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Dec 28, 2022
Chainsaw Man (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
It was definitely a great adaptation. But something didn't sit right with me. I loved the manga from start to finish. But here I was cringing half the time, especially the first 4 to 5 episodes before things got actually serious.
It shows that good animation does not really equal to good adaptation.
Background music was ass, tbh. On the other hand tho, I found lots and lots of great music cuz of the different endings in each episode (absolutely loved the concept)
But it just felt off.
Like Itto's works, maybe you just can't translate Tatsuki Fujimoto's art into animation.
But I hope they improve on this. The sales ...
Aug 19, 2021
Sonny Boy (Anime) add
Preliminary (6/12 eps)
Story: 10/10
It's such a new and refreshing story. I really can't understand the person who related this to body swapping. Oh well, this anime needs brains to understand.
Regardless, this show is one that you don't wanna sleep on. If I were to correlate this to an anime... I'd compare this to A Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai. It was also confusing, way too confusing. But was it a very new take? Yes. Was it filled with overblown sci fi facts that made no sense? Yes. Sonny Boy is also the same, other than the fact that the sci fi here ...
Aug 19, 2021
Preliminary (6/10 eps)
I only came in here for the ecchi, ngl. And since I came in just for that, I got what I wanted. An anime with little to no plot, great animated panty shots and oppais. TL;DR is at the end.

However, even tho I am not too sensitive to this topic unlike some others, I really did not find the shota thing too appealing. Like, he's obviously underage. And normalizing such occurrences (in the anime) is sort of... idk.. it just bothered me.

But, I got what I wanted. Some scenes are actually hilarious, others are just overused. Like the nose bleed is getting boring now...

Anyways, story: ...
Jul 5, 2021
OMG these people just pick one bad aspect (which I absolutely sympathize with) and thrash the whole anime like bro take a chill pill you sensitive bubbles. Rudy is by no means a character you'll come to love but he's a character so real that you won't find someone like him ANYWHERE. He's the depiction of a full blown hikikomori and a pedo who's been given a second chance in life. But that's not my point.
This story is not anywhere near what we see in everyday isekai. It is seriously UP there in it's story telling, world building, and character developing. I have not seen ...
Jun 16, 2021
I wish it had a good animation. I would have given it a 9/10
It's literally one of the few anime to use ecchi in it and yet spark the joy and thrill in me while watching a fight. I'd find myself cheering on for the characters. It really reminded me of my weeb days when I started out watching Naruto...
The comedy was great but.. I just came after finishing the last episode and.. I'm seriously heart broken right now..
But, here's the review nonetheless cuz this anime deserves it.
I'm gonna get off with the bad part tho:
Animation: 3/10
I've seen worse, but this is nearly appalling... Tsugumomo ...
Jun 13, 2021
If I were to describe this movie in a single word, it would be,

Now if I were to describe this movie in its entriety. Oh ho ho, bear with me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm gonna let out all the turn offs I found in this movie first.
There were plot holes. There were a lot of dumb plot holes. The accident could've been avoided pretty darn easily.
Mai's character is just... unreasonable. She seems like a random person in the crowd, but also a side character who's a love rival. All we see is that now she's happy with diving with Hayato.
And then we have ...
May 27, 2021
Preliminary (7/10 eps)
This anime is trash and I am too

That's all I was planning on writing but MAL told me to write more. So, here we go.
This anime had such a potential. It had a pretty well known trope and all but it had potential.

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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