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Mar 11, 2025
I don't understand why the hell these two like eachother when all their interactions suck ass. They have no actual onscreen chemistry, like at all.
At the start I liked it, especially how creepy Kimin was, I wasn't expecting him to be a full on yandere so I was laughing my ass off the more wacky shenanigans ensued just so that Kyuyeon doesn't get found out. Legitimately I was surprised how cartoonishly violent some chapters were. Then the two get together though and my enjoyment began to fade.
Their relationship is so BOOOORIIIIING.
We follow some of the basic plotlines and most cliche moments ever. Kyuyeon constantly gets
into some kind of trouble and I'm supposed to feel sorry for him, but like, he's kind of a douche and I didn't enjoy his character all that much. I usually tend to enjoy yandere characters, even if their reason for obsession makes no sense, but Kimin also really just got less enjoyable after the relationship started IRL.
I decided to drop it the moment a love rival was introduced, because I find a love triangle doesn't work if the main couple doesn't make me root for it. The drama so far hasn't interested me either, so perhaps I'm missing out on the greatest rival ever but...I doubt it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 9, 2025
Annoying cunt face is forced to get married with a guy whose personality is moldy stale bread. That's right everybuddy, ANOTHER Nisekoi rip-off.
Instead of at least presenting us with a slight chance that any of the other much cuter and more interesting girls could get with the protag, worst girl wins from the start meaning that all sense of potential enjoyment has already been shot down. Her body is sexy but holy shit her personality sucks. Their names? I'm not gonna pretend like I give enough of a shit about this pile of crap to remember the names.
Tsundere bitch and bland MC, that's
them you know them.
Tsundere bitch is Chitoge but without any of the (very few) good qualities that Chitoge had. She's whiny, she's bipolar, she starts random fights about nothing for no reason, she constantly finds some excuse to spaz out and I am supposed to find it cute. I really don't, I find it a pain to read. "You've only read one volume! She probably gets better later on!" bruv, if I couldn't finish Nisekoi due to cringe there is zero chance in hell I'll stick with this.
You don't care about the bland MC, I don't care about the bland MC, let's not pretend like anyone reading this gives a shit about the protagonist in any way because he is a blank slate with some stupid protein gimmick that the author forced in for a tiny bit of individuality but it's such a dumb thing that you just roll your eyes. His main purpose is to get cucked in future/current NTR doujins, that is his only worth.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 25, 2025
It's not as god awful as many say but this shit is absolutely NOT a 7.39 (the current overall MAL score) like what the hell, at best this is somewhere between a 5 and 6 overall score.
A lot of the show is just mega generic, but basic doesn't always equal bad. It rhymes in the way action anime is supposed to and even though a ton of plot points make no sense I can feel the beat and pretty much can always predict what is gonna occur next. "Isn't that a negative?" Yes and no. It's been a while since I saw an action anime
that doesn't constantly try to fit in some kind of bizarre humor or random fanservice into moments that are supposed to be taken seriously. There are moments like that but they're so short you barely notice them.
What is an absolute negative though? The cast, holy shit I either hate or feel nothing for the majority here. The only character I could tolerate at most was Slaine. He was trying to rescue the princess, he's trying to find out why the hell martian army seems to want her dead and he faces a lot of adversity that makes you feel for him, he does stuff that ACTUALLY had me interested and wondering where his subplot was leading to...I was very dissapointed with where it led to.
I. HATE. THE. PRINCESS. I hate her stupid name, I hate how the entire story is about her when she's so fucking boring, I hate that the show tries to make us care for this piece of talking cardboard. There's no other way of putting it, she's a failed waifu bait.
At first I thought she was cute, I found her relationship with Slaine very adorable, but for a majority of episodes she is either doing nothing or frustrating me due to how STUPID her actions are, seriously she has absolute golden luck to have survived so long. She coincidentally managed to avoid the assasination attempt, she coincidentally managed to find a guy who just kinda didn't care that she physically assaulted him and brought her to safety, she was lucky that those two ladies didn't shoot her the moment she pulled that crap AGAIN, she was lucky that Slaine and Inaho shielded her from the martian army. So annoyingly fucking lucky.
Inaho...is...um...uh...he's...certainly there...I guess. Due to the princess' stupid name that I forgot how to spell correctly sounding like "Asylum" I thought maybe this anime was gonna be like mental health related or have some sort of theme about that, since he showed signs of being kinda "special" if you get what I mean. Instead just...nothing. He's cool stoic fight guy who is smarter than everyone else, that's all you get and I suppose all the show needed from him...?
The rest don't matter...I'm not kidding. They. Do. Not. Matter. Like at all. From their designs, to their roles in the story, to the subplots, none of them matter at all in the end. Even Inaho's sister who I thought would be more prominent but just- wasn't.
Would I reccomend it? No. Especially if you like mecha in general because even as someone who has seen maybe like 5 these robots ain't shit and I didn't care for them. If you still wanna watch it anyway to find out if it's as bad as others will tell you, go ahead I guess, it's what I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 17, 2025
33 chapters of a spoiled teenage shithead getting everything she wants with absolutely zero consequence. She's about as likeable as a cockroach yet somehow she manages to seduce several guys despite being so selfish and sometimes almost psychopathic with how little care she has for the men that she apparently loves. It really doesn't help that the story becomes so fucking frustrating due to the entire situation having been so easy to avoid.
Throughout the story she keeps treating Night terribly and offers absolutely nothing to the relationship. There is absolutely zero reason for Night to love her outside of the fact that he is programmed
to do so. The manga keeps pretending like Riiko is this sweet girl who's just a little tomboyish but, no, she is legitimately a abusive girlfriend.
She gaslights him and mentally manipulates him but it's treated as haha so funny XD for the most part until at the last moment of the arc where she drops all the bullshit bricks that she was trying to hide. What happens when her shitty actions are revealed? NOTHINGGGGGG. At most it takes like 2 chapters for Night to instantly forgive her constant cheating.
Don't get me even fucking started on Soshi, holy crap what a wasted character. The ending just makes me so mad because I was hoping he'll have a good end but no, of course not, from beginning to end Riiko manages to torture her two love interests and the audience due to...I dunno, a general bad story premise? Shitty writing for an alright concept? Both?...Yeah, both seems right.
If you like Netorare you might at least find this funny like I did, but otherwise this shit stinks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 24, 2025
A sexy story ruined by a trash uke.
Manga and any other literary works that deal with voice acting are really hard to get into for me for the reason it's difficult to get into a music themed literary work. There is no sound so a key detail for the set up and certain erotic scenes plain don't work and you have to use your maximum fantasy to imagine voices in your head for the roleplay voice acting themed fetish scenes.
The main pair consists of a bratty tsundere uke who sucks and is instantly defeated by the cock in a manner of seconds, I'm not really
into personality types like this, it's not impossible for me but I do tend to prefer pure types that are harder to break. The seme is an old man who doesn't do anything. His design is good but wasted.
Overall it's alright and I enjoy how the artist draws asses, I just wish the ass belonged to a character that could make me feel aroused.
Do I reccomend it? Eh, not really, but I know that some are into this type of set up and this specific type of easily mind broken uke. I wasn't and I don't reccomend it for anyone who is more into pure type boys.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 3, 2025
Watching this felt like I was being gaslit. It has so many aspects that I enjoy yet it manages to execute them in terrible ways. It made wonder, am I "too old" for it? But thankfully, upon finishing it I can say for certain, it is legitimately just overhyped and I just don't like many aspects of it so far.
I read the manga a short while ago, just the first two volumes since it was already receiving a lot of hype and received a lot of praise, and I hated the characters, story and humor. Upon finishing the first season of the anime, I now
enjoy some of the characters but not much else has changed about my stance on the other two.
The story takes itself way too fucking seriously and I don't understand why. As for the characters...
Okarun I think has grown on me a bit more, he's still kind of pathetic but in a cuter way and his voice actor did a great job, making me feel some sympathy for him. Momo however? She feels like a offensive portrayal of a mentally challenged person. Seriously wtf is her problem? The best I can say about her is that she was at the very least more likeable than the pink bitch. Perhaps if I enjoyed the relationship with her and Okarun (because every episode will constantly try to shove that down your throat) I would like her more but the romance just plain sucks and I couldn't get into their dynamic.
Turbo Granny is absolute peak and what managed to kept me from dropping this show entirely, I think if the second season focuses more on her this series might become actually enjoyable because she is the only entertaining and interesting character. Well, I did also enjoy Jiji, but he comes in very very late into the series so he doesn't actually do much outside of being cringe. I do like his friendship/rivalry thing with Okarun going on right now.
Overall, it definitly has more potential and I might've written it off to early. I'll likely continue sticking with the anime adaptation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 20, 2024
If you are shy on checking this out because of the premise...good. Make sure to stay away. You don't deserve good things.
For anyone who isn't a massive, nose turned up, prude with a massive stick up your moral ass, Tsumasho is pretty alright.
It's a bit of a bumpy ride, especially midway through the tone shift feels sudden sometimes compared to the early more slice of life aspects. Like yeah you already knew there was gonna be some strong emotional drama but at the end it really deals with a topic that should've been obvious but you just don't really acknowledge.
Or maybe you do, it
depends on which character you resonate with the most. I really understood Mai's point the most because if my mom died and she would just seemingly magically come back I would just accept it and not question anything. Her delusion got sort of annoying at the end, but ultimately I can't help but feel sorry for her because death just ISN'T easy to accept.
The animation is decent, sound design wise it's also pretty passable, but ngl after the 5 episode or so I really started to despise the ending theme song.
Overall it's pretty solid, brought down by the middle part but beginning and end pack a neat ol' emotional punch in the gut.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 6, 2024
Baki simultaneously has the dumbest writing ever and yet one the most compelling stories.
Pretty much any character that gets introduced (expect for Yujiro) eventually jobs, dies or just completely fades to the background for long stretches of chapters, making it so that when they show up again you have zero clue who the hell that even is because in the span of their dissapearance like 5 other guys with absolute batshit insane backstories show up.
It's also one that's simultaneously ugly yet also beautiful. I especially loved how the hair was drawn later on. There is so much detail on a page that seems so simple
at first glance. From the muscles to the veins, the eyebrows, and best of all (I find) are how the mouths change and contort depending on the character's emotions and mental state.
Yujiro is an absolute monster in the worst way possible and the more you read the more you get legitimately intimidated by this absolute creature of a man. Due to this being the first part in a loooooooooooooooooooong and old series you don't even get to know just HOW and WHY this man is so powerful and the sheer embodiment of lust for battle.
There are so many negatives I found such as the pacing, weak/samey personalities, sudden twists that are more confusing than engaging, a lot of sexism and a even MORE amount of jobbing. Yet most of these qualities I found myself not caring about much because I constantly went "what the fuck" in the best way possible.
It starts off a bit weak and normal, but by the time Yujiro is introduced you'll understand why.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 23, 2024
A delightful story about friendship with exquisitely sprinkled in fanservice.
The comedy was mostly hit or miss for me but even when I didn't find a particular chapter funny I still enjoyed the character development and/or the friendship slowly building between the four girls.
Shion especially was a great example, due to her being mostly portrayed as a spoiled ojousama I was worried that she was gonna be essentially a ball and chain with a cute face, constantly causing some sort of bullshit to happen but never getting in trouble due to everyone else being so passive, but instead she grows quite well and even if
she was still mostly useless she still served as a great mood booster for the group.
The story is overall about the bonds between people and that "independence" can lead to isolation. Sure it's nice when you don't have to worry about yourself ever possibly dying or just having the general ability to live on thanks to your personal knowledge and skills, but if you live life all on your own you tend to feel...empty.
Like what are you even living for, who are you even living for.
Homare learns the meaning of human relationships and starts to realize that the three girls she's met are much more than just friends, they're girls who have taught her what life truly means and that she can be no longer satisfied eating cicadas on her own, she wants to share and talk and laugh and bond, deep down, she really just wants to be a highschool girl.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 29, 2024
Every bit of good that was in this film was squandered and/or wasted potential. It brings in interesting concepts but doesn't do shit with them as we instead follow one of the worst plotlines yet in these movies.
The concept of an alternate universe where everyone is more carefree and goofy is interesting, I would've liked to seen more of these different versions from our cast...BUT, instead of doing that, this is a movie in which Naruto grows to respect what his parents have done for him????? Like do I even need to explain how absolutely fucking stupid and out of character this is?
At first I
though it's because the movie took place before the pain arc, but NO we get a flash back to Naruto meeting Minato in the big sparkly soul room so this HAS to take place afterwards. Did he just...forget? Did he forget everything they talked about? Look he should be used to seeing other happy families at this point, seriously where did this sudden bitterness come from???
This is also the first movie where Sakura has some sort of plot relevance, specifically she learns to appreciate her own parents...her parents, which don't fucking exist. THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE MAIN STORY, WE NEVER MEET SAKURA'S PARENTS UNTIL THIS FUCKING MOVIE AND SOME SHIPPUDEN FILLERS. Why should we care? Legitimately why should we care about these literal whos?
Beyond that she's basically just the token damsel in distress that appears in like every single one of these movies. It was nice getting a character we actually know in trouble rather than some rando but ultimately I just didn't find myself caring about either character's plotline because of how fucking stupid they are.
I can't say much about this last bit, as to avoid spoilers, but the villain really pissed me off too. We NEVER learn what his exact motivations are and why he is commiting war crimes, he is just evil for the sake of being evil because...it would be cool, I guess. To be fair, he was kinda cool, but also just so damn shallow.
Couldn't they sprinkle in something? That perhaps someone close to him died or something basic like that? It's better than literally nothing.
It's bad, if you are interested in a Naruto multiverse perhaps this may be interesting to you but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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