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Dec 10, 2022
Hinata should have been infertile.
I have nothing more to say.
You all know perfectly well what this show is, why it was made and for what audience.
There is literally nothing else that needs to be said.
Stop reading this review, there is nothing more to say here.
I could argue and list hundreds of thousands of points why this show is what it is, where it fails and where it... well I won't even finish this sentence because all has been said.
All I can say is learn to let go, move on and watch something more. There is so much you can do right now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 12, 2021
11. Continuing from my Detective Conan, Death Note and One Piece reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
Cowboy Bebop is truly the best gateway anime for newcomers.
Back then, we got introduced to anime on a special TV channel and were mostly watching "kid-friendly" anime like Naruto, Beyblade, Yugioh, etc.
We later found out that another channel was airing anime but only after 23:00 PM. It was MTV and they aired shows like Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Cowboy Bebop.
Both of these shows superb masterpieces!
It is a must watch for every anime enthusiast.
In my reviews I don't talk much spoilers or go too
deep into the story.
In the end if you wanted that you could just read the description of the show or watch a no-spoiler trailer or something.
If even after 23 years, people still remember this show fondly and it holds up like good wine, then it is clear that the show is good.
To be honest I only sometimes managed to watch it on TV and even then the episodes did not make much sense because I skipped the ones before.
I watched it whole when I seriously sat down and looked Cowboy Bebop and GIS on the internet.
I was always intrigued with the episodes on TV. Later a lot of people were talking good things about it and literally no one was saying anything bad (back before MAL and similar websites).
Back then people's opinions mattered because they had developed tastes.
Today every donkey has the opportunity to vomit their opinion as a review and similar sycophants of the show will support each other and breed toxicity.
That's why I do not trust the opinion and reviews of people, especially here on MAL.
I'd like to re-watch it soon, it is a great show, I don't even have to tell you this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 12, 2021
10. Continuing from my Naruto, Bleach and One Piece reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
I started watching Detective Conan on TV when I was a teenager. It was such a great show.
I always loved detective stories like Sherlock Holmes and here I have it in anime format and over 100+ episodes, each better than the last!
Especially the older 1996-1998 episodes are the best.
You really enjoy every case and try to figure it out on your own.
Only later I found out that many of the episodes were fillers but even then, they were interesting detective cases.
The whole black organization main plot was intriguing at
first but it was the various cases that kept me interested.
Also, every aspect showed more of the Japanese culture which was so much different than the usual Western stuff. I learned a lot about Japan from Detective Conan alone.
Today the show has 1014+ episodes and is not the Detective Conan I know.
They completely abandoned the Main Plot about the Black Organization. It has been literal 20 years of no progress! By now we know they will never finish it. They just dangle it in front of fans like a false hope.
Much more filler episodes now with boring predictable cases.
In the 1014 episodes they have shown literally everything about Japan.
The show is washed up.
Still I recommend it to people, especially the first 100-300 episodes that were great. You can always skip episodes you don't like or drop it once it gets boring.
As there is no continuity or anything rewarding with keeping up with the plot, you can simply pick whichever episode you want and watch it out of order, it doesn't matter...
How sad, one of my most favorite and beloved shows reduced to this..
Whenever they make another black organization arc, it only creates more characters, more questions without answering any.
We make 1 step forward and 20 steps back.
Do you understand that people have been waiting 25+ years, a quarter of a century to see the end of this story? So many people died hoping to witness how the story ends in their lifetime only to die unfulfilled?
I am old enough to just drop the show and enjoy what we had. I sometimes re-watch the older episodes because they are that good.
But I am not giving the show anymore of my time, only to waste it on fillers...
Maybe someday they will finish the story and I will check it out but for now, I'd rather watch something else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 12, 2021
9. Continuing from my Death Note and One Piece reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
Studio Ghibli movies are masterpieces. We were lucky to have some of their movies show on TV in the evening.
Even in dub, they were amazing movies.
To us, Disney has died the moment they switched from 2D animation to 3D.
When we wanted to watch 3D, we would go to Pixar studios. They mastered 3D and could tell great stories (example: Toy Story).
Disney switched to 3D not because they saw it as a medium that offered more opportunities but simply to cut costs as 2D animation is much more expensive.
Just remember
the beloved and beautiful Lion King, Mulan, Tarzan and other Disney movies! Even by today's standards they are superb movies!
Disney was officially dead.
But we were still hungry for beautiful animated movies.
Studio Ghibli was perfect to replace Disney. The production quality was superior. The stories were fascinating and the Asian settings were exotic and fresh!
Of all Ghbili movies, Princess Mononoke is my most beloved one.
It is just perfect.
The story was outstanding and tackled current issues like pollution and the relationship between humanity and nature.
The art from Ghibli was as always superb.
The music and sound still to this day evokes such strong emotions in me. "The Legend of Ashitaka" still gives me goosebumps.
And each character is well developed and serves their role and purpose perfectly.
I always say if a movie does not stand near the "Shawshank Redemption" movie then people should not even dare call it a masterpiece.
Princess Mononoke is a masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 12, 2021
8. Continuing from my Death Note, Bleach and One Piece reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
There are much worse shows than Dragonaut yet I truly hate this show with all my heart.
To be honest, this show is not that bad, at most it is MEDIOCRE.
But that is the issue here.
I have encountered great anime and I have encountered trash anime, but never have I been so disappointed with mediocre anime.
Since then I consider 5/10 to be the worst possible score.
Shows can be bad, you can hate-watch them and make fun of them with your friends while drunk. Similar examples are infamous movies like
Tommy Wiseau's "The Room".
I still remember how bad Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Promised Neverland Season 2 were. I learned from the mistakes and only further developed my taste.
But Dragonaut was just mediocre and thus forgettable.
So forgettable that I want my time back that I wasted on this show.
I watched it back in 2007, what is the story about? Who are the main characters? What was even going on in the show?
I remember nothing.
I can name every character of Naruto and One Piece. I know every episode of Death Note by heart. I will never forget the amazing Ghibli movies like Princess Mononoke.
But Dragonaut, I absolutely erased everything from my memory...
...and it had 25 episodes! That's 10+ hours of my life!
If something is just bad, I can drop it at any moment, I am not that completionist about it.
But a mediocre show tricks you into watching it, giving you just a little bit of hope that it might get better.
Back when I was a teenager in 2007, I was foolish enough to eat up that lie.
In order to never again fall into such a trap, I needed to develop my taste like a wine sommelier to never again ingest such cheap garbage.
Hence why I have no tolerance for trash like Captain Marvel, Ghostbusters, Japanese live-action anime movies or anything overrated like "Your Name".
This show taught me an important lesson and since then I never again settled for mediocre shows no matter how much rabid apologist fanbases defended them.
I don't remember anything about this mediocre show, yet whenever I remember it, my hate grows only stronger.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 12, 2021
7. Continuing from my Bleach, One Piece and Naruto reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
For a young man, Shounen has proven that there can be amazing shows like One Piece but also failures like Bleach.
While I was mad dashing through random anime of my own choosing (which will lead to my next disaster review of Dragonaut), I decided to listen to what people on the net had to say. They all recommended Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note.
When I went into Death Note, I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into.
I was fascinated since episode 1. Such an amazing show.
It tackled such
topics that I was thinking about a lot at the time.
I could not decide whom to support Kira or L.
If I had to call out the weakest part of the show that I disliked then it was the character Misa. She added that bubbly anime-ness to this serious show.
But to be honest, there are people like that in real life.
Some say the show should have ended somewhere at episodes 24-25 but those are toxic apologist fans.
The ending is very important to demonstrate the hubris of the characters and natural conclusion of such a story.
Death Note is exactly what 10/10 anime should be.
Objectively it is beyond great and adding my subjective opinion leads to a 10/10 which I do not give out lightly.
Death Note and One Piece have shown me what the best of anime are capable of and opened my eyes to the flaws of shows like DBZ, Naruto and Bleach.
Death Note is where my taste started taking shape.
Now knowing what the absolute best is, I had to yet encounter the absolute worst...
...which was Dragonaut: The Resonance (2007).
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 12, 2021
6. Continuing from my One Piece, Naruto and DBZ reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
Bleach was not airing on TV in the West back when I was a teenager. I started hearing a lot about it on the internet and how it is a strong contender to the Shounen kings like Naruto and One Piece.
I thought to myself, wow if it is one of the big 3 then it must be good.
I watched it on the net and had dozens of episodes to go through.
It was a decent story, the art was fine and the battles were interesting.
It had a horror feel to
it and was unlike the other Shounen I watched like (DBZ, Naruto, One Piece). I was highly intrigued.
But even back then as a teenager I started having questions about the setting:
1) So good and bad people die and are sent by a Shinigami to the afterlife which is a medieval Japanese village world where they continue to "live" but in absolute poverty and servitude to the Shinigami. What is this?
2) Ichigo's friends miraculously get powers and that is never explained! (unless in the very ending of the manga but that feels tacked on)
3) Why do the characters have absolutely no personalities?
Then it hit me, the author was still young and inexperienced, hence relied heavily on cliches. Mangaka themselves have poor social skills and writing characters seems to be one of their biggest issues.
I thought ok ok, let's give him the benefit of doubt on that one.
But you know, having literally EVERY female character be a tsundere that has emotional outbursts and kicks the nearby male is not funny. It is played out as a joke too many times and gets annoying!
Even Sakura in Naruto does not disrupt the story to be cliche.
Bleach had me annoyed with them so many times.
I did not hate Bleach, I was a HUGE fan of it. The fights were cool!
I recommended it to nearly everyone. To be honest back then I was a very toxic apologist for Bleach back in the early teenage years.
But as episodes went on I lost interest in the show. If I wanted cool fights I always could get it from other Shounen anime.
Were the fights the only thing that Bleach had going for it?
It was no fun as One Piece. It did not follow a concise story as Naruto.
So why was I watching it then?
There was an ocean of anime masterpieces and I sit on this show because of completion sake? Some kind of messed up sense of loyalty?
This show never did the same for me as One Piece or Naruto.
and it is considered one of the Big 3?
I do not deny it had it's charm and the fights were awesome.
But compare them to today's Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer. Bleach can't even hold a candle to these shows.
And don't give me the "it is a product of it's time". It is a 2004-2012 anime.
The manga was beautiful though, Tite Kubo is an artist first, but not that great a story teller. Pushing both roles on Mangaka is what bred mediocrity and lead to our current era of visual novel adaptation..
That was the first time I was truly disappointed with an anime.
Bleach had so much potential, I loved it in the beginning.
How much it has fallen..
There is a video about Bleach: "The Fall of Bleach: 4 Years Later" it encapsulates all my thoughts perfectly on how the show ruined itself.
It is a 6/10 show at max. Better than average (5/10), which is the worst score in my opinion.
You can enjoy the fights but otherwise just shut down your brain while watching.
Bleach taught me that I have to be more careful with the anime I give a chance to.
Despite it being so popular and one of the Big 3, it was a disappointment.
Same thing with the two anime movies "Your Name" and "A Silent Voice".
Your Name is praised to heaven and back as the best of anime, yet it was a cringe fest full of plot holes.
While the underrated "A Silent Voice" was a literal masterpiece that made even a grown man cry.
I was still developing my taste and Shounen at that time hit the ceiling for me.
if Bleach the lowest of the Big 3 was that bad, then other Shounen shows that did not make the ranking could be even worse.
I needed a break from the genre and ventured out to find greatness.
I found one of the best anime of all time: DEATH NOTE.
And I found one of the worst anime that shaped my taste: Dragonaut.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 11, 2021
5. Continuing from my Naruto, DBZ, Digimon and Pokemon reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
While we all were addicted to DBZ, One Piece was airing before it everyday.
It was still a small show about pirates. It was light hearted and adventurous.
We watched it because there was literally nothing better on TV and to be honest we quite enjoyed it. It was funnier than DBZ and Naruto. Its fights were down to ground back then and quite simple.
While we were tired of Naruto fillers and awaiting more combat and DBZ was slowing down despite being so slow already, One Piece was taking off.
The fights
became more fierce, the arcs were diverse and interesting.
The emotional stuff was destroying our hearts much more than Naruto's did.
It was a great story and we were hooked.
Every episode was fun, even if it was a filler it was integrated in the arc and we truly could not distinguish a filler episode from an actual manga original one.
They had humor and sadness equaling real episodes!
Not just throw away fillers to fill some time like Naruto or DBZ.
The East Blue introduction arc was slow but steady, it knew where it was going and took the distractions on the journey. Using them to flesh out the characters. Ging Freecss from HunterXHunter said something like that it is better to enjoy the little distractions on the adventure.
The Arabasta and Sky Island arcs took it up a notch and were amazing stories with great battles. Dvorak's New World symphony playing during the final battle blew my mind. They truly made it epic!
And then it happened, the battles evolved. Gear Second, Gear Third.
Water Seven and Enies Lobby arc changed the whole game.
The protagonists got upgrades and the battles evolved to rival if not even succeed those of Naruto and DBZ!
While Naruto Shippuuden was slowly abandoning the superb tactical shinobi combat for more DBZ "ima throwing my laser" type of combat.
One Piece was not falling in that pitfall.
Every episode, every arc is just such a blast!
Watching on TV was not enough, I rewatched the entirety on the internet in Eng sub. Got further in the story because TV dub is just too slow.
Manga was even more amazing!
Eiichiro Oda is an amazing artist! In fact there are only 2 manga artists I truly revere and that is Oda and Kentaro Miura (Berserk).
The time of DBZ was over, the new generation needed a new king.
The successors were the Jump's big 3: One Piece, Naruto and Bleach.
Bleach fell of quickly and Naruto stumbled but ended.
One Piece is the true king of Shounen and successor of DBZ.
A couple more years and One Piece (1997) will outsell even Superman (1938), Batman (1939) and Spiderman (1962) in comic sales!
Truly a king of kings.
The show has shaped my life greatly and I still carry many of its lessons.
Don't get me wrong, the show is not perfect, but what is?
I had a new standard now, if shows were even a quarter as good as One Piece, I would recognize and give them a chance.
A chance I gave to the highly promising Bleach, a choice I would regret further down the line..
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 11, 2021
4. Continuing from my DBZ, Digimon and Pokemon reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
By now we were already addicted to anime. Naruto and One Piece were running at the same time as DBZ on TV and we did not give it as much attention.
Back then DBZ was in full swing: Frieza fight and the android arc.
Meanwhile Naruto was re-airing from the very beginning while One Piece was still going slow and steady in the East Blue saga.
We naturally started watching Naruto and it quickly grew on us. The emotional scenes, the characters, the absolutely amazing sound and the fights, god the fights!
While DBZ
threw sheer power at us and completely forsake the martial arts aspect of the original Dragon Ball (1986) in exchange for energy blasts and hair color changes..
(All of that naturally pissed off Akira Toriyama the creator of DBZ but that is a history lesson now, I advise watching YouTube documentaries if that topic interests you).
Naruto's characters were simple humans who had to use skills to win instead of sheer power. The fights were more technical and tactical. The world building and power system (Chakra) supported that aspect and made the fights even more dynamic and breathtaking.
DBZ made us fall in love with the Shounen genre, but Naruto was the final nail in the coffin. Shounen is just amazing.
The interjection of Japanese culture and religion into the setting was cool and the perfect choice for a Japanese ninja story. I subjectively believe that to be the strongest point of the anime and that without it, Naruto would not have grown to be so big.
The slow pacing at some times was annoying but we kids were already conditioned by DBZ. In fact, we were thankful that it was not as horrible in that aspect as DBZ.
But the thing that killed us, were the damn fillers. We had a taste of it in DBZ and did not want seconds.
But back then the internet was still young and we did not think of looking up guides to skip fillers..
So sometimes we sat through that BS. But other times when it was very apparent, we just turned it off and went to play PS2 games like San Andreas.
(issue is we got lost in time and sometimes forgot to turn on the next show like One Piece or Detective Conan which made us frustrated and hate Naruto fillers even more but with a deeper passion)
After the final arc, every episode was filler from then on. So we all dropped the show. When they announced Shippuuden we got hope again but that too was riddled with fillers...
Thanks to that, filler guides starting popping off and we made use of them.
But on TV, you can never know which episode they will show and we all were tired of waiting every day, tired of waiting through the horrible pacing and fillers.
Hence why most of us raised the black flags and sailed the pirate sea.
Watching in Jap dub with Eng subs proved to be much better!
We could feel the superb voice acting that was much better than western dub. The sub translations were much more accurate than the censored and butchered western dub.
While we were watching the re-airing of a 2002 show, everyone else in the world was already 200 episodes deep in the 2007 Shippuuden show!
We naturally had to catch up.
This was the start of everyone's transition from TV to the internet where we could chose what to watch and when to watch it.
Fillers and recaps could be skipped easily.
Slow pacing? Just speed up the vid or skip the repeats.
Naruto became much more enjoyable. Yet the whole filler arcs that lasted for 10-20+ episodes were annoying, we basically had a months-years long Naruto drought.
Which lead many of us to start reading the manga because we were that invested in the story.
(maybe that was the reason for the artificial drought? they wanted viewers to start buying more manga.)
Say what you want about Naruto, it had many flaws and weaknesses. But it was a very good show.
1)How they wasted Rock Lee's character, I will never forgive Masashi Kishimoto.
2) Sakura being the worst character in the existence of anime. It's not particularly her fault but that of the writer. He is incapable of writing female characters. Many worship Kishimoto as a god but he is not perfect.
3) Boruto is basically the fillers come to life. Naturally the studio can't let such a golden goose die because the story is over. They have to milk it until the horse is dead. What a shameful fleck on the reputation of Naruto.
Naruto is what turned us from basic casual viewers into actual anime fans.
With the internet, the whole anime world was open for us.
Back then there were no MyAnimeList websites, reviews or recommendations.
We just went to shaddy websites, picked the one anime out of thousands that had a cool title or picture and watched it. Discovering a lot of masterpieces and trash in the proccess.
Both in the world of anime and manga.
Naruto has proven that Japan has more to offer while the West was drowning in their own incompetence and corruption (well until Avatar: TLA).
Naruto is truly a gateway anime and can be used to introduce newcomers to anime.
But it never really stood a chance against the King of Pirates..
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 11, 2021
3. Continuing from my Digimon and Pokemon reviews, I am still documenting my anime journey.
Pokemon opened our eyes to the wonders of Anime and Digimon proved that it can go even further, the possibilities were limitless.
As we grew older, Pokemon battles did not satisfy us anymore and that is when Dragon Ball Z stole the show. Every boy loved it and was a fan of it.
When it started airing on TV, it blew all of our minds. Such mature storytelling in comparison to the kiddie stuff. Such amazing and suspenseful battles for life and death. We all knew we could not go back to
the likes of Pokemon.
We still played Pokemon games like Ruby and Emerald but the show that we all were watching was DBZ.
On our Anime channel, the original Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were airing at the same time. So before lunch we watched Goku as a kid and in the evening we all watched DBZ.
Because it was TV, we could not chose when and what to watch, so we got late to the story, somewhere at the time they went to Namek.
Still it was interesting enough to watch despite missing some episodes.
Over time our love for the show grew but our frustrations as well.
The meme about "next time on Dragon Ball Z" is true.
The story moved at a snail pace, recaps and repeats wasted so much time that per episode we got 2-3 minutes of progress if any at all!
The filler episodes did not help either, but back then we did not know what fillers were so we just took it.
We were drunk on the show and ignored all flaws, sat through the recaps and endured the repeats, because it was just that good back then.
If DBZ was made today, people would not have the patience for all that BS.
Hence why Dragon Ball Super is such a bad show. I can't bring myself to sit through 5 min of one episode for DBS.
DBZ did two things for us:
1) It made us love the Shounen genre of Anime for the rest of our lives.
2) Upped our standards to never endure through low quality trash ever again (leading to our hatred of fillers in Naruto and Detective Conan but more on that matter in their respective reviews).
DBZ is a monumental show that everyone knows. I personally would not recommend it to my newcomer friends because it is a huge commitment.
Many people believe that if they got into the show as kids, that it is a gateway anime but they are wrong. What worked for us, does not work for others, especially newer generations.
It is easier to recommend shows like Pokemon and Death Note and only after the newcomers reach an intermediate level in anime, give them the choice to watch DBZ if they want to.
But for us, DBZ has changed our lives and influenced it greatly. It was a product of it's time and we were late to the Shounen party.
But we were just in time for the succession wars that would fight for the DBZ king's throne: Naruto, One Piece, Bleach.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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