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Sep 30, 2020
Like many others here, I got recommended this by the henti man, and since I wanted to practice my japanese I gave it a go.
As a summary, don't waste your time. This is a dumpster-fire, which gave me flashbacks of School Days, in the sense that you end up hating the main character from the bottom of your heart. The only things to praise here is the concept (I never heard about locking people with no food for a while and see who survives concept, but from other reviews seems is not that rare, so if you are familiar with this concept story might be
predictable for you), the artwork and how explicit some scenes are (glad the mangaka didn't tone them down), and how this manga teases you with morbid curiosity to see what fucked up thing comes up next, which was the only motivation for me to keep reading till the end.
On the bad side we have stupid characters making stupid decisions, and a cast of awful people to hate (although some of them more than others). I have to say having backstories for all of them was a nice touch, and made their behavior more understandable (except for the main character, fuck that guy).
Overall it made me feel sick on some parts, which is more than you could say for many other works, that's why I gave it a 4 and not a 1 or 2, but I wouldn't read it again nor would recommend it to anyone. Some scenes are freaking depressing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 8, 2017
Minor spoilers, if you haven't watched it it shouldn't spoil too much, since it won't make much sense without having the context of the movie.
Great movie, although there are some things that really put me off or didn't satisfy me.
Art: 9.5/10. Great and sharp visuals, good animation and beautiful backgrounds and skies. VO was also good. Only thing I didn't like that much was the OST, definitively not my taste of music, not bad, just not for me.
Characters: 8/10. Not too bad, the main duo was interesting, although we don't get to know much about them. Probably I'm judging their depth like I would judge
a 12+ episodes anime, which definitively doesn't fit the time constraints of a movie, but it's just sad that the main duo doesn't seem to show any special traits nor hobby/passion. On the other hand I really appreciate that they didn't go for cliché characters at all, which is also probably why it worked that well internationally.
Also worth mentioning how bad the secondary characters were. They didn't seem to serve any purpose or have any depth, other than help the plot progress. Mitsuha's friends were plain, but Taki's friends were awful, if they weren't there at all no one would've noticed. At least Mitsuha's friends helped in some way on the story (Katsuhiko helped hack the transmission system and built the explosives, Sayaka helped doing the announcement), but Taki's friends were completly pointless other than make the character show that he has friends. Not a fan of Miki either.
Story: 7/10. Probably the weakest part of the movie. I love sci-fi and supernatural stuff, but usually it kinda makes sense on the scope of the story. For example, on Death Note or Steins;Gate, it's clear from the beginning how the whole thing works, and the things that are unknown are discovered by the characters and make sense on the whole story. On this movie nothing is clear, and most questions can be answered with "it's magic" and nothing would change. For example, it's never explained in a way that makes sense when everything is happening, why are those 2 connected specifically, when the connection happens (and how), why when this connection vanishes everything they remember about eachother is gone too (I could accept the memories being removed, but the phone's diary too?). Also worth noting how the grandma, by the end of the movie, just casually mentions that the whole exchange bodies with a random person is normal and that her and her daugther experienced it too. Like WTF? You knew about this whole thing from the beginning and you let your grandchild go through it without at least warning that something like that might happen to her someday? There is also the part where she starts explaining how the time and events are like the strings they work with, and shit like that, in a poor attempt to explain what is going on. Overall it was kinda messy and the time-traveling part made it even more confusing, again, never explained.
Also another thing that annoyed me was how Taki didn't know the name of the town. He was supposed to have been living for at least a week or two (in days) on Mitsuho's body, I cannot believe he didn't remember or write down the name of the town, and because of this a good 10-15 minutes of the movie is spent on an stupid quest to find the town based on a drawing. In the case he just "forgot" about it, how is it possible that he can draw so well detailed the views of the lake of the town but can't remember a simple name??)
Overall: 8/10. Good visuals and VO, good enough main characters, very weak secondary cast, average story. I just wish they elaborated a bit more on the whole connection part, and showed more of their daily lives when they inhabit eachothers body, instead of doing an skip and just showing the stupid secondary cast go like "woah dude, you were so weird yesterday". SHOW ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED! Don't make me hear the vague descriptions of the stupid secondary cast or show a 10 seconds clip.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 1, 2017
Spoiler-free review.
How to start about this... this is one of those shows you must watch alone and try not to think about how sad your life is because you are watching and enjoying it. If this was a live action show it would be banned world-wide, we are talking about a harem show full of 12 years old, with mild nudity and fucked up characters. But lets go step by step.
Art: 8/10. Very good and polished animation quality, movements and facial expressions are good. Opening and ending are cute, specially the dance parts. VO is also well done if it wasn't because the characters they
portray are crap, but still good. There were a few reused scenes and weirdly-drawn characters on some frames.
Story: 3/10. Not sure if it can even be called an story, a crappy light novel writer is working on climbing on the light novel scene and finds out the artist that was drawing his illustrations is his 12 year old little sister, which is a perverted hikikomori that draws erotic illustrations for a living. From there, more 12 years old show up to try to claim the main character's dick in a ridiculous, cringy and unrealistic way. Basically the author sexualizes the shit out of them all, sometimes during the show I almost forgot I was seeing 12 years old because of that, and then felt disgusted about myself and the creator of this. From there on is just your typical harem show, there is the fireworks episode, the beach episode, the TOURNAMENT ARC episode, and many other meaningless shit, because the main story seems to time-jump randomly to their milestones without really showing what happened (episode 11). That and the amount of coincidences that made me facepalm multiple times, specially on the relationship between the 2 main characters.
Characters: 2/10. Probably the worst part of it all. Let's remember again that we are talking about 12 year old girls, alright, now give them the most plain and predictable personalities ever (the tsundere imouto, the foreign blond ojou-sama, the traditional and shy ninja-girl, the genki classmate who tries to look older than she is), and now make them disgusting (the imouto is actually a perverted hikikomori that sexually harrases the other 12yo girls, the ojou-sama is actually an exhibitionist with an 8th grade syndrome, the samurai-girl loves the main character's crappy novels for no reason at all, the genki girl says she loves dicks and tries to act perverted). Alright, now think of the most stupid and plain main character you could ever think of (works hard, is kind to everyone, a bit shy, is good doing the chores, is clueless about love stuff) and make it also disgusting (basically he sexualizes 12 yo girls and is trying to fuck his little sister). And finally, make every character love the main character for no reason at all. Yep, we got everything in one place. That's pretty much the cancer of the show, every character is ridiculously plain with stupid or unexplained motivations, and disgusting personalities for their age, BUUUTT!!!...
Enjoyment: 9/10. I am ashamed to say I enjoyed the show. Despite the awful story and characters, the show hooks you and you find yourself wanting more, because we all are awful beings inside, and this show plays with it. I found myself smiling at many scenes, I wanted to see more, it's like a morbid feeling, like being near an accident and peeking over the crowd to see the dismembered bodies. You are aware it is disgusting, you feel like you are disgusting, but you just can't stop watching. This is the reason I gave this show a 7, because despite of everything I said above, not many shows with such huge flaws make you keep watching.
Overall: 7/10. You won't obtain anything from watching this other than plain entertainment, and feeling bad about yourself enjoying it. This is not art, this is like a kebab, you eat it, its delicious, you know its not healthy, but you keep eating, sauce keeps oozing from the kebab, your hands, your legs, your face, you are all covered in disgusting sauce, but you enjoy it a lot and you keep munching the goddamn piece of meat, because you don't think about what you are eating, but how good it makes you feel. When you are done the regrets come, but you know you will be ordering another one as soon as you get the chance.
And again, WATCH IT ALONE.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 14, 2017
So I first watched Code Geass on 2009, when I was on my teens and didn't have much anime behind my back to have some perspective, and it quickly became one of my favorites. As a teenager it had many of the things I liked, well animated fights with giant robots, an edgy and super-inteligent teenager who looks awesome and is always one step ahead of everyone, cute waifus to fall in love with (just look at my avatar...) and superpowers. If I made this review back when I watched it for the first time everything would have a 10.
So anyway, I rewatched it after
almost 10 years since the 3rd season is coming, and I wanted to refresh my memory and remember what I loved so much about it. Long story short, it is still really good and the art aged well, but it is not perfect and the rating for me right now would be a 9.5/10.
I don't want to make the review too long nor get into many details, so I will just say:
- Story is as good as I remember it, even remembering what would happen I still felt the plot-twists like the first time I watched it, having a big impact after every episode. Probably worst parts were the filler and school-life episodes.
- Art, as I mentioned above, aged very well, and many openings and endings are legendary (it has been a long time since I heard an ALI PROJECT song, good stuff)
- Characters was probably what got me more dissapointed. Lelouch was quite well written and I love how after all this years I noticed many things that I didn't notice when I was a teenager, specially about how he isn't a god or the mistakes he makes (which have huge consequences), and also how him and Suzaku had always the same objective but took so different paths that they became enemies pursuing the same goal (and how Lelouch personality and mind changed due to the path he took).
Now, the issue with the characters is everyone else on the show. CC was someone I loved but her personality was very plain and I disliked the *small spoiler* part where she temporarily has her memories gone and she becomes a living fanservice for a few episodes for no apparent reason *end small spoiler*. The secondary cast was mediocre at best, Kallen was specially annoying, we got a bit of backstory about why she follows Zero, but then its never mentioned again and even after finding out who Zero is and what he has done she still follows him (love?). The rest of the crew is pretty much the same. Special mention to Rolo, who is supposed to be a cold-blood assassin but changes sides because he lives with Lelouch for a few months (love???). Most character personalities doesn't seem very defined and change their behavior to adapt to the plot.
Enjoyment was great. Despite the characters I still enjoyed the show. Maybe I didn't enjoy as much the mecha fights as I used to, I found them a bit hard to follow, but everything else is great and definitively worth rewatching in the future.
So yes, despite the flaws is something you must watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 23, 2016
Story wasn't very good or had much depth but I don't think the show aims at that. The whole sport of Keijo is cool, the rules are quite simple to understand and sounds like an sport that could actually work in real life. This is one of those animes based on tournaments and fights rather than developing any real story. We have the main character, no one notices her and everyone is looking at the cool and popular characters, but the mc is extremely positive and strong and slowly it becomes the strongest character. This show can be divided in 2, the parts where the
characters compete, and the parts where the characters train to learn new techniques and be stronger for the competition parts. Quite cliché but works well.
Art was quite good, fights were very impactful, overall characters were well drawn and the sound effects during the fights were amazing and made everything more epic. The last episode's animation was aful and had so many quality drops, I assume it will get fixed on the blu ray versions. Opening and ending weren't very memorable, watched them once and skipped. OST was kinda generic, nothing memorable from it either but it fitted the scenes well.
Characters were plain, but again I don't think the show was trying to make a complex background for each one, the only one that got some backstory was Maya, but wasn't very convincing, it looked more like a resource to make the main character look good helping her with her traumas, rather than trying to give any depth to the character (which considering finding images of her on Google thrown almost no results, shows it will probably be gone on the following chapters of the manga). The main cast of 4 friends were all clichés, we knew nothing about none of them and there wasn't anything unique about them at all. Again, I'm not saying this is required for every single show, but the characters are not the strongest point of this show.
Overall it's a good show to watch if you are bored. The fights are well animated and entertaining, the attacks and moves get more and more ridiculous as episodes go by, and characters, although plain, are likeable and well designed. Don't hype this show because this is not the best show of the year, but it is definitively one of the most entertaining and fun to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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