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Feb 25, 2025
I wanted to write a review of this anime, because it deserves one.
So this was easily one of the most beautiful anime I've ever seen. The visual effects are presented in a way which is stunning an unique, and left me constantly mesmerized. The characters and setting are all loads of fun, and you really feel a palpable sense of the stakes at play. The action sequences can get over-the-top, which is usually something I don't like, but because of how well they're executed I found myself loving the ride. The attention paid to setting and time create an atmosphere I
haven't seen in an anime before this.
But I gave it an 8, not a 9. Why? Because of pacing. At the end, the season loses a lot of steam. It feels like they needed to plan just a little better to avoid that, but I also can't tell if they just kind of wanted to take it easy at the end or something? I don't know, it just feels like there should have been more there, and like the season was over but still had episodes. But that is literally my only complaint.
It's the toughest 8 I've ever given, because I want this otherwise perfect anime to have a 9 from me, but I can't with the last three episodes being what they are.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 2, 2024
Some spoilers.
This anime was kind of aggravating. I was really liking it for the first half of the show. It felt like it was a very good and self-aware parody of the "detective" genre of anime that has been coming out. The comedy was always on point, and even in the second half that didn't stop delivering. The show's creators are great with comedy and slapstick.
The issue is that they devolve into their own cliches and cease being a parody when they seriously bring up the House of M and Sherlock Holmes Bloodlines stuff. They're not doing that in a
satirical manner, they're trying to drive the show with that plot. At that point not only did the show enter groanworthy territory but it also started taking itself way too seriously. It would have been much better off as a straight-up parody whose overarching plotline was also a parody, but they decided to go the ambiguous "are we serious or are we joking" route.
I want to recommend it but I don't know if I'll keep going with the second season. It seems like it could have been a lot better. But it gets a 7 instead of a 6 because it has solid comedy that doesn't fail to deliver.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 22, 2024
I tried to write a spoiler-free review but it was just empty. So, possible spoilers ahead.
This show was a simple rendition of the "emperor and empress swap bodies" plot, common in donghua. But the fact that they made all of their characters so likeable really drives the show. There's a lot of intrigue and plot that helps carry the story, but if the characters involved were assholes I doubt I'd care. I found myself quite invested in the outcome of secondary characters, which is good. It also knew when to end, rather than dragging itself out. I would say
that if you like court-themed Chinese anime, can tolerate both the CG animation they normally use *and* the chibi-style animation they switch to quite frequently, you'll probably like this show. If that kind of stuff bothers you as little as it bothers me, you might just find yourself having a great time with this one.
Strong points: Characters, Relationships, Intrigue
Weak Points: Animation, Sound, Tone-shifts
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 6, 2024
This one kind of came out of left field. I was expecting a cheesy Korean BL drama which I could half enjoy and half laugh at. What I got was an incredibly dense story line set over one of the best examples of atmosphere building I've ever seen in an anime. The romantic tension felt entirely right when it was supposed to, and too far when it was supposed to be too far for comfort. It is indeed cheesily BL at times (EP12) but I don't mind that so much when there's such a banging soundtrack and atmosphere. It's kind
of tough to get at what I mean, but there's this really deep 80's synthwave vibe to this show, and the music just constantly slaps. The camera shots are gorgeous and the cinematography is top notch. I recommend this anime to anyone who can stomach BL and likes really good atmosphere building.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 18, 2024
I continuously asked myself "What the hell is wrong with this anime?" while watching this anime. The animation is so absolutely ridiculously good that it's confusing. They aren't animating anything that needs that much detail. This show rides and dies on its dialogue and comedy, which is does very well. And this show would have still gotten a very high score without having the quality of animation it had. But right off the top, every little movement of the characters and their environments is so detailed and deeply-imagined that I was constantly replaying scenes to catch all the details.
Little stuff like the way carrots roll, or the way rain hits an umbrella, they're so insanely well-animated in this series. It feels like the writing and plot would have made the series a nice tasty slice of cake already, but the animation just makes it like galaxy mirror cake. To find out that this came from the same studio that made the absolute abhorrent trash that was Hand Shakers is just amazing to me. I hope they can continue to put out stuff which caters to a more mature audience.
I recommend this anime to anyone who likes saccharine comedies, who likes cats, or who likes ridiculous animation for scenes that do not require it at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 15, 2023
This is a pretty darn enjoyable anime. The plotline felt fresh and the characters each seemed to have realistic motivations. The world is well-outlayed, and there's a healthy balance between seriousness and lightheartedness. It never felt like the shounen MC was too OP on his own, or that anyone was having too easy of a time. The ending felt a little rushed but it also left the door open for greater explanations. The politics and negotiation are well done, and I like that they don't under-write the character's plans and schemes. Also, the ero-fanservice is pretty minimal, with there
being one self-sexualized character, and the rest portrayed without sexual overtones. This isn't a masterpiece of an anime or anything, but well worth a watch if you're into fantasy and like when characters actually treat with each other on a serious level.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 26, 2023
The best analogy I can make for this anime is that it's like a really good racecar driver is driving a really average racecar. The general concept of a realistic idol show will greatly restrict how much depth is going to be allowed through the medium. While it's possible to make a 10/10 SoL Idol anime, it would be incredibly difficult, especially without delving into surrealism. That said, the writers of this anime were adept at using this medium to convey an engaging and overall very moving story. It really feels like this is almost as good as it possibly could
have been without trying to do anything grandiose. I'll break down some of the strong points.
The characters all feel real. They're not overly engaging, but that's kind of the point; this anime really blurs the line between work drama and idol show, so having characters like Yamanaka feels on-point. By the end of the show I liked every character, but it wasn't in any way overwhelming, which is good because no one character stole the show. Their development feels correct for adults of their age and their responses to the situations they're put in are understandable. That makes for a very muted show compared to a lot of high school SoL anime, or even anime about younger working folks, because writers use youth as an excuse to inject both levity and louder plot effects. That's removed from this anime, so expect a lot of understandable reactions and human responses to pressures. Personally I liked that, even if it did mean that the emotional stakes would remain relatively low.
The episode length adds to the feel of the show. That it's quarter-hour episodes rather than half-hour episodes allows them to tackle things with a speed and attention to detail that they should. Things that would take almost half of a twelve-episode anime only take a fraction of that amount in this anime. The use of the "Character Backstory -> Character Plotline Advancement" episode structure really works with this and makes the focus on individual characters seem less onerous.
The usage of montages is correct. I find that a lot of Idol anime focus heavily on the same plot points, and this anime straight up bypasses some of the expected idol anime plot points using montages. They instead fill their space with character development and actual plot. The time skips are frequent and well-used in order to progress the storyline at a captivating pace. I have to say some people might find that a little bit jaunting, but for me as someone who is tired of seeing idol anime practicing scenes taking up entire episodes, it felt like a breath of fresh air to see the plot moving more quickly than all that.
Finally, the overall feel is solid as a stone. The message and themes are definitely adult and will likely not resonate with many. I can't get too far into specifics on that without venturing into spoiler territory, but by the end of the anime the writers have definitely chiseled the feelings they were trying to put forth. I can't remember the last time an anime was this outright brave in doing that. Like, they knew what they were trying to do and what they had to do, and absolutely accomplished it. I have an incredible amount of respect for that, and hope more anime will choose to take these kinds of risks.
I'd recommend this to anyone who likes Idol anime, Office/Work anime, Slice of Life anime, or who generally likes anime featuring adults dealing with non-sexual adult themes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 28, 2022
Golden Kamuy is the chef's kiss of historical anime, perfectly balanced with comedy, action, and philosophical depth. The characters as always are always well-portrayed, and the plotlines are whimsical tangents to the main storyline. There are no words to describe the catharsis of being that occurs in the third episode of this OVA trilogy. I would recommend this for anyone who has already watched the first two seasons of Golden Kamuy and enjoyed them a lot. Especially if you liked the episodes featuring Edogai, because the third episode definitely has humor along those kind of extreme lines.
You go, Anehata Shiton.
You...you just go.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 31, 2022
About a year out from watching this I finally have a way to describe it.
Super Cub is like if someone came up to you with a slice of bread and was really insistent you eat it. And you generally like bread so that's cool, but you're wondering why it's so important. They're like "Trust me, just eat it." So you take a bite and it tastes like bread.
Bread so good it makes you cry. Just bread. But bread isn't supposed to be this good. It's not honeyed, no special ingredients. Just basic, regular bread, getting salty because you're
crying over how good it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 5, 2022
Some spoilers.
This show had real potential, and was really endearing at first. But a show like this walks a fine line, and this show very much seems to purposely step over that line.
When you have a show where a male character depicted with the body type of adult ends up in a romantic relationship with a character that has the body type of a child, you need to need to need to make sure you do not have any pedophilic elements to your story. A great example of this is Ore Monogatari, where there's no ero fanservice, no inappropriate relationships, and it's generally
sugary from the top to the bottom. And this series sets itself up in the same light...at first. Then like an arrow to the heart they had this ending illustration depicting the young boy character clearly naked and in a very sexualized pose. Later that young boy character would go on to be pursued by an adult woman in the friend group, to the cheers of everyone around. They took that clear line they were not supposed to cross in order to make sure this stayed something free from pedophilic overtones, and they stepped right over it, knowing it was there.
There are other problems. While they seldom do direct fanservice of Igarashi, every woman is depicted in constant fanservice lights, with shots always focusing on butts and tits. The guy characters are all either entirely consumed by their quest for those tits, are the Senpai, or are the little boy who's there to fulfill the sexually inexperienced shota role. The one character that might have something other to offer is constantly entranced by any tits he sees. Then there's the Russian woman, who's just....there? She's not particularly funny and she just sort of exists and shows up at various times, and I have no idea what she's supposed to be adding if anything.
Don't get me wrong, it was funny. The humor was quite good and there were some really cute parts. This was a tough anime to rate because there were aspects that were very positive but also a lot of negatives balancing them out. For instance I didn't mind Sakurai's character, but the constant fixation on her tits was ridiculous. And I was laughing the whole way throughout, and really identifying with Igarashi. But by the end I felt like I was kinda creeped out by it.
Also what the heck was up with those ending illustrations? Some of them look like they were done by legit hentai artists. That's not the kind of thing you want on the end of your cutesie series, Doga Kobo. Learn from the success of Love Lab and stop trying to sexualize your radishes, just make them cute.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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