Amnesia is not an extraordinary anime, yet it has that catchy thing that makes you watch it until the end. Personally, I enjoyed it very much ( that is why I believe that my enjoyment rate was around 8/10). As far as I know, Amnesia is also an otome game, and the anime is probably made after it.
Story: 6/10
6: because it says ”fair”
The story isn't such a big deal, but it is rather cute: the plot goes on smoothly and it keeps your attention alive, even though you might guess sometimes what is going to happen. It's not about that, but about the
fact that it has something in it that makes you wish to watch it until the end. And the story has this sparkle of un-namable something. The story in itself, I have to admit, is not extraordinary (as I said before, neither the anime is). The plot revolves around a confused girl who slowly, but surely, starts to understand what is going on - from there on, all the so-called-problem begins, and we understand that she travels through parallel world involuntarily. As I said, it's nothing to get surprised about because the story is so constructed that you can fairly understand it is not about the story, but a strong correlation between everything that's going on. A fair correlation that doesn't demand greatness, just the mere essence of being. That's why I believe the story is fair: it doesn't demand more than it has to offer, and that is why the story seems good enough to me.
Art : 7/10
I guess the art is pretty good. For those who are interested (or fascinated) by attractive guys with interesting eyes, you might find the art pleasant. As for myself, I liked the art except some several details: I didn't like their eyes, they crept me out ( the colours weren't right). Also, everything seemed rather sparkly and unreal (even for an anime), which makes you understand immediately that the anime might be ...the anime version of a game. All in all, for those who like these types of details (sparkle, colourful environment -and eyes, and clothes), then you might as well enjoy it very much. I objectively rate it 7/10, but -to be entirely honest - I was really abashed by those eyes; eventually I came to get used to them.
Sound: 8/10
The soundtrack seems very good to me. Also, I guess there's nothing much to comment here. It matches the atmosphere and the anime in itself perfectly.
Character: 6/10 ( but if we talk about specific characters, I'd give Toma 10/10 :3 )
As I said before, the anime is a very strong correlation between everything that goes on in it, the characters included. There is no main ...thing, no main detail put in the spot of the light. It's everything there is, it demands that and nothing more (which I came to admire very much). That being said, even though the characters are not the main thing that's been underlined as most important in the anime, I still liked them. They are nothing out of common, they are common characters with very common personalities (and also looks). Being a reverse-harem, the boys are, obviously, very attractive. Every each of them becomes charming at a point or another, and taking them ”as a whole”, someone would be rather inclined to underline the fact that they are a bunch of really attractive hotties. The ”main” character, the girl, is also very cute (I liked her personality very much; as it is supposed to be, she is very kind, for those who have a ”thing” for honest-kind girls/personalities, I suppose you might get a like on her). I believe the characters are also ”fair” to the anime in its entity because as well as the story and everything above, it doesn't demand more than what it can actually give. They are appropriate to the state of being.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I couldn't sleep until i finished the series (Thank God it were only 12 episodes). I had a lot of fun watching it: I cannot rate this in any possible way objectively. It is rather personal: I had ”fun” watching it, I was always curious to see what's next and what kind of reactions she'll have. Actually, it is rather predictable what's going to happen. Even so, it is enjoyable because it makes you want to see HOW exactly are all those things going to happen. I loved that about the anime.
I had fun watching it; but I have to give warnings: This is not a great anime. It's average. Made after an otome-game, it doesn't gave a great plot, neither great characters, there is no main point in the anime and even though it has a very nice way of presenting everything, you will not get the feeling you get from those masterpieces. It's just average: an anime you might possibly enjoy to watch some night when you feel like watching some random anime. I, for must say, believe it's fair in itself. It doesn't offer much, but it doesn't demand much either. If you regard this anime as something like that, something that gives only that and nothing more, demands what it demands and gives what it promises to, if you do that, you might as well enjoy it. The art is okay, the sound also - the story and the characters synchronise perfectly, the enjoyment might be great if you like those blurry atmosphere with kissing coming out of nowhere (but nor really), fast romances (but nicely constructed), interesting characters (but nothing out of common)... overall, I believe some might give it a try. It is NOT a waste of time. It's enjoyable.
Dec 18, 2013
Amnesia is not an extraordinary anime, yet it has that catchy thing that makes you watch it until the end. Personally, I enjoyed it very much ( that is why I believe that my enjoyment rate was around 8/10). As far as I know, Amnesia is also an otome game, and the anime is probably made after it.
Story: 6/10 6: because it says ”fair” The story isn't such a big deal, but it is rather cute: the plot goes on smoothly and it keeps your attention alive, even though you might guess sometimes what is going to happen. It's not about that, but about the ... Nov 15, 2013
Sayonara Kodomotachi
This is a very short story about a promising love: a man that loses his relationship with a girl he met in childhood times. The graphics was very attractive and the plot was very, very promising (as well as the one shot in itself). I should recommend it for the warm feeling it might possibly transmit to the reader. It is, nevertheless, too short to be fully enjoyed and it would have probably been a very interesting manga, if there were to be more chapters released. That is what I think about it : a pleasing one shot; regrets concerning only the fact that it
Nov 10, 2013
Guilty Crown
After watching this anime, I found myself thinking about how I may randomly lose very good scenes and animes only because of my lack of trust in covers. Of course, if you look at its name, at its description and even at its cover, you (whoever that might be) could consider this anime to be quite another cliché. In the end, maybe it is. But isn't it quite difficult nowadays to choose between fake and true? We are bound to our own personal feelings and reactions when watching an anime; in the end, all we see is our own enjoyment (received while and after watching