this show does poorly. Pacing is an ADHD-fueled train wreck, backstories are as in depth as a puddle, characters might as well be played by cardboard cut outs due to such bland and generic archetypes, new plot points that seem like they are of any importance immediately just hit dead ends, the plot only exists to
Oct 21, 2023
Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
My Hero Academia doesn't necessarily do anything unique or special among other shounens - It's full of self-sacrifice, friendship, and willpower. The difference, however, is that unlike many of the other shows, it does a brilliant job of the "show don't tell" model that so many anime lack these days. It's a tiresome cliche when you see another show where the protagonist has to announce unasked to no one in particular about friendship or not giving up. But more importantly, the show completely masters the art of instilling the emotions we watch shounen for in the first place - the idea of giving your all