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Mar 7, 2025
Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai, more known by its acronim, "Majikoi", is an anime that, very similar to many other series of this media was made to promote a visual novel game going by the same name.

As you might know, visual novel animes don't have exactly the best reputation on this community. Because at the end of the day what are they if not glorified commercials for the product they are trying to advertise? Many viewers would say, and they aren't exactly wrong: many visual novel animes are designed to do else apart from luring easily captivated players into the game thay descend from ...
Feb 17, 2025
Goddamit, I didn't expect this anime to be as good as it ended beign.

Before I started watching To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers, I had many doubts regarding the contents of this series: for once, it presented ourselves with a completely different setting and tonal structure to what we were usually accustomed from a To Heart IP and I was kinda worried on how it would deliver it.

Just so you know: I didn't believe Dungeon Travelers would be an "abyssmaly bad experience with little to no redeeming qualities", but rather as a somewhat mediocre experience who would leave me with a bitter taste on my mouth. ...
Feb 15, 2025
And so, with To Heart 2 Adnext we have reached the bare end of the cannonical To Heart franchise, at least those that takes place in the same shared universe, anyways.

What comes after seems to be in another completely separated plane of existence, and I cannot really speak on its cannonicity on the franchise, just so you know.

The most important aspect of To Heart 2 Adnext that sets it appart from the rest of the OVAs of this series no doubt have to an special episode that deals solely (well, sort of) with Kusakabe Yuuki, that mysterious black-haired girl who gets introduced seemingly out of ...
Feb 14, 2025
On To Heart 2 AD Plus we are introduced to two brand new robot girls to complement our already extensive set of characters: Shy but somewhat temperamental HMX-17c "Silfa", and HMX-17b "Milfa", or Harumi Kouno, as she is more widely known throught the series.

Speaking about Harumi, she's kind of weird character, she has so much lore behind her and yet it is never properly explained in pretty much any point of the OVA. For starters: yes, she is a robot, this also came as a surprise for me as she is only referred as such just ONCE in the anime and I had to ...
Feb 8, 2025
To Heart 2 AD (Anime) add
To Heart 2 AD has just started and Kouno Takaaki has straight-up just lost his memory.

Should we be concerned about this? I mean, losing one's memory seems like a pretty bad thing to happen and it could very well hinder the development of this series going forward.

Well, none of the girls seems to be particularly concerned about it, some even seem to be enjoying this new, memory-less Takaaki more than his previous self, even.

What logic is this? you are asking. Why are none of the girls shedding even a shade of concern over the apperent memory loss of their male best friend? Wouldn't that be ...
Feb 7, 2025
The main purpose of To Heart 2 OVA is to introduce the characters who, for one reason or another (mainly time constraints I am gonna guess), couldn't be introduced in the main To Heart 2 anime.

Yep, and that's about it, really.

Here, on To Heart 2 OVA you will meet:

Komaki Ikuno: the inquisitive albeit frail little sister of Komaki Manaka (remember her? the "quasi" unofficial librarian of the school's library) and character whose appereance on the series I speculated upon my last To Heart 2 review. Her cronic ilness that lefts her bedridden at her home for most of the time doesn't stops her from deeply ...
Feb 6, 2025
What a fun little time I had while watching Sugar Sugar Rune.

It was the first Mahou Shoujo anime I had ever seen, and as such, I was worried about two potential issues (more accurately described as concerns, tough) I could have while watching a series so different to what I was accustomed to see.

The first of these issues manifested itself on the form of the incredible amount of episodes this show had compared to shows I was used to watch. At much, I had seen series with 20-something chapters at maximum and the 51 episodes of Sugar Sugar Rune represented a mountain of content for ...
Jan 31, 2025
If you came here expecting to see our beloved To Heart 2's character in bikinis, maybe a beach episode even perhabs, like it covers suggests, let me tell you are in, sadly, for a dissapointment :(

This anime special's contents are pretty well sumarized by its synopsis: Yuzuhara Konomi and Kousaka Tamaki join the audience in a little retroespective journey of the series up until the 12th episode perhabs (when this special is canonically supposed to take place, actually) and provide comentary on various moments of the anime we had already seen until this point. Not sure why the creators decided it would be a good ...
Jan 31, 2025
To Heart 2 (Anime) add
To Heart 2 stroke me as on of those animes that, let's just say, suffers from a slow, dull and, admitedly, boring beginning just to keep getting better and better the more time it progresses towards its inevitable conclusion, many of these around this medium, huh? More than anything, it's one of those shows that relies on an extensive and ecletic set of characters to carry forward its story and get us, the audience, interested on it. And let me say, it does pretty solid and decent job at doign just exactly that.

At the beggining, I was questioning my decision to pick-up To Heart 2 ...
Jan 18, 2025
Very quickly after starting to watch these specials you'll notice how fundamentally nothing really makes sense about them. The history is nonsensical, all over the place and actively contradicts itself on more than one ocation. This goes as far in some points of the episodes that characters see themselves forced to break the fourth wall and call out the producers for putting them in such absurd situations.

All of this, however, rather than beign a downside, complements perfectly what another reviewer smartly pointed out in his own comment, is nothing more than excuse to introduce fanservice over this IP and show pantsu to the audience. And ...

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