Floch died like the bitch he is, eren gets decked like the bitch he is.
Sorry your genocidal power fantasy got trampled and isayama is laughing.
AoT was intentionally leading to make fun of the hypernationlist, militarist, xenophobes the entire time and you convinced yourself it was doing it genuinely lol
Fair enough. I do recomend you to rewatch Fate/Zero as I enjoyed it alot more when I rewatched it. I originally rated season 1 a 7 and season 2 an 8, but after rewatching it I changed my ratings to 8 and 10.
You have a pretty good list overall. The only major disagreements I have with you seem to be your ratings of Fate/Zero and Violet Evergarden. May I ask for a short summary of why you rated them that low?
All Comments (15) Comments
Anime berserk stinky
Manga berserk master piece
Couldn't be proven wrong by even the story itself.
Sorry your genocidal power fantasy got trampled and isayama is laughing.
AoT was intentionally leading to make fun of the hypernationlist, militarist, xenophobes the entire time and you convinced yourself it was doing it genuinely lol
Great favorites list there btw. Much similar to mine.
I see u haven't been enjoying the God of Highschool all that much too haha.