* 1-3 = This is the rating reserved for things I would consider to be outright atrocious or just stupidly generic. Maybe these sorts of works would appeal to the newer fans of the industry , but even that alone does not make these works redeemable. Any show/manga which got this rating is something I'd recommend others to avoid.
*4-= This is the kind of rating I'd give to works that either fell flat on its potential or just didn't really deliver anything of substantial praise. Most of these works can probably be enjoyed on a superficial level but don't expect them to leave a significant impression
*5= Average, not good but also not bad. These works are those which I'd deem to be forgettable. Can be enjoyed to a certain extent
*6 = Anything with this is rating is most likely a work which had its good moments but ultimately was held back by a plethora of flaws. I'd consider anything that received a six to be decent but not outright spectacular
*7= This is rating is reserved to any work that is able to hold itself well and in a consistent manner. Usually some minor drawbacks prevent said works to reach it's full potential but even with its flaws these works can be enjoyed
*8= A rating of eight is something I'd reserve to works which were great but not legendary. Such works usually are innovative, fun and engaging and will leave a good taste in your mouth after its completion
*9= Nearly Perfect, this rating is reserved to truly the most brilliant works I've had the joy to experience, some very minuscule flaws might hold back these works from gaining the highest rating , but even so I'd still whole heartedly recommend them to anyone
*10 = Subjective Perfection, Cream of the Crop, Poetry in Motion. Anything that receives this rating is something I'd consider to be extraordinary in terms of plot or characterization.
All Comments (35) Comments
Thanks for the answer. I don't want to miss Rikka Takarada.
Would you recommend me to try it out?
About the stuff of watching the rest in chronological order, I will definitely watch it in that order cos I really don't have much interest in Kanbaru Suruga.
See you Again!!
In order to be able to understand Monogatari Series: Second Season is it mandatory to complete Nisemonogatari.
If you have some time to spare could you even tell me what makes Monogatari Series: Second Season better than the other Monogataris.
(Or you can ask me to explain specific shows if you'd like)