The main thing you need to know about me while checking out my MAL is that I grade pretty strictly. I see a lot of people who will write a review for a series they call "a disaster" then rate the show a 7. For me, an average anime gets a 5, and if I give a show an 8, it means that series is exceedingly good. A 9 is something that goes above and beyond to provide something truly groundbreaking or exquisite. And I've only ever given three 10s to shows which I believe managed to be creative beyond my own imagination, and to leave me in real awe at the ability of the writers.
I currently have a short list of "Prospective 10's" which may be upgraded to a 10 on rewatch:
Heike Monogatari
Shiguang Dailiren
All Comments (15) Comments
The second season is really good
Thank you for friend request. It is always nice to have an anime friend.
How are you ?
I completed watching Watashi ga Motenai. While I was taken aback by the originality of Tomoko at first, the staging and how intense her situations were expressed sometimes in a funny way and sometimes in a cringe (I even felt embarrassed as I got some similar situations from time to time in high school) as well as the overall tone, I was increasingly disappointed because she did not seem to draw lessons or experience from her interactions. Very introvert individuals understand how human interact at some point with experience and seeing progress would have been realistic and a useful message. The other problem is her deep egocentric consideration. She is very self centered to the extreme, Everything she does is for herself, or for the image she would like to project to others, or how the people feel about her. She did not do a single thing for others or feel empathy towards anyone even towards the end. What do you think ?
Conversely, about introvert character, I recommend to you Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan, it was also quite original with a fantastic overt the top element and the characters does progress and at some point despite it obvious coldness, he could feel empathy from time to time and give a hand to others.
I also saw Frieren. Did you watch it ? I really enjoyed it. The notion of time, the story as well as the evolution of the characters were excellent. The character is alos introvert and rather calm.
Currently I am watching the recent season of boku no hero academia rewatching Code Geass, it is incredible how much one can forget about an anime after 15 years...
All the best to you in the world of reality ^_^
I got curious and look at your list and saw you gave a 10 to an anime I never heard about : Watashi ga Motenai.
Is that this good ? Being more in SF and Fantasy, I usually find slice of life superfluous and boring, but what about this one ? Especially since you wrote that you are very strict in your notation ^_^
Although I'm yet okay with continuing the anime, strongly agreed with the point of fanservice, especially during the 3rd episode, that was something that deteriorated Asuka to my eyes. I find the story to be quite solid though, the action is yet decent (it does rely on shock factor though) and I like how they portray PTSD and military + magic. Something I don't like is the artstyle: apart from too sexualized, not fond of the design of Disas and find the general art to be mediocre.
By the way, love to see you appreciate Madoka, many drama, historicals and some of my faves!
what a surprise, the source for Satsuriku no Tenshi is a game that goes by the same name...
Sorry, I just feel like I had to point that out, nevermind me