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Jan 17, 2024
It is a movie animated by Mappa and created/script written by Okada Mari. It is hard to say if it's a good or bad title, I can see the idea where it was about to go, but it didn't. I would say it would be way better in a 24+ episodes TV series with expanded takes on few stuff with a higher focus on characters and on smaller plot events.
If I would have to tell in nutshell what the story is about, it can be understood as philosophical approach, or at least I would search one plot message in this, as with the direct story
I will begin with direct story which we follow through without overthinking, it is a story of living in a town Mifuse in which time has stopped, people still live there but they are isolated from everything else and it was supposed to keep like that. Our main character Masamune is a Middle Schooler experiencing life as a growing up kid while encountering few nuances related to the time stopping theme. While in reality the movie focuses mainly on a romantic story of him and one of the girls. The romance approach is kinda specific, I would even find here some themes related to a classic Romeo and Juliet, of love which isn't accepted, here by characters aswell as they still enforce it by just showing specific views of "reality", which you might say is the outside world in the parallel Mifuse which is the represantation of everything if the time hasn't stopped.
The philosophical approach which I would like to search it here as it would make the movie better. It portrays a fear of future and the desire to keep everything the same as it is, alot of people experience such thoughts and little fear, especially in the time of growing up or just right before we encounter the known changes, such as changing school, moving to another city, beginning job career, you might call out many stuff. The movie focuses on Middle Schoolers with little help of the adults showing the fear of future and what it might bring to you. Those who has accepted the incoming changes of the future acquire the "shattered/broken heart" in that movie. Which would fit a little bit of showing how "perfect" the future could be in that "reality" which in reality would be a fake image, an ilusion, while thinking that the real Mifuse is an ilusion. The character by thinking like that they would not understand how to achieve the future shown as a "real world" and they be afraid of how to approach it, while later understanding that nothing is that perfect even the visionary future.
Does it make sense to have such approach to a movie, I don't know, but I would like to take a different look at it, maybe that theme would be little different but I can't describe it or explain it in better words, for which I am sorry.
The animation for the current year is I would say decent.
Music is fine
Characters are the biggest flaw here, which is why I would make it longer. Outside Masamune, his fater, his uncle, Mutsumi and Itsumi there aren't any scenes to make any attachments to other characters: Senba, Hara, Nitta, Sonobe, Mamoru etc. While the show itself is trying to make it a little bit emotional or some scenes related to them, but there are no possible attachments so the audience, including me, won't care what is happening to them, either for happy or sad scenes.
Plot well as mentioned above.
So I will leave here 2 ratings for Direct and Philosophical approach seperately, how you'll understand or try to view at this movie, I can't guide anyone which is better/proper way, so that is up to you.
If it's a direct approach for a romance, than it is a 5/10, it is just average. The animation as for 2024 is fine, but it isn't anything above that considering that it is a movie in which we usually expect a higher quality, the plot might be confusing most likely to being too short, characters are bland, so if there isn't any deeper meaning in a movie, than 5 is the maximum I can give it.
If it has a deeper philosophical meaning, which I might misunderstood at first view, maybe a rewatch would be more helpful, not sure if I actually want to rewatch it. Than here we can speak for at least a 6/10 as the story will give a little bit more values, but it will still lack due to being too short, if the story would be lengthen by at least one more hour and try to focus at some scenes, events and especially characters than it could be a way better movie than it is for now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 26, 2023
The movie is based on a Novel written by Tsujimura Mizuki in 2017, I do not have the knowledge if the whole novel was adapted here or a portion of it, I would guess that the movie covers a majority if not entirely the story of it.
The main theme of the movie is involved within the very old fairy tale from 1812 of Grimm Brothers "Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein" - "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats" which is very well known worlwide a fairy tale of a mother goat leaving her 7 children at home the wolf make 3 attempts to
enter the house, eats 6 of them while the 7th was hidden in a big grandfather clock, later the others are saved by cutting the wolf's stomach and the wolf's stomach is replaced by rocks. I guess we've all heard/read it one day. Aswell as there is little reference towards Little Red Riding Hood, especially that Mr. Wolf is portrayed similarly to a fusion of Wolf and Red Hood.
As much as the movie isn't fully like that fairy tale it goes around that theme and it is hinted to us in few ways. Also in the show there is an appearance of classical music piece "Träumerei" by Schumann I would recommend to check the reimagined lyrics for that song as it does relate to the show itself, that is a very nice detail within this movie.
The first part introduces us to Kokoro whom is the main girl who find out that her mirror was glowing up, by touching it she discovered a realm with a castle in which we are introduced to 6 other teenagers and Mr. Wolf, who declares the rules, if you break them there will appear a wolf and will eat every single person who was in the castle when the rule was broken.
The movie goes highly around the bullying problem and it's results, as for victims they needed some time to even reveal their problems.
Characters are fine, they could be a little bit more lively.
Music is fine.
Animation is good, it isn't the series about fights or action so flashy animation is not needed here, the portrayal of wolf at the very first shot felt kinda weird.
The ending of wraping up and showcasing the connections between characters was pretty nice.
I did enjoy the show and I have personally rated it 9/10, I guess my personal rating based on enjoyment might be slightly too high, although I think this movie deserves a scoring of 7 or 8, especially if you're a fan of dialogue-based movies with barely any kind of actions. If you're a fan of action type of movies with some fights, this movie will not satisfy you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 29, 2023
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! is a romance anime made by Lay-duce studio and based on Web Manga made by Yanagida Fumita. Which involves around main characters whom are Jun and Tomo and how their relationship is growing over the presented episodes. Both of them are extraordinarily trained in martial arts, I suppose they train Karate, aswell as Tomo has received quite a popularity due to being a Tomboy character, outside those 2 there are also characters such as Carol, Gundo, Tomo's Parents, Carol's cousin, Tanabe and Carol's Mother who have significant screen time.
The overall plot shows the struggle of Tomo's and Jun's character in case of
going further in their relationship from best friends into a couple and their thoughts about it which might make them create the wrong assumptions and asking others for tips or leading them to take some actions. It is no surprise to say that we've seen already approach in other titles and somehow it is still executed in a pleasing way, each character has their own specific personality and traits which we can notice right after their screen time, the plot itself is not something which will shock you or surprise of being original or completely different than other romance-comedy anime which are set in high school, the one thing which a little bit was a nice view is the fact that instead of having a theather/acting performance of "Romeo and Juliet" which I usually see in anykind of shows, they perform "Cinderella" which I don't remember seeing in anime/non-anime format to be honest.
The anime is a good option to spend some evening time and have a proper chill with it, it is worth giving a shot, it will not make you feel burnout to make a pause from other titles of shared genres or anything like that, but for sure you won't regret checking out this title as it will bring the proper enjoyment for which you're searching for. The surprise is one specific scene in final episode where they actually went with a higher quality of animation, which is quite a positive surprise.
Personally I have given 9/10 to this title which is mainly based on my own enjoyment towards this title, I don't think that Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! "objectively" deserves a 10 or even a 9, but I'd guess the most proper rating for this should be 8/10 or a very high 7/10, so it is without a doubt a worth show to spend some of your private time to watch these 13 episodes, I don't think anyone would regret that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 2, 2020
That's a nice movie to watch, don't expect a masterpiece from a hour movie, but you won't regret spend that time on this title, I wish that title will get a tv shows seasons in the future cause it definitely deserves it.
First of all the movie take place in the same universe as Bleach but it's in London and as y'all seen in trailer it's different than a well known Bleach world. It also bring a little bit of nostalgia, especially that characters gives you a 100% vibes of Tite Kubo drawing style and not gonna lie Bruno Bangnyfe give Grimmjow vibes unfortunately these characters
don't share the voice actor.
It's good, but too rushed, alot of people will disagree with my point of view, but let's be honest you don't need to know everythign about a world to enjoy the movie and that's what happens here, a short plot with introducing a little bit of the world, of the main characters and with few actions.
I really like the art style of Tite Kubo which is visible in this movie and I love that fact, also i want to point out something which some people like some doesn't it's the specific art of background which in my opinion is familiar to Owari no Seraph background art, for me it was great the whole Reverse London looked incredible.
Well that's a too short movie to even notice anything, the sound effect during actions is quite good, there is only one soundtrack which I memorised from that movie which is the main theme of burn the witch and that's all what I can say about that, unfortunately I didn't like that much of voice acting for Bruno.
They are unique but not unique at the same time, the art style and their look like is something which will make you remember these characters but their personalities is something which you can definitely find in another titles and it makes you forget about the character, the example is that Noel for me is like a female version of Ishida from Bleach and as I said before Bruno is similar to Grimmjow, but to be honest I like very much his balaclava, clothing for mouth i don't know how to properly call it in english.
That's a short and good movie to watch in an evening, to eat some pop-corn, chips or some other snaccs and just chill out while watching it, without thinking about what's gonna happen, who is who, who will do what, who will survive, etc. Just a simple story for a chilling which I personally like.
Overall : 8/10
I really hope that burn the witch manga will have more opportunities for develop and will not have to be rushed like Bleach to give time for Kubo to make and procces this title for a better score, I hope that I will oneday be watching week by week episodes of Burn the Witch if that's gonna happen, I will be positive that it will happen, when? I don't know.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 15, 2019
This anime in my opinion is good.
Story : 7/10
About story, we are again in the same highschool with the one of the highest education level in country. But there is something else in it which describe it own hierarchy in nutshell , you need to gamble. If you're good you will be respected and you can achieve alot in this highschool and not only money. If you're bad with it , you need to be carefull cause you can become an "animal" which means the lowest hierarchy to people who lost everything and they won't be called even as a human.
In this season to the
highschool comes alot of people with names which ends with "-bami" and here goes the explaination of this , thanks to that we know a little more about the main character Yumeko and Kirara.
Because of their coming here begins alot of games with high risk- high return gamble and it doesn't mean a simple "Poker game".
Art : 8/10
In my opinnion the art is better than in previous season , the way how they show when people cry or show their real "expressions" is specific and alot of people would dislike it , but for me it's a really original way which I liked a lot.
Sound: 7/10
There some osts which I liked and I liked the song in the opening.
Character : 9/10
There are some new characters with name of "-bami" each of them are different with their own talents and style of playing.
But what is important that alot of characters which appeared in season 1 , had their own development , we can learn much more about who they are.
Enjoyment :10/10
Personally I enjoy to most of anime which I watch.
High risk - high return games , some complicated and non-simple gamble rules in each of games and the way how to win the game is more enjoying then in previous season , I loved all of these games and the rules behind it.
In overall I think Kakeguruixx deserve to get 8/10 --> Very Good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 27, 2018
At the bottom under the review I have written MY OWN theories , explantations and the differences between 6th volume and the movie.
These differences theories and explantation have some spoilers about the movie and the story after 1st season of ngnl . You read only on your own
Before this movie I read the Light Novel 6th volume and also I watched twice in internet the record from the Japan cinema with bad quality 244~~ something like it without any translation .
Before I will write my review idk how others but the last scene in present between Izuna, Jibril , Sora , Shiro
and Stepph always make me cry also in book made me cry.
REVIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Story 10/10 :
It's the story about the great war which we heard in No game No life season 1 , it's the war between all races with no reason , no target no one from humans knows why is this war still exist , the story shows how Riku the leader of the humanity leads people and also how he attempt to finish this war .
Art 10/10:
Art of No game No life is so colorful and original which I really love even with this colorful art the horrible non stopping war was shown as a horrible war in which You don't know appear and also it show how terrible is war , what a horror has to experience every living being.
Sound 10/10:
Soundtracks were well connected with the animation , the epic sounds , the sad osts , the vocal osts .... I can't even describe them they are just ... You have to hear them on your own :)
Character 10/10:
Riku as a Sora but he is losing the "games" also he is much more idk impulsive then Sora.
Schuvi as S**** , she is just a machine who want to understand the emotions of the humans which we can see the result of succes or failure in this movie
Corone as Steph but much more clever and protective also much more sensitive.
Jibril we know her really well , Azriel - the oldest ( if I remember well ) Flugel .
Einzig is the main cluster/leader of the ex-machinas .
Nirvaren Shink the leader of the Nirvalen family and also probably as a leader of the elven nation.
Enjoyment 10/10:
I can't believe that someone can't enjoy it ... Even during reading the volume I couldn't move or even say something cause it's so enjoyable ,
after watching it I was butchered into my chair and thinking what to do next...
Overall 10/10:
This is the really well-done movie which is worth to see even if you didn't watch the no game no life , It's a movie which can show and also learn you that the impossible is only the word , everything is possible but you need a good plan , strategy and determination .
This movie is just a masterpiece which will smash your heart from chest and smash it to the floor :)
DIFFERENCE 6th volume - movie--------------------------------------------
First difference is that in movie isn't shown how hard is for Riku sacrificing his people and also planning the future by locking his "Heart" also they didn't show his big potential of intelligence because in the beginning Riku describe by the sound of noises how big is this Demon which killed Ivan , also during reading Aka si Anse he told to Shuvi that he know ( If I remember well 4-7 languages.)
The next one is why Couroune know that Shuvi isn't a human and she wasn't surprised during the marriage is because during touching her back of the head when Shuvi first time went to the base of humans , she felt alot of robotic parts also she told that to Riku and Shuvi after giving flowers to Shuvi.
In beginning of movie Riku didn't say but when you look at the moment of this huge explode between his speech and showing the mystical play between him and invisible Tet , his parents took him from the window and sacrifice themselfs to save Riku , Riku doesn't remember his parents.
Shuvi by understanding the Emotions / Heart she had everytime "Errors" and only in the ending just right before her connecting with Einzig ( If I remember well ) she understood that these errors are truth emotions.
Ex-machinas before "stealing" the power of Zuibakus , Aka si Anses, and Heaven Bomb (?) , fought against Artosh for a little while during which they copied the Flugels "Teleportation" .
EXPLENTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------
Why Sora , Shiro and Steph aren't the "REAL" reincarnation of Riku ,Shuvi and Couroune . Firstly Shuvi is a machine , her emotions , memory and everything is still living in cluster , because all ex-machinas have the same information among them . During 7th volume of light novel Jibril said that after dying the living beings in Disboard world are only going as spirits to the corridor of the souls to support the world , but the question is Riku was the LAST soul which went to corridor of the past world , or as the first soul which supports the new world ( Tet rules ) .
Why ex-machinas didn't save Shuvi even with their ability to moving really fast in quick time , probably Cluster decided that the information of the "Shuvi" unit is more important than saving her .
THEORIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
As you know the ex-machinas has the same amount of information memory and experience because they are sharing each others the information is working like Kage Bunshin no jutsu in Naruto , but they are sharing in real time no after death like in Naruto.So probably when Sora and Shiro will meet the ex-machinas they will be surprised because they will have still Memories of SHUVI , and probably there will go a big "war" of words between them and Jibril . Maybe ex-machinas will help Sora as volunteers because they will see in him the "Reincarnation of Riku", or maybe after 6.000 years they were able to recreate Shuvi.
I am really sorry , If i make a mistake between Horou and the God with who Tet was talking , by describing Sora and Shiro that they will come for him \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /
(I haven't started reading 8th volume of the ngnl ln , so if there wil be better info about it I will correct this theory \/ )
Because of the information in 7th volume ( Maybe I missunderstood them ) that Horou , this God with who is connected Miko , it was shown in the last minute of the 1st season , is Riku. After that what Tet said about him .
The possibility is that soul of Riku before went to support world as corridor of souls , Tet managed his souls into the God (Fallen Gods) Because it was said in the book ( not in movie ) that to create a New God in disboard , the God need only at least one Believer , so Tet can be a baliever of the "Riku" as God which can explain why he didn't forget about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 10, 2018
&& My own theories about some unexplained things in anime/manga
This is an anime with great potential which Wasn't used in 80% but this is still good in my opinion , and worth to watch it .
For the first time when You watch the story it seems to be really low and maybe predictable but If you will read the story in manga and then rewatch at lest once the full anime of Bleach you will see that the story has more thinks which are so creative and explained/unexplained.
But before saying the whole story in this universe there are at least 4 worlds which are connected with each other so we have there of course the Realistic World ( i don't know how to call it ) with the people living there , Karakura city etc.
We have also Soul Society the home of Shinigamis (Death Gods ) and also ( only in manga is being shown ) The King Soul's Palace/castle( I don't remember the pro. name of this place ) in which lives The king of soul society and also the unit Gotei 0.
And the last known world is Hueco Mundo in which are living the fallen spirits(bad spirits ) Hollows(with their evolution tree).
8/10 Story is simple and the beginning of the entering the new World ( without the King Souls world ) is a kidnapp of Kurosaki's friends. We have at beginning the Arc in which Kurosaki Ichigo is meeting Kuchiki Rukia and gets the Shinigami powers and learning with us also who are the shinigamis who are the hollows and the basics about the rules . Then Rukia is being kidnnaped and we Begin the Soul Society Arc . After fighting-getting strong - fighting losing - getting strong etc. We have information about the "Hollow" inside the Ichigo and also about the shinigamis real powers/politics etc.
Then we Begin the Arrancar/Visared arc with betrayal of 3 Captains of Soul Society which is the longest . Then we have the Fullbring arc which in my opinion shouldn't be in Bleach universe .
In manga we have also the Quincy arc ( Thousand blood war ) .
9/10 Art . This anime is (right now when I am writing it ) a little old , but the art is still nice , the style of drawing the main characters ( without any special colours of hairs , hairstyle and dunno like in meme " Find a main character " ) and also the style of look like of Shinigamis , hollows , visared , arrancars , quincys and the others .
10/10 Sound. This anime has a lot of masterpieces some soundtracks people who doesn't seen bleach knows and doesn't know that these osts are from Bleach . Like Treachery , Stand up be strong , Invasion , Fade to black ( there 2 nice ost but the fade to black has names B(number) which I don't remember ) and a lot more of them also the openings themes are really nice the genre similar to rock without any slow songs like Velonica , Ranbu no Melody , Alones , Chu-Bura and more .
10/10 Character . In this anime when we will take every character from every arc(including the manga last arc) and also all fillers there are a lot of original characters and also in overall we will hate/don't like ( in my opinion ofc . ) something like 2-8 characters . Every one is original the main characters Ichigo , Inoue , Sado, Ishida , Rukia and Renji , the captains of soul society , arrancars , bountos , zanpakutous , quincys and more ...
10/10 Enjoyment , Excluding the episodes in which there happens nothing you should enjoy this anime If you really like Shounen and action anime , there are alot of action and fights , also a lot of Sword fights and the originals "Shikai" "Bankai" and the "Ressurection " or "Wandenreich powers".
Theories and my opinions :
Fillers which doesn't succ.
Why I think fillers aren't that bad as we think , just look at the "Fillers arcs"
the bounto one isn't that bad is explained really nice we see there are more people with unusual powers not only Quincys , Inoue and Sado.
Also the arc with "New 3rd unit captains " isn't that bad but it also isn't good , it's only to watch for a dinner time . The arc with revolution of Zanpakutous also isn't that bad because we can see the personalities and looks likes of the alot of Zanpakutous which we haven't seen in anime and also in manga.
I don't know that the people who has read the manga noticed but in Soul Society probably is a really bad education of the next Shinigamis "soldier" in units. Because as you can see Rukia in anime said that she only know about Gillians Menos Grande from a books and she didn't know about any Adjuchas or Vasto Lorde .
A lot of people doesn't know , Hirako Shinji or even Isshin Shiba from the past history of Soul Society which show how bad education is there , cause none of shinigamis(excluding some captains ) in anime recognise Hirako and also Rukia didn't recognise the Ichigo's father who was the Captain of the 10th unit .
How shinigamis and everyone can " fly " in anime ( or maybe in manga also ) I think the reason was shown in anime but the people didn't connected this with the World of humans and Soul Society or even with Hueco Mundo as you remember when Ichigo , Ishida and Sado was going trhough the Garganta to Hueco Mundo they had to put heir own Reiatsu to make "floor" on air or something similar to vacuum , probably in this connect world " Garganta " is easier to make this floor than in Karakura city or in others world's because there isn't probably a strong atmosphere so probably in Karakura city in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo you can "fly " by putting your reiatsu under your feets like in Naruto with walking on water .
Why only shinigamis died ?
As you know from the beginning in anime in universe of world there should "die" without possibility of going to Soul Society only the Shinigamis , Bountos , Hollows killed by Quincys and also the victims of Bountos .
But why ? That's easy Every human and quincy ( quincy are the humans with unusual powers ) after death they are the spirits with the chain from their body and waiting to be "accepted / funeraled " by shinigami or they will become Hollow ( by being eaten or just because of saddnes to some place/world/people)
The hollows ( excluding in 100% Uluquiorra ) which got killed by Shinigami should being extracted and become as a normal human spirits to Soul Society and there is starting my theory about the Gillians/Adjuchas/Vasto Lorde /Arrancars after deaths spirits , because theye are a mix of they are mix of the hollows / some of them during evolution changed their own personality etc. so probably after death they can being as a New Human spirit ( which hasn't lived as a Real Human ) to Soul Society , so for par example Starrk or other Arrancar after death should appear in Soul Society as Starrk and arrancar but without hollows power , hole in body and also the hollows masks.
The theory which ofc isn't a theory Why Ichigo has 3 powers ?
Why I said 3 powers because I am not including in "powers" the fullbring because You can learn it , and it's nothing unusual , and also a "Human" isn't a power .
Shinigami is mixed with Hollow power which we will get information about it in Manga , the Shinigami power is from his father , and the hollow also from his father but he took the Hollow "White" from his mother body(inner world)
And also you can see that Zangetsu is a Hollow-Zanpakutou because the "White Ichigo" is a realy Zangetsu with his hollow powers ( in anime he told it but in other way cause Hichigo said that he is fighting with "Elder Zangetsu " about the place in his inner world ) and the last 3rd power is of course the Quincys powers which Ichigo has by blood like the Shinigami powers , because his mother was a Quincy.
Also we can think that not only Ichigo in Kurosaki family can has these 3 powers but Karin and Yuzu too . About Kazui we already know it that he has at least unusual shinigamis powers.
Next Generation are much mor over powered than the old.
There is only one chapter about 2 children Ishika( if I remember well ) and Kazui , they are kids of coursy but you can see clearly that they are in at least lieutentant level . Look Ishikai has at least his sword in Shikai form which is typical to being an one of the officer's/lieutentant in a unit , and also Kazui which has probably also in "shikai" form the sword but it can be in "Bankai" form because his sword's handle looks like the same as the handle of the Ichigo's False Tensa Zangetsu and also it can explain why his Shinigami Kimono is unusaul which seems to be "burning" around the Kazui body .
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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