I've had this account for many years, but I only started using it more frequently around September, 2022.
I haven't seen much anime, which is why this account went unused for so long, but I'm planning on changing that.
The anime I have listed as On Hold are anime I've seen before but never actually finished. I'm wanting to finish all of them eventually.
Here's how I'm scoring everything for now...
1: (nearly) everything about it was terrible
2 - 3: I disliked it
4 - 5: I liked some aspects of it but didn't necessarily enjoy it
6 - 7: I had some issues with it but enjoyed it anyway
8 - 9: I greatly enjoyed it
10: (nearly) everything about it was excellent
As I watch more anime and read more manga, I'll get a better idea of what makes an anime or manga good. Every new "best anime/manga I've experienced" gives me a clearer picture of what the "perfect" anime/manga actually looks like, and likewise, every "worst anime/manga I've experienced" shows me how bad it can get. Consequently, I may eventually change my mind on every score I've given.
If you check my lists, you'll find that I'm using notes to give sort of mini reviews of each anime/manga. Keep in mind that these notes are not full reviews by any means. Rather than explaining everything I liked or disliked about each anime/manga, I'm only listing whatever stands out to me the most. I might start writing full reviews someday.
Feel free to send me a friend request if you want to. I've never been super talkative or anything, but you don't have to be shy.
Currently watching
This list doesn't include any currently airing anime.
I was careful not to use any images that give anything away in case somebody viewing my profile hasn't seen one of these anime yet.
Left to right:
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season
"Oshi no Ko" 2nd Season
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
The one in the middle is my favorite so far.
I'm watching the above three anime in a certain order:
1. Two episodes of the anime on the left
2. Two episodes of the anime in the middle
3. Two episodes of the anime on the right
4. Two episodes of the anime in the middle
5. Repeat
I want to finish every anime I start watching, and this makes it easier to finish any anime, even ones I'm not enjoying.
Anime History Last Anime Updates

All Comments (19) Comments
Thank you for accepting ^^
It's nice to meet ya
i am glad to hear you are doing well ! i am okay myself, thank you~
i am actually a bit shy when it comes to talking to new people (my first time to interact on here~) so i hope we can get along well !
also: i am fond of your notetaking on anime ! i used to do this when i was particularly interested in kdramas/cdramas, but am a bit lazy nowadays ;;
it jus doesn't look like what i would enjoy..if that makes sense ^^
never heard of it, doesn't interest me tho :<
it's such a pleasure to meet you!! <33
I'm not a sports person either, though I love cycling, but just for fun...
The more I learn about Ping Pong the Animation, the more intrigued I feel, I'm gonna give it a shot. To be honest, I think I'm more of a "simple isekai" anime fan haha, but the way you describe it makes it sound truly special, when I finish it, I'm gonna share my thoughts with you c:
And it's really relatable, it's just way too difficult to have consistency with ratings, for example, I really like reading doujinshi hentai (I'm only human...(¯ ▽ ¯ *) ゞ) and sometimes I feel like it's not fair to give the same score to a random doujinshi of 1 volume and 15 chapters as to a + 25 volume light novel masterpiece, but that's when I'm like, "Eh, I'm just gonna rate based on how much I enjoyed this specific work" That's the only way it makes sense for me. Otherwise, I'd be worried all the time.
I guess it's finally time for me to watch Frieren. I've been putting it off for a while, but it sounds really good. Sometimes it's just hard for me to get into slice-of-life anime, though. I don't really know why, haha.
Also, I've never heard of or seen Ping Pong The Animation, but it looks like it has a really unique art style. Is ping pong your favorite sport?
But taking advantage of your kindness, there are two things I’d like to ask: I understand you haven’t seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood yet, do you plan to watch it? And what’s your opinion on Sousou no Frieren? I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve only heard good things about it.
You're the first person on MAL that I know who takes the score so seriously, I'm not that strict myself, but I'm always happy to share thoughts (◕‿◕)
I hope you have a great start to the week!