This might be a bit surprising but I really like anime. I'm into all genres, especially horror. Love environmental story-telling and shows that don't hand feed you information.
I'm of the firm philosophy that some of the people overly obsessed with cultivating "anime taste" need to calm the hell down. They're shows just like any other. If you relaxed and pulled the stick from your butt you might find that you enjoy a lot more shows than you thought. Life is a lot better when you chill out and just watch the anime and let your feelings on it come naturally. You're not special just because you found some random niche show.
Here's another fact:
Hard to find does not always equal good.
Mainstream does not always equal bad.
Crazy, I know. If I drop a series, its either because its an episodic series (none or little continuity), a purely awful show, or simply just boring. If my reviews or scores differ from yours, congrats! We have different tastes. Different people tend to be different. Don't let my review ruin your show.
And remember - anime is passtime that ought to be fun, not nitpicked or overly dissected. Just enjoy it!
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