Tsuki Ga Kirei is a romance anime that has lots of hype which might seem a bit too much for some people, but considering the fact that almost every single romantic anime out there is oozing with cringe while using generic overused tropes as plot devices,this original anime is a breath of a fresh air which adds layers of reality into this genre so I can totally see why people would adore it this much.
Tsuki Ga Kirei won't take you in by storm & submerge you into it right off the beginning- instead it might seem pretty bland as it starts off like most of
Mar 9, 2022
***This review is for the whole trilogy and contains minor spoilers***
Mardock Scramble could've been a landmark in Cyberpunk genre.It had everything,literally everything. Rune & Oeufcoque as a duo was pretty solid and Rune's chatacter study was neatly done plus the story was damn good enough to keep you hooked despite being pretty fast paced. There's flying colours with breathtaking visuals,decent amount of action & batshit crazy characters accompanied by evenly intriguing plot-heck even the final movie was pretty on point too followed by a nice backstory saga in the 2nd one as Rune's character development reached it's peak and we get to see a satisfying end. That ... Jan 19, 2022
Concrete revolutio is just the textbook example of a wasted potential.An anime that takes a deep dive into the superhero genre and constantly operates in a morally grey conscience like "The Boys" did, animated by Bones, should be a wet dream for everyone.The take was good and if they had taken care of the storyline properly,it could have been peak fiction rather than being the giant mess it is.
The anime is episodic and hardly you'd relate between the storyline.Although the stories for the episodes are pretty good,but the narrative is kinda disjointed.They did try to merge the previous stories for the grand finale,but that was ... |