"Yo, just die, you pieces of sh*t... uh~ just kidding. First of all, thanks for checking my profile. I watch a lot of anime, literally a lot, but recently I'm addicted to manga, manhwa, and manhua.
I have a different perspective on different kinds of genres, but my most favorite genres have to be Action, Adventure, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi. I appreciate all the others that are present as well.
I hate series in which the MC is a retard and takes a lot of time to make decisions, and they're also pathetic. However, this can be cured with the best world-building possible (e.g., One Piece). I like series in which the MC has something to achieve and a perpetual target or dream, like ruling the world or world domination (e.g., Overlord). I am also interested in post-apocalyptic worlds, and this has to be one of my favorite tags (e.g., Blame).
In my review system, I have four categories:
Masterpiece: This category gives any series the highest possible rating because these series are relatable or have heartwarming stories with great world-building. They hold a special place in our hearts.
Favorite One: This category is for series that I like the most but might forget in a few years or months. I give these series a solid 9/10 or 8/10. These types of stories lack a strong connection between the user and the series and may have some clichés, but they are bearable. They have decent world-building and, most importantly, fewer plot holes with plot twists. If I can't relate to them or if they don't touch my heart, they are meaningless to me.
Mediocre: This category lies between a bridge where you can't move because death awaits on both sides. These series contain clichés and a dumb MC, but they have decent world-building and a somewhat good story. The main problem with these series is that the premise seems worth watching and the story starts off well, but it later falls apart with a bad ending and pacing issues. They receive a solid 5-7/10.
Trash: Sometimes, I like trash ;) These series have a bad start with lots of clichés. It's as if a 10-year-old or a teenager is the writer, and if I could reach the author's house, I'd probably beat the sh*t out of him. They receive a solid 0-4/10."
[Freind request]
As you know currently I'm alone ;) but if you want to be friend just don't hesitate and request me. I will definitely accept your request and we both curse each other...just kidding :)
This list is something is close to heart or something emotional attachment.
honest opinion
In this I just add some anime which I like and also shared my honest opinion
Favourite one
In this I add the anime I like most.
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