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May 24, 2016
What's the biggest issue with humanity?
Is it how we as a species are filled with narcissistic thoughts?
Is it how we deify ourselves as superior beings, believing in the fact that we were shaped in the images of god.
Or is it the unending paranoia which we all possess, even in the modern age we humans have nearly drived the world into nuclear catastrophe with events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis.
What is the answer?,you ask.
The answer is all of the above and worse.
Shinsekai yori is a masterpiece which encapsulates perfectly all the flaws present within humanity. If this intro was enough to intrigue you then read no further(Go watch the show XD), but for those who are still not convinced then allow me to try to explain why this hidden gem of an anime is worth your precious time.
Shinsekai Yori is a tale set in a dystopian future, from the beginning its vibrant scenery and beautiful colors might suggest otherwise, however this is nothing more than a trap to trick the viewer. Shinsekai is masterful at being subtle, its expertise at giving you a false sense of security is so great that at the beginning this show almost seemed to be an alternative slice of life and nothing else. Unlike other shows of its kind such as psycho-pass, Shinsekai Yori has a slow but worthy build up. Through its multiple time skips you can slowly see how dark this universe and it's dark secrets slowly creeps out.
This futuristic Japan is a brutal one, a world in which its government supports various deranged acts such as stripping the human rights of children until they reach the age of 17 or even worse how they act as if child murder is a necessity in order to prevent chaos. The government which is ironically known as the "ethics committee" is everything but ethical. However even with their monstrous acts you can't really hate them, as horrible as they act even as a observer you can sympathize with them. The adults themselves believe that their actions are righteous, being controlled by their fear of children turning into " Karma demons" and being able to defy the death feedback mechanism(mechanism which stops humans from killing each other) it seems that their actions are nothing but logical. As Edmund Burke said “Those who don't know history, are bound to repeat it." With this flawed belief system they do various atrocities basely on suspicion.
But lastly the main conflict and best conflict is the one found within the mole rats and the humans. I'll not go into too much detail apart from saying that the ending of this show is one of the most demoralizing and bittersweet ending I have ever witnessed.
The Art is splendid, its vibrant and exciting colors help to set a mysterious atmosphere to this future world. One of the best things about the art is that it remains vivid and colorful even within moments of great despair, it almost seem incongruous the moment, however I believe this is great as it keep the observer such as myself in confusion.
I could go on and on about its unique beauty but to keep it short let's just say that it's nothing short than amazing.
Not to many tracks are found within its OST, but shinsekai yori helps us to remember the simple saying that it's quality over quantity. The tracks that it does have to offer are simply amazing. By now you must be thinking that I sound like a crazed fan boy but trust me this anime is just this good. It's tracks can range from calming to ominous and strange, the use of a choir in one said track is amazing.
In Other Words, nearly damn flawless.
I have some issues but nothing major. Due to a lot of characters being present not all of them are fleshed out but this isn’t a major issue.
The main characters of Saki, Satorou and Squealer are more than enough to bring depth into this story.
But the one that truly steals the show is Squealer, in the beginning you will hate him, but at the end of this show you'll ask yourself this one question.
- " Was Squealer really all that bad"-
I haven't seem an antagonist this good for a while, I mean most antagonist in this day and age seem to follow that certain stereotype of being all evil but even though it seems that squealer follows that same archetype by the very end I can assure you that just like myself you will sympathize with him. Once again showing how good this show is at the art of subtlety.
It has a slow build up as I said before but it's worth it
P.S- It has a few yaoi and yuri scenes but that’s nothing to get worked up over as it doesn’t take away from it's magnificent plot.
Plot 10/10
Art 10/10
Sound 10/10
Characters 8/10
Enjoyment 10/10.
= 96/100
In essence a 10 out of 10, nothing short of a masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 8, 2015
Heavy Spoilers:
Saitehen no Otoko a.k.a as Scumbag Loser is a classic example of a story that had potential to be very good, but unfortunately it never was able to maximize that potential due to various flaws.
Saiteihen no Otoko starts off very mysterious, its premise is interesting and original. The story starts with our main character Murai Masahiko, Masahiko has the strange ability to notice odours and smells of various people. One day a girl he knew as kid transfers to his school, however her scent isn't the same.
Masahiko feeling suspicious decides to question this girl(Haruka) and is able to successfully identify her as a "
pretender", though unlike your typical Mary Sue protagonist he agrees to be quiet as long as she pretends to be his girlfriend
After some days Masahiko notices that fellow classmates slowly are starting to change, unfortunately for Masahiko he can't prove anything even if his intuition tells him something is wrong.
Sound interesting right? Well it isn't but I'll get to that later.
The art is bearable to say the least. The major problem with the art that it's full of inconsistencies, sometimes it's very detailed and other times it feels flat out lazy and unpolished.
Thus in conclusion the art was never really able to maximise the atmosphere, or to build tension.
Just Plain Horrible. Throughout the story the MC(Masahiko) is portrayed in a negative light, he has his creepy obsessions, his creepy fetishes but he isn't a bad character at the start, he's just a character you’re not supposed to feel sympathy for. This is all good until halfway when the author tries to take a 360 turn and decides to portray in a positive light. Masahiko was from very early on shown as a scumbag, but suddenly the author decides to say Fuck it all and tries to convince the audience that he had his "reasons" to act in such a manner and tries to make the reader sympathize with his struggles but it just doesn’t work.
Another thing that I disliked was the development of Haruka,in the first few chapters the interaction between Haruka and Masahiko was very exciting and entertaining, Haruka would drop subtle threats and would install fear upon the vulnerable Masahiko, she'd go as far to "transform" the only person Masahiko liked into another monster/demon. Frustratingly enough at the end guess what she did all those horrible things because she loved him. Yes dear readers if you love someone you have to ruin their lives, stalk them and treat them like livestock because that's love apparently.
Lastly and most annoyingly the author kept on introducing characters that really didn't matter to plot progression, maybe Saitehen no Otoko would have been better if the author dedicated his time to develop the two protagonists.
Though it started off with a lot of potential due to bad execution and horrible character development Saitehen no Otoko never really went anywhere, and in a sense it's a shame because the premise was an original one
I enjoyed the first few chapters when I thought it was going to take a "psychological thriller/horror" pathway, but after chapter 7-8 it just falls in quality and plot and thus not worth bothering to waste your time.
Final Rating
Story: 4/10
Art: 5/10
Character: 3/10
Enjoyment: 4/10
Overall: 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 5, 2015
Light- Medium Spoilers
For a lot of months I had been debating with myself whether or not I should watch the so called “Number One" show in MAL. At first I was very worried that this show wouldn't deliver due to its immense hype and showers of praise, however I'm very glad that I watched this show and by no means it isn't a masterpiece but it is a very engaging watch nevertheless.
The Premise of FMA:B is a very interesting one, from the very beginning the ideas of alchemy kept me intrigued and I was very curious to learn more about this strange 19th Century
Now to talk about the actual plot; the plot follows two brothers, Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric. After the death of their mother these brothers try to use alchemy and its rule of equivalent exchange to resurrect their deceased mother, unfortunately this failed horrible for Edward and Alphonse and they lost parts of their bodies. Due to this catastrophic event both Edward and Alphonse set out to find a way to retrieve their bodies whilst facing many obstacles in their journeys.
The art wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. One of the things that I did appreciate though is that the animation staff put a lot of effort to make the battle scenes look the best, however by no means is it mind blowing. Though as the episodes go the animation starts to get slightly better.
The sound was done incredibly well, the soundtrack fits beautifully to the situation of the scene and thus in my opinion the soundtrack helped to heighten the drama when necessary.
Now I have a few issues with some of the characters. Due to this being a shounen anime one can assume that there would be a large cast of characters and due to this some characters feel very undeveloped or don't get enough screen time to really make an impact.
I mean certain characters such as Winry or Havock didn't pull any heart strings as they were intended too and i generally didn't really care about their struggles.
Though don't get me wrong, there were some amazing characters with very good development but surprisingly it wasn't Edward or Alphonse(They were good characters but not the most interesting and most captivating)characters such as Scar, Wrath ,Greed ,Mustang and Hoheheim were truly amazing, they weren't generic and I usually would wonder about their thought process and motivations.
BUT, the one that really STEALS the show in my opinion is Envy, though Envy by no means is a nice person/being but Envy puts a heck of a performance and thus is one of the more intresting antagonist in this series.
I truly enjoyed this series, one of its strong aspects is that throughout FMA:B certain philosophical questions would be asked:
Such questions include:
- How valuable is human life?
-Can one mimic God himself and create life?
-Can one suppress God if enough power is obtained?
Unfortunately one thing that irritated me is that the anime would shift from seriousness to comedy gags, this happened a lot in the beginning but less towards the end.
FMA:B is not the masterpiece it is claimed to be, but it's still a very engaging show
Final Rating:
Story 9/10
Art 7/10
Sound 9/10
Character 7/10
Enjoyment 8/10
Overall 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 24, 2014
Before I start writing this review there a few things i must state:
If you like fast paced anime then this anime is probably not for you. Steins Gate takes around 7-8 episodes just to develop the characters. It does this to such an extent that you would think that Steins Gate is a slice of life anime rather than a time travel drama.
But if you bother to wait until the action starts your going to be in for an epic ride of awesomeness.
Steins Gate revolves around self proclaimed MAD SCIENTIST Okabe Rintarou a.k.a Hououin Kyouma. He is the founder of Future Gadget Club and he
is the lab member 001.
In the beginning of the show your not really sure if Okabe's personality is of a MAD SCIENTIST or if he has an actual personality. But fortunately he does develop a lot during the show and i grantee that you will love his alter ego of Hououin Kyouma.
I won't talk much about the plot as i do not want to give any major spoilers, but instead i will give a quick synopsis.
Basically the story starts with Okabe going to a science conference where he sees Makise Kurisu being stabbed.As he goes to text about her death he sends a text backwards in time changing the course of events......
Let's Just say that i won't continue to not give any spoilers.
Anyway in conclusion if you love time travel stories and if you want an masterpiece of an anime that has an almost flawless plot I recommended Stein Gate to you
Overall Rating 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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