been watching since 2012, my taste sucks but not as bad as yours that likes Mushoku pedophilia
Grew up watching anime, my first was Dragon Ball but I never knew it was called anime since it was always dubbed in our own language until Fairy Tail came in. I knew the existence of anime once I watched it, and have been hooked ever since.
About a year and a half, I also knew the existence of Chinese anime, Donghua actually, and have been watching too.
I drop my drops medicinal lollipops~
700th Completed Anime= Dragon Ball (I've actually finished this a few years ago I just remembered to add it now)
1,000th Anime Entry mark = Heike Monogatari
I only accept friend requests with tastes similar to mine, and love the genres I love. If I don't accept ya gomen
i also suck at reviewing anime so don't mind me
如 何 归 紫 衫 加 身 时 年
How to return to the times when we wore those purple robes?
All Comments (70) Comments
Thanks for accepting my friend request... I speak spanish, sorry for my bad english :(
"Wu Ji" is definitely my top favorite but "Yi Nan Ping" is definitely a close second... every single time I hear those 2 songs I want to start crying lmao
Yeah ikr. I haven't read one yet that's targeted to teenagers but I know it's weird already, most probably the BL ones ig. Do you read any western novels? Or have other hobbies or sth?
Ohhh nice those are great picks, I'm new to literature so I'm reading Pride and Prejudice rn, it's fucking confusing and if I'm not mistaken Dostoevsky isn't as obsolete as Austen so maybe I'll have an easier time? IDK I do so much research on books and shit and know many titles in this genre but when it comes to actually reading it my mind goes blank.
I see, I might get started on it but rn got other priorities, I'm reading Diamond of Ace Act 2 rn and I can't think of anything else really.
Sure enough.
Hmmm I'd say Gazing at Scenes of Debauchery is pretty similar to that one manhua called the 10 years that I loved you or sth? I mean thinking back I guess it wasn't really good but I remembered liking it a bit at least, it was probably one of the first comics (by that I mean manga manhwa manhua) that I read, and the first BL material I've read too, I think it was a pretty great start because after that I went on to read Doushitemo Furetakunai which was good and then Life Senjou Bokura which was absolutely appalling.
It's fine, take your time!
Same everything goes over my head, I agree that Punpun is a masterpiece but it's just not a favorite...!! That's right I think the character that I truly understand in the manga is the uncle, the rest like the mom and Punpun, their stories are a bit messy in my head right now.
Yeah she didn't leave quite an impression but of course anyone would end up liking a character they relate to. If your life's in pieces mine is too, but I'll always be here if you need to talk about anything.
Ahhhh thanks, BTW do you know what Mangatsuki is for? I think it's a site to find a translation for an LN and links to the website or sth? I've never read LN before I don't know shit about this. And thanks for the websites!!! I'll read Mo Dao Zu Shi when I feel like it! And thanks for the recs. Huh I never really read Asian novels before, I only read Ningen Shikkaku before and it's, yk, actual literature.
Sorry for the late reply, I'm busy asf. Also how is Kuroshitsuji? Been meaning to read it since forever
Sounds interesting, I wouldn't mind reading some Chinese novels that you recommend. I just don't know where to read them online though, are you a Chinese native or do you have a site with english translations? If it's the latter then I would appreciate it if you'll tell me. Actually I read a Chinese BL novel once on Wattpad, never got around to finishing it. It's called "Gazing at Scenes of Debauchery" and basically the only enticing thing about this whole work is the title itself. The translation sucked, it was just a really boring read. I wouldn't mind giving another novel a try though, I want to start reading stuff like LNs too but I srsly don't know where to.
Yeah I read Aku no Hana, it's on my favorites. Are you done with the manga? I surmise you are since you are already analyzing it, but I'd be down to discuss this manga if you are. - you should read this, it's such a great analysis of the manga.
Oyasumi Punpun was really tragic but somehow it didn't really have much of an impression on me after I finished the series. The art was ridiculously cool though, and the characters are really well-written, the storyline is beautiful too, but in the end this manga just isn't for me after all. I gave it a 9 and really appreciate Inio's artistic expressions, but it didn't seem fitting to put it on my favs list. Ah I finished Solanin too, didn't really like it tbh. It was okay. I have high hopes for Umibe no Onnanoko though. And DeDeDeDestruction or whatever it was called.
Np! I like talking to people on the internet. BTW why is Mitsue one of ur fav characters? She's pretty much the least self-assertive bystander in any seinen material.
Thanks for the recommendations! I didn't know Hourou Musuko was a queer story, but I've always wanted to read it. Lmao what are C-novels.
I think if you're really into this queer dark romance stuff you should give Sora wo Daite Oyasumi a try, it's only 7 chapters if I'm not mistaken and the author also wrote Acid Town. To me this manga is basically the epitome of dark, controversial, romantic drama (For anime ig it would be Showa Genroku though it's not queer). Basically it's best to go into it without knowing anything, don't read the desc on MAL, it's practically a spoiler. Same with Zankoku, don't ever read the desc they always spoil shit (While Zankoku is a shounen ai, Sora wo Daite is a yaoi) But yeah it's a really short but affecting read, when I finished it it definitely put quite an impression on me and I still reference or think back to this manga months and months later. I even considered putting it on my favorites but I decided to go against it in the end because when I first finished it I didn't do it immediately, so that probably must've meant it wasn't good enough, probably. The other reason is because I don't want to tarnish my reputation haha (that was half a joke)
Thanks for responding! Oyasumi Punpun is great too. What about Aku no Hana?
I want to start Shimanami Tasogare asap, but I'm reading Zankoku na Kami ga Shihai Suru rn. I'll probably start right after I finish with Zankoku na Kami. On a roll with queer tragedies.