This ain't no candy, Van
My taste in anime is best described as a very distinctive lack of taste.
Is it entertaining me enough? Then I'll most likely finish it. Am I about to complete it in under 10 episodes anyway? Might as well finish it.
My favourite anime of all time are a mix between obvious nostalgia picks and whatever show I somehow identified with on some level - or it was just very memorable. Or both.
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120g Vollkornbrot + 50g Erdnussbutter + Gemüsepaprika,
300g Hähnchenbrust + 125g Reis + 100g Brokkoli,
100g Nüsse,
1 Dose Thunfisch + RndSalat + 120g Vollkornbrot,
300ml Wasser + 30g Whey + 20g Malto + 15ml Leinöl,
4 Scheiben Vollkorntoast + RndBelag,
250g Magerquark