Aug 12, 2022
This will be a 3-part review: I will review this as a stand-alone work, as a replacement for Season 1, and as an adaptation of the original material.
The main purpose of this piece is to introduce the main antagonist of BTTH Season 5. The opening features the teacher and the conflict that led him to become a soul. Therefore, this special is meant to introduce a bit of the teacher's past and recap the most important parts of season 1 (and unify the character designs). For this purpose, it is very well done, and deserves a score of 8. The character designs are the same
as seen previously, it recaps all the main points (with some plot changes to cram it into 3 episodes) and there aren't really any major plot holes allowing for a quick recap/remake of season 1 and allowing a smooth transition into season 5.
Which brings me to the next part of the review: the score for it being a replacement.
As a replacement for Season 1, I would give this a score of 6/10. They simply cut too much out for it to completely replace the original. There are 3 major things that were cut that I think were important to have: Ya Fei and the alchemy (though the extensively showed that in Season 4), the entrance exam for the academy (and it's fight which I would have liked to see), and parts leading to Xiao Yi Xian and the conflict it sparked (like getting the wings). If it was given another 3 appropriate length episodes, I think the original season 1 could have been completely replaced. Unfortunately, it was a bit too short and this felt a bit too incomplete to be a complete remake. I know that the ending song/credits showed a variety of stills that covered the meeting with Xiao Yi Xian, but if you don't know what happened, they are meaningless.
Season 1 replacement score: 6/10
Now finally, as an adaptation, it was faithful enough to the original text for it's length. Much of the fluff and needless drama was cut to reduce the runtime, but all the important core plot points were there. While I personally would have preferred it to be longer and cover things more thoroughly, as an adaptation of another work, it does a good enough job.
Adaptation score (how faithful to source): 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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