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Jun 1, 2021
Spoilers for everything in za anime
(I didn’t read the Light Novel and I don’t plan to, so if my assumptions are gonna be wrong, then I’m wrong.)
Story 4.5
Art 5
Sound 5
Character 4
Enjoyment 3
Overall 3
Hey, are you interested in a pretty girl whos a loner because of her family problems and her suicidal bullied friend who wears glasses, pigtails, and has freckles because that’s presumed as ugly? Too bad, that’s in the past, her friend killed herself because she thinks she and the pretty girl are from different worlds and she has to die so pretty girl can “shine brighter”, now the
pretty girl has become a runaway who sleeps around with guys to have a place to stay but meets an adult who takes her in, doesn’t sleep with her, so she falls in love with him!
Oh my, she can fall for someone because they helped her without wanting something back! She’s a high schooler and he’s a working man with girls flocking over him but that’s alright, she’ll cry and win him over!
Alright, stop. This was so bad I can’t even make a joke out of it. The whole thing was so boring and slow, watching it 2x faster wasn’t enough. I’m really salty about this
What’s with the title too? Does it even have relevance to the story? his beard could be a way of giving Yoshida a sign that he’s getting older, and shaving it can mean he’s accepting it and starting new and better, but what the fuck really is that lazy ass title?
I thought this would be a “wholesome” dad and daughter sort of relationship, (something better than KoiKimo but no) and the guy will help the girl to get her shit together, fucking face her past, and teach her that people like him shouldn’t be rare, that she has to understand that she doesn’t need to fall in love with him just because he helped her and was one of the only people that cared for her.
But going back to the early episodes, It’s obvious Yoshida guy will also fall in love with Pretty girl for who knows the reason why.
It was pretty annoying to see Sayu being so jealous, running away again, and crying because Yoshida is with another girl.
Seriously? NO, SERIOUSLY???
That jealous scene was so fucking quick we were only at episode 3. Yes, it could also be interpreted as Sayu crying because the only person who showed her care would leave her so she would have nowhere to go again and probably have some separation issues.
She has to understand that she’s putting Yoshida in danger and she can’t be fucking selfish as to even bother Yoshida in his love life. He just sheltered her, but now she gets jealous if he loves someone else? BRUH.
Well, I don’t know what the fuck happened next but Yoshida Harem becomes a discussion group with the question repeating over and over to each female character, “Do you love Yoshida-san?”
Tbh, Yoshida would be better off with Gotou or the short-haired girl who probably already rejected cuz she short-haired. Gotou might be a bad character in the start when she rejected the guy out of shyness, but she’s a nice person, after all, I guess.
“But, But, Sayu can love Yoshida when she’s older!”
Oh, we gonna go with the trope, “I’m gonna wait for you when ur older?”
But it’s still better for both characters to end up as father and daughter, (you can add Gotou as the mother hehe)
I can’t believe they also gave her a week to think when she had MONTHS to think.
Don’t tell me she never thought of what she would do next after all the sleeping around.
Remember that time when she thanked Yoshida that she now has time to think about her future and what she would do but was so dumb that she decided to face the future but ignored her past and kept running away from it when it’s supposed to be the first thing she has to think about? Time has a limit girl and it’s funny how she’s so surprised that someone finally found her bruh.
Running away won’t help, but her brother gave her money and told her to be safe, but she went on and slept with others. If she didn’t have any money left, why didn’t she called her brother for help? Her phone died?
We all know that there were tons of ways she could’ve solved things instead of being a traumatized baby, but it always depends on what kind of person you are in this type of stuff.
As someone whos experienced things like Sayu, being raped but with my consent, because she and I were gullible little fucking kids (i didn’t run away tho) Its sort of normal that she used to it, and the more reason why Yoshida has to correct her way of thinking like a father, not be in a relationship romance with her.
Also, Yuuko saying “be happy” to Sayu when she’s gonna die and obviously gonna cause suffering to Sayu is funny cuz she’s not considering the aftermath of her actions.
Well, no one thinks straight when they’re in that kind of state, Takayanagi-sensei could’ve given some sense to Yuuko though.
This was dumb, and I don’t know if they’re teaching us something, because it’s not shown or executed properly with the shitty as bloated lines that you see almost everywhere.
The characters are pretty bland, especially Yaguchi like seriously what the fuck was that hypocritical shit? The art is ok, the animation is average.
It’s too dramatic considering it’s tagged as “Drama.”
This is so bad. But the opening saved it, it’s a banger heh.
But if you’re into cheap bloated romance, go and enjoy.
Seriously all that running away, rape, and family problems could’ve been solved if you just read
Koko wa Ima kara Rinri Desu.
Yes, leave my trash review, read that manga, and learn some more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 22, 2021
Skate Leading Stars...
Well, it's an anime I was very hyped for considering I'm a huge Guilty Pleasure anime and Figure skating fan. (Stan Yuzuru Hanyu)
Part of me wanting to watch this was because the character designs were done by none other than Queen Yana Toboso-san herself.
(Well, I just needed some skating anime cuz, Yuri, on Ice won't come back, and they won't animate the other arcs of Black Butler)
I was impressed, at first. Yet my boredom got the better of me, since mid-way of the anime, there was never really anything to be hyped about. A lot lacked in
this anime, with it also having a lot of unnecessary stuff.
I felt uncomfortable every time I tried to compare this anime to Yuri on Ice when, to be honest, is more similar to Prince Rhythm lol. But the main problem really was that they showed such few scenes of the characters practicing their choreography, and focused on too much blabbering without the visuals helping the blabbering to make the viewers understand more. Is it a J.C. Staff problem? cuz I can't really consider this an enjoyable skating anime when they don't focus on it. Seeing the characters at least dance on screen for 3 minutes or less would've been better than some rough 5-second scene of them dancing. I'd really seriously like to see the teams' choreography and not just the camera focusing on them delicious faces for 5 minutes straight without feeding us the smooth delicious skating animation, which this anime didn't have.
It kinda feels like the staff didn't know what to do, and doesn't have what it takes to make an original skating anime, with a made-up type of skating at that. Skating is elegant, expressive, passionate, enjoyable, smooth, sometimes wild, explosive, or more. So visuals really play a key role if you want to make a skating anime. Well, it's not like I'll know any better as a watcher who doesn't know much about animation making, and story writing, but Skate Leading Stars really had potential.
Skate Leading Stars ignored lots of Factors such as explaining the scoring system, which devices they use, rules of the sport, appropriate attire, banned moves, and so on.
Skate Leading stars just felt very vague with us clueless on what's going on with the tournaments, because the sport wasn't explained clearly, when they should've had, as its a totally made-up sport, with no careful consideration of the other elements. It's like they just made it up with no in-depth research of the actual real sport to support it. J.C. Staff NEEDS to pay attention to even the littlest details.
Now my other problem.
The outfits.
Yes omg, they look great, fabulous, and all that stuff.
But is it appropriate for skating? is it necessary? Realistic?
I mean seriously Capes? Those are too hard to move around to maintain balance and perform moves and flips. Too much accessory. That's too heavy in real life, limits free movement and extension.
Also having the main team have individual costumes to represent the character that fits them more looks great, but having the same uniform increases efficiency, coordination, teamwork, and all that. It's a kind of heavy burden to wear such different clothes in one team if you ask me. Also, those over the top clothes must be the reason they can't animate much lol
Also in the latest episode...
To be honest, the only reason I can put up with this type of ridiculousness is that Kuonji's VA is Soma Saito.
Also, objects cannot be in the performance, especially when you're in a competition. Such objects hold back movement etc. Yes, Shinozaki, your episode was great, but Swords ain't allowed.
A lot of Characters are undeveloped too and left in the shadow. They don't introduce much of the characters as the characters they are, especially the other competitors, which I take more interest in than the main team themselves. Well, not much is to say as this show still has 3 episodes left to leave a mark and make better of the characters, which probably won't happen, considering the time left.
I'm still looking forward to the last episodes this Show has to offer, as a Trashy Guilty Pleasure anime fan.
I really recommend watching these types of shows if you have the same trash taste. Thanks for reading. :))
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 3, 2021
*Spoilers are included in this Review*
this is my second time reviewing so pls do criticize me so I can be better at this
"I changed because I wanted to be a man worthy of you!" -Akihiko
"It's okay." -Mafuyu
Given. Probably one of the most unique Anime/Manga names I've ever encountered.
But you probably thought that the "Given" title was about the guitar given to Mafuyu from his late lover, But it's much more than that. The salvation and the second chance that was "given" to Akihiko, the need and hurting but beautiful love that was "given" to Haruki, and the sense of excitement, love, and also the
remembrance that was "given" to Uenoyama.
Damn, I just love Given.
Getting into the point:
So, the movie Given was released on August 22 and it took us months to finally watch the movie itself internationally with the annoying virus spread going on. And most of us probably had enough time to read the manga of what this movie was going to be about, and I'm one of those people.
The story this time focuses on entirely Haruki and Akihiko's relationship backed with Mafuyu as he understands music more, and help finally breaking the toxic relationship of Akihiko and Ugetsu, and giving a little push to entirely change Akihiko for Haruki. The story first of all felt rushed. In the anime movie only I guess. Everything went well in the manga as we had time to process what the fuck was happening to the characters and why it hurt so much, instead of switching to events and situations every minute like in the anime. Take-chan confronting Haruki to not go back to Akihiko and my most awaited scene of Mafuyu staying over to Uenoyama's place, which actually helped in solidifying Mafuyu's feelings to writing new lyrics and I am so mad they skipped that. Can't be helped I guess as this movie is all about Akihiko and Haruki so they skipping the Ue and Mafuyu Fuwa Fuwa parts. Ugetsu's POV felt rushed too and out of nowhere. The execution of feeling and tension in this movie was kinda bad but it still kind of delivered some parts that I would say "ok, average." Well, it probably was because they tried to put everything about Akihiko, Haruki, and Ugetsu together in one movie that only had 59 minutes. Let's just hope for a Season 2 that won't skip my Ue x Mafuyu ship, and the upcoming sad storm Shizusumi x Hiiragi.
Mafuyu, still as cute as always, and I was kinda shocked with the added hair clippers on his hair, I probably missed that in the manga but oh well. The best scenes in the movie were Mafuyu's interactions with Ugetsu that was far too quick yet sweet. He still played a major role even being skipped at times.
Uenoyama, which had very minor cameos and lines was still relevant with his Sharpness. I love how they showed Uenoyama opening up more with Mafuyu with that hug. His working, not forced fluffy, realistic relationship with Mafuyu is a truly happy sight to see. Pulling off relationships like that in BL that don't need smut or any kind of major conflict is a Natsuki Kizu specialty and we love that.
Akihiko. They stayed true with the manga and his VA is great, but I wished he put a little more emotion then and there. Can you hate Akihiko? I hope you won't. As far as I know, the Japanese fans hated Akihiko after this movie and I kinda hated that. You might think Akihiko was such trash to Ugetsu and that he almost raped Haruki and he cannot be forgiven for that is alright. But please do not hate the character entirely. It just shows how human they are. His character development wasn't as complex and outstanding as other characters in other shows, but the simplicity of his development is one of the best you can see in genres like this.
Ugetsu. yes. He is one of my favorite characters, ngl. I hated him at first for playing with Akihiko like that. But I'm sure we've come to understand these characters more, and the hatred for them has settled down. Ugetsu loves Akihiko but knows his presence would just destroy Akihiko's future. Lost and unable to let go, he tries drastic methods that to be honest, was a scum move. But what can we do? they both won't let go and just went along with everything, even though it was obvious the toxicity of both was drowning them. Sometimes love can't just work even with both being mutual to each other. Such wise cringey words coming from an inexperienced 12-year-old kid lol.
So in conclusion, the movie was great.
Though the failed tension and emotion delivered in some of the important parts were disappointing, the movie still had its good points.
I've come to think now too that I wouldn't have cried if I didn't read the manga and knew what was going to happen. I cried at the manga and yes, I still cried in this one.
I really recommend watching Given, and this movie if you're into realistic BL or just the romance genre itself. But the manga in this part was better though.
Thanks, Lerche and Blue Lynx. We Appreciate it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 6, 2021
I don't really know much about writing reviews and such, especially the scores on Story, Art and Overalls but i'll try my best for this is my first ever Anime review.
First of all, I'm a Hypster.
Hypster is the name of the Hypnosis Mic fandom and i've been a fan who've listened to their songs for over a year. Finding out the news of Hypnosis Mic being adapted into an anime made me extremely happy that i've never been on my happy switch for so long. BUT now that i've watched every episode of this adaptation, you cannot
even fathom the disappointment i felt after all those 13 episodes. Hypnosis Mic Anime is a Mess. I wish it could've just followed the Manga, or Drama track. At first, i was extremely enthusiastic with my beloved characters having quality animation, and are finally moving around and talking. Fling Posse is my absolute Favourite group and i was happy i got to see 'em moving. But disappointment came around episode 5. (but to be honest i was already confused and down at episode 2 but i endured all that before actually facepalming.) I mean, we got to see every group that needs attention in the first episode right? so whats the use for 4 episodes focusing on each 4 groups? To make the viewer understand and know them? fine. BUT HYPMIC ANIME DIDNT DO THAT. It just straight up made us watch our boys just rapping on random situations given unto them and revealing vague information about them and their past when they could've just followed the manga or drama track itself to make everything LESS CONFUSING. Even as a broke fangirl like me who loves this franchise, i can still cringe with the fact they fight with mics lmao but i should say that a world ruled by women and no weapons is indeed interesting.(if done wisely and better that is.) Another one of my problems was that the anime adaptation of Hypmic had moments that had this one character act differently from his personality/character. For example, Samatoki who tried to punch Ichijikuand hurt other women offiials which was absolutely out of his character even if he was angry and pissed at that time.
Now, finally i came to the point of forgetting everything disappointing that occurred in this anime just to let myself try to enjoy the battle episodes. Yes, i actually did enjoy them but the problems were of that a lot of characters were out of character in the battles which made them look weak than they originally are. Now, i really want to stop comparing this to the manga as it seems to be of original work, but the source says "other." The music used in this was something which i had high expectations from as Hypmic franchise is about all those catchy and sweet music. I could say i enjoyed a lot of the new songs and i am still waiting for the release of all the full version ones. Tho i wished the lyrics stuck to the character more in depth and not just adding lyrics of the character's personality that only touched a few certain levels and then added supposedly rhyming words. The 4 groups and that whatever sEcrEt AlieNs(which i surprisingly liked) VS Chuohku episode was definitely the most facepalming and 2nd hand embarrassment episode i've ever seen. Chuohku is a powerful women ruling government system that defeated the previous government with its you know what or not methods, but now it's troops or whatever is being busted thru by 4 groups with leaders being from the legendary "almost started a coup d'etat" disbanded group? I expected more of Chuohku man. Chuohku has done more better ways than the ones that they did in the anime. I'd say Chuohku could've easily handled all those mundane situations with a better solution.
I really have not much to say about this anime i guess. My feelings of the "tried but kind of failed" adaptation of Hypmic is a mix of Gratefulness, Excitement, or ,Disappointment and Cringe. Tho im still forever grateful seeing my bois animated and talking once again and Hypmic being a Guilty Pleasure for me, despite its cringey executions and all its flaws, i hope for a second season that will be less confusing and something that will actually be better.
Just read the manga or listen to the drama tracks please, its actually more interesting and less cringey.
Seriously the Drama tracks/manga, Game, and Anime have different fucking universes and stories.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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