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Jul 28, 2024
This manga is nothing special, it's a monster of the week series that gradually tries to be something more at the halfway point in the manga.
You get a detective and his two sidekicks sleuthing and doing comfy slice of life shenanigans with very mild stakes involved for the first 12 or so chapters.
After this, it attempts to flesh out each main character with some backstory, it feels rather forced when it comes to the female lead. Even a bit confusing, her backstory is only given to us because she is plagued with an allegory. Which I will not explain to you, if haven't
read the synopsis of this manga why are you reading reviews?
Anyways, her allegory and the circumstances that lead to exposing it really don't make much sense. She's sent home by our MC, due to le plot development that I will not spoil for you. When she gets home, heavy exposition occurs and I can't stop but thinking to myself, why the hell is the MC here? Why did he send her home for this, why did they know about this allegory, how did they get to her house before her when they didn't know where she stayed, why did they know to come.
One of these questions, is answered, then begs even more questions.
Her uncle Grandpa dude called them, but how? How did he know to call them, why did he know she would come home and just be haunted by a whole ass ghost and how does he know what allegories are and how did know where she even was, I'm just so confused at some of these plot points.
And why did he call them, ask them to protect her, then not tell them about the big ass reveal related to get exposition and allegory??
I'll be honest maybe I just missed some important bits, I did speed through some chapters if they bored me but I really don't think I missed something like that, he kicks her out and it's made out like a big ole breakup scene. His contact with her grandfather makes zero sense as he knows literally nothing about her. They literally barely even have time to like each other before this happens so?
Besides really small gripes like this my only other real criticism of the manga is that the last chapters feel breakneck rushed. They steamroll through the main characters exposition, and even lump the secondary female leads exposition into his exposition chapter which, ouch, that sucks!! Hanako was awesome, and her backstory made her even moreso.
Then you are hinted at more exposition at the end, that ends up being a needlessly confusing fake out after a very rushed few pages are spent trying to make the trip seem like a happy family.
They only do this to make the final fight seem more high stakes than it really is, it feels very forced and melodramatic.
Regardless though, it's a nice read, it's just really weak in some aspects.
The main thing about this manga that you see, is the action and exorcism of allegories. Which can get really cringe when the MC becomes the nine tailed fox of urban legends, this makes the usually charming and campy monster of the week fights turn into chuunibyou tier slop not even 7 chapters deep. But this usually only occurs in the climax of the fights so I can ignore it, I just wanted to point it out.
Overall, I think this is a cute little manga, it's just very aimless and it shows. Everything feels added on as an afterthought.
6/10 was my original rating but as I typed this out I've convinced myself it's a 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 21, 2024
I went into this fully expecting smut, and that's what I got.
There is nothing to the plot of this manga, it's your typical shallow fetish romance with some angst sprinkled in.
The art for this series is good, I think it's cute and compliments the story well at times. But there's really not much too it, heavy spoilers ahead, this series would be a 7 for me if not for one thing that I find really annoying.
In the last three chapters they try to flesh out the plot, and add unnecessary melodrama. The story turns from a love triangle with male lead and two
female love interests and they decide to toss the main characters bully in the mix for some mild NTR that made this story a 6 for me.
I don't fw cuck shit, especially when it's unnecessary.
What makes it worse is theirs a lot of exposition to dumped after this in mild blurbs that allude to a much deeper story that just never gets expanded upon because the manga ends in 3 chapters as I said.
They also never really address the fact that MC is soft cucked by the bully and he just becomes friends with him I guess because all of a sudden the MC is no longer a complete loser.
It's just a very messy last few chapters with too much going on and the NTR makes it sting even more. It's a cute story tho and I recommend it but I don't think most readers will enjoy it because of the rushed ending and soft cucking.
Also we never really learn WHY the MC is in the suit, or the degree of his life before now besides very vague fat shaming flashbacks and exposition. If they were gonna add all of this melodrama they really should have at least used it for his origin story.
I think the melodrama at the end was just an afterthought that was tacked on for no reason, hence the origin story not really being talked about much at all. Which is fine, but makes the ending feel even more half assed tbh
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 29, 2024
There's really not much to say about this manga, it's a really cute and erotic manga for coomers.
Each chapter gets progressively more absurd than the one before it, and the overall lewdness varies but stays extremely consistent in how horny it is. The girls are extremely cute, and complimented well by the authors art style. Most of the cast is flat chested, which is a huge plus because flat is justice. But for those of you who enjoy oppai, there is a character with a huge chest that is pretty much in 99% of the manga.
The series is short very easy to read in
one sitting, I tried to drag it out as much as possible because the author really nails what he set out to do: make a super erotic fetish manga.
While the story isn't anything to write home about, it's consistently cute and entertaining which is all you really need when you're reading smut. I'm not expecting some high brow plotlines when I'm trying to look at naked Japanese school girls I'll keep it real.
This is as an easy 8/10 for me on a personal scale, ticks all of the right fetish boxes. Tentacles, tickling, exhibitionism, school girls, childhood friend tropes, embarrassed naked girls etc. It's very based, but on a more critical skill, I guess I less biased rating would be about a 7.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 21, 2024
Heavily spoilers ahead, but I'll cut to the chase
This is a pretty cute manga up until chapter 5, in which the MC is basically cucked by a girl in the student council committee. It's very frustrating to read, and it's made even worse by the fact that MC never really learns he was cheated on.
Two chapters later, there's even a threesome between the MC, his wife, and her mother, where the female lead gets jealous and angry and cuts the threesome short saying word for word "You can't do this, aside from me, no one's allowed too" completely ignoring that that she got
finger banged by a dominatrix lesbian yesterday. It's extremely frustrating NTR bullshit.
It wouldn't be so much of a problem if the female lead didn't hide this from the MC, and if she didn't display extreme jealousy out of nowhere in the final few chapters. There's even a very minor confession arc where the female lead mistakes a love letter for her, as one for her husband, and she spends the entire chapter being a hypocritical asshole. You cheated on this man and you're mad at him for another girl having a hypothetical crush?
It just makes it so annoying to read, but if you're into that this the manga for you. Besides from this, the initial start is actually pretty good, I was saving up every lewd page until the cuck stuff happened. The art isn't special, but it's nice to look at it. I enjoy it.
The characters are very shallow though, even the main couple are purely defined by their lustful characteristics but what do you expect going into a manga like this yk?
I honestly enjoyed it though, all things considered. Would have been a 7/10 if not for the terrible hypocrisy in the femc and the NTR atrocities.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 17, 2023
I had to write this review because every other review is slobbering all over this manhwa like crazy and acting like it's the second coming of Christ himself.
This manhwa does nothing new, it is extremely unoriginal and while the art may be pretty to look at but it's boring to see at this point. Redice Studios has over saturated the market to such insane degrees that this art is just average, it is the very least you should be expecting from a manhwa nowadays and is nothing worth giving the authors a pat on the back over.
You would hope that something action based
like this would at the very least have some cool choreography, and neat spells, since it's about mages and stuff but no. For the first part of the series you essentially see the mc spam the most uninteresting moves in the world while characters cream their pants about it. The author is basically trying to gaslight you into thinking any of this is even remotely good. It's not.
There's also another thing about this that is extremely grating visually, the entire cast is extremely drab. The mc himself is a pain to look at, it's boring and very visually unappealing. This goes for the rest of the cast as well, besides the girls that the author clearly wants to incorporate into the harem, everyone looks like background characters and have the bare minimum thought put into them, I can't say the same for much else about the series though.
The villains and random groups you see in this world are so garbage, it is painfully clear that the author is just insanely lazy and isn't even trying to make an interesting story worth reading. You will come across about 7-8 villains and groups very early on in the series, and the author doesn't even try to name these characters and group. He straight up calls them crap like "death edge city gang of death" and other equally stupid titles, one could argue that this is more of an attempt at humor. I digress. It's pretty obvious this is another mass produced manhwa meant to make money, with zero thought or care put into it whatsoever. It's laziness they try to play off as comedy, and it does not work.
It's so rushed to put out that there are scenes where one panel is a guy with a scar on his right eye, and then in the panel immediately after it, the scar has disappeared. These are just unacceptable mistakes to me, I know it's easy to overlook in manhwa since this medium is like the fast food of reading. But I can't let that slide when so many other aspects of the story are so brazenly lazy and border on plagiarism.
Moving onto the MC, the mc is extremely two dimensional. He is passive to a fault 80% of the time and will do nothing until the author wants to throw a giant giga demon at him for him to kill to wow the audience. He's not fun or compelling at all, the only thing he ever talks about is money and milfs.
I do not mind lecherous main characters, they can be insanely entertaining and even endearing. This one though? Not so much, the author obviously doesn't understand what makes those types of characters fun to read. Just saying "haha I wanna sleep with a milf also I like money" is not enough to make him funny.
There's only so many ways I can say this manhwa is boring and mediocre so I'm going to end this review here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 13, 2023
This was extremely boring, and what's worse is the plot is basically non existent. It all circles back around and you've essentially watched nothing, not to mention the weird incest angle with her little brother type dude, they spend two dire hours they could have spent on saving the town from being exploded by what's essentially a hydrogen bomb tier explosion, kissing one another and being mopey and horny in her bedroom. What? This was just so mid, it felt like they had an idea for something and didn't bother fleshing it out or elaborating on it any further. It needed a lot of fine
tuning, the animation isn't the best either, and you can tell it was cheap there's just ridiculous amounts of still air and still frames, lot's of silence or bare bones ambient music.
i normally dig older anime like this, no matter how bad, but I was not vibing with this one I gotta be honest.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Aug 13, 2023
This is a pretty average anime, but it has soul and that's all that matters. You already know what you're getting into with any cop anime set in America, especially if they came out between the 80s and 90s.That was the height of buddy cop schlock and I love it. I highly recommend you watch the dub, with friends if you even have any. The animation is rough but very pleasing to the eyes, the character designs are fun and cute, the setting is grimy and dark but pretty fun to see the characters in. It's just so silly, you gotta go into this one
looking to have fun not for a story of substance or depth.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 13, 2023
This manga has a boring cast, that ranges from shallow and boring, to downright insultingly bad.
Everyone is bland and one dimensional until you get to Sagawa, spoilers ahead, Sagawa is a troubled character that is shown to have a brutal past. She was gang raped by her cousin and his friends before attempting to conduct human experiments on her body. To add insult to injury, she is shown to be promiscuous and used as fan service despise this backstory. Not even two chapters after we learn of her backstory, she is shown to be on the brink of killing herself from shame.
And what
does the author do? He has the mc walk in on her naked, as she's about to jump from the balcony. This is played for a cheap ecchi gag, which is bad enough on it's own. But then she is shown attempting to rape the MC and he even cries out for help "Help sagawa is raping me!" me as she beats him and tries to de-clothe him.
That is not how you want to portray your main cast.
Another thing is the leader Arai, all she ever does is beat the hell out of the main character. It's painful to sit through at times, especially since the MC is a blank slate with one motivation. He's hard to care about.
This story is bogged down by mediocre characters in an otherwise interesting world, and I wish the author did more with it.
The ending itself, is also very rushed. You get what should have been anywhere between 5-10 chapters crammed into the final chapter. The final chapter isn't any longer than the rest of the chapters either, so you see loose ends tied up in a disjointed and sloppy way in 30 pages or so.
My critical rating of this manga, is about 4/10. Because from a writing stand point, it's just atrociously tone deaf at times and there are just so many flaws in the pacing, overall cast, and the ending.
A more lax rating would probably be a 5, it's what I rated it on my MAL because in comparison to a lot of other manga I've read before it's honestly not the worst. It's just very average, and the ending is arguably the worst part of this series.
I think if the author was given the time to write a few more chapters to wrap up the ending, the other flaws of this manga would be easier to forgive.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 12, 2023
This manga has a really bland, uninteresting premise, and as one would expect the manga itself is extremely bland and uninteresting.
Everything about this screams edgy nihilistic pre-teen, it's not doing anything new that you haven't seen done before in the hundreds of edgy smut manga that try to appeal to edge lord chuunibyous. The art is the only redeeming point of the manga but decent art can't carry a really garbage premise.
The entire manga reads like the author googled "cool death facts" then tried to shoe horn them into the manga.
On top of this, the lewd scenarios are extremely generic, we even get
the accidental fall into titties trope. You can pretty much sum this entire manga up with that trope, because that's all it is over and over again except I guess this time any lewdness is pretty much ruined immediately by an "info dump" of how to kill people, put in the most embarrassing and cringe filled way possible.
If you want to read google excerpts about how to kill people slapped over some cringe, subpar ecchi manga I guess this manga is for you.
If it's not, you're better off skipping this trash heap. It's extremely obvious why this was axed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 16, 2023
I really liked the initial premise of this manga, it was interesting enough. It starts out in a way that makes you think it's going to be a typical survival horror series full of edge and nihilism. It kind of is, but it veers off into a more survival guerilla plot that banks on action and thrills, it was good while it lasted.
Up until the halfway point things just start to go off the rails, shit happens for the sake of shit happening and the plot goes from coherent and followable to stupid M Night tier plot twists that are easily guessed. It's very
disappointing and even though the final chapter is a whopping 100+ pages long and quadruple the length of the standard chapters so far it absolutely steam rolls through the plot for stupid plot twists that leave you bitter and unpleased. The entire conclusion is skipped over in the very last pages of the chapter.
It does not help that the final chapter is spent on some old codger monologueing and moaning at the MC, some dude we literally do not know of until that final chapter.
It's just ass, completely ruined anything it had going for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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