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Feb 14, 2018
Spoiler Free, also I had this readied after the finale but only posted recently.
Honestly what do I have to say about this show, It's an Original Video Animation (or OVA for short) that was made for a government art project, that was blown up due to its charm and appeal.
Now the community always had, and still will have mixed opinions about OVA Sequel, and I personally felt that mentioned Sequel was definitely out of touch with the first OVA.
However, for the TV Series, I would have to say my opinions turned into, an acquired taste. If there's one way I can describe the TV
series, is that, it's a passion project. Creative Minds brought together by shared, as well as varying, interests and ideas. You can say whatever you will with, wonky character building, inconsistent themes (ehem, Croix Chariot Star Wars fight) and very weird pacing, but I think this just proves how much the people who created it, from Director Yoshinari sensei, Animators, and Seiyuus, had so much fun into putting their time, effort and underpayed hours into something so massively inspiring, enjoyable and heartwarming.
What the OVA didn't do that the show did Right is to bring these weird, mashed up inconsistent ideas ranging from jokes about Pie and Tarts to massive cool robots all the way to straight up nuclear warfare, and then tie them to the core idea of what made the first LWA so likable, and that is it's message of "Believing in yourself" and just overall optimistic views in life. The TV Series was able to deliver that sense of down to earth optimism despite the out of this world creations of the creators' imaginations, bringing you back to your childhood days, where you can think of absolutely anything, as long as it involved bad guys and heroes, and just dive into your imagination and never leave this perfect beautiful world you've created in your mind, where every time goes wrong, you can make it all right, as long as you believe.
This leads people to conclude that this Finale was Cheesy, Cliche and overall nonsensical, but this product of childlike wonder and imagination, is what makes you feel connected to these characters. These characters that you can honestly relate to, because once in your life, you were in a position,
like theirs even if it was all in your head.
Because it doesn't matter if it was a cliche, believe in yourself and winner wins all, because you can look back to your days as a child and see how in your world, and in the world of Little Witch Academia, you CAN be the hero, and you CAN save the world, all you have to do is believe,
Because a Believing Heart, is YOUR magic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 2, 2017
You better prepare for an extremely disappointed WWII and Fantasy fanboy's review in this show filled to the brim with potential, but was eventually spilled on the floor thanks to a magic flying gun.
Shuumatsu no Izetta a WarXFantasy Crossover show of the Fall 2016 Anime Season. Oh boy.
Let me give you the short review of this show if you don't want to waste your time reading a review about a show that was also a waste of time:
If you came here hoping for a unique twist on World War 2 Storylines with an interesting twist of Fantasy and magic. Then just throw this in the
trash. No amount of Cool Animation, Soundtrack or Lesbian-undertoned Fanservice can save such a gigantic blob of wasted potential like this one.
Now let me dissect each aspect of this show that contributed into this massive mess.
We've had enough Movies, Games, Manga and Anime that had a World War 2 Aspect to it, and had the Nazis. I mean Germanians, being bad guys, killing people ruthlessly because...they're Germanians. I expected that, someone who invests themselves in WWII themed media knows the drill. But they had a potential saving grace, and that was the risk of having FANTASY mixed into the batter. This could've potentially saved this show's bland original concept, with enough Originality and seeing the Characters grow as people, this show could've been good. But it didn't, it provided extremely bland uninteresting and predictable"plot-twists", I gave Zero cares about the characters, except Jonas. Because he was the single character that, although seen in almost every type of WWII story, was executed well to drive the plot and make it have any resemblance of emotional interaction with the audience.
The animation, background, art and Character design were all really good. But there were so many times, to the point of being uncountable in where the still shots, dialogue shots and hell even the ACTION shots being extremely sloppy in the second half of the show. If the WWII-Fantasy crossover Aesthetic was one of the few things that could've saved this show, then it failed. If it did one thing well, then that's having really pretty girls and Yuri content for me to enjoy.
It was epic if it needed to be, and all in all it was really nice, the Chorale used sends shivers to my spine whenever I hear it. The OP and ED are just usual Edgy songs fitting this show's overall theme. One of the things done better in this show.
This show just left a bitter taste in my mouth. The constant nagging of "THIS COULD'VE BEEN DONE SO MUCH BETTER" in the back of my head was enough to make me just utterly hate this show, with that was paired how it was absolutely boring at around Episode 5 onward, this just made the show absolutely unbearable. I'm currently just watching it to see what happens.
You're doing yourself a disservice if you watch this, it's an utter waste of time, that looked good at first. If you think it could be one of the better shows of this season, then you're lying to yourself. I enjoyed Sword Art Online more than this blob of trash, a consistently mediocre show is better than a show brimming with potential that took a turn for the worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 14, 2016
(Minor Spoilers, they're extremely vague, it doesn't ruin the experience at all, unless you're sensitive to spoilers or something [like me])
Hey. Want bitesized chunks of each category. Well, I'm good at rambling about things in a short amount of time, So I'll give it a shot.
So, A1 Pictures came out with a Teen Drama again, huh? Finally, I've had enough Harems from that studio, jeez. If I were to compare this Movie to a series it would definitely be ToraDora and AnoHana. If you liked those two shows, this movie is worth a shot, with similar structure, themes and characters, I would like to
make a few comparisons, on to the:
In itself this movie didn't have anything special going for it. It wasn't anything unique, High School Drama involving teens, and had a predictable sad ending. And that's not a bad thing at all. The story was able to convey a linear proper experience, not every Drama needs to be filled to the brim with symbolism or scooting around in different directions on a complicated story-line. Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda is a Drama. Period. It will make you cry (or just sad if you have a manly heart like me), it will make you care for the characters, and you will love it. A story being predictable is in it's own right bad, but being able to still tug at the audience's heartstrings and make you feel emotion despite knowing fully well what's gonna happen, is something very few shows/movies are able to do well;that is exactly the reason why films like KokoSakebi (made up my own conjunction) and shows like ToraDora, AnoHana and Your Lie in April are regarded as Dramas of their year. All of them are able to pull of a miraculous ending, in an otherwise risky story structure. It had simple themes, simple plot line, that all worked together to make a simple harmonious beautiful story.
Nagai Tatsuyuki, nuff said.
The Soundtrack was good in itself. However it clearly drew a lot of inspiration from the AnoHana soundtrack, thus not making it necessarily it's own. I think the fact that I make comparisons to aforementioned drama constantly just shows how this movie was unable to make a name for itself, the soundtrack is just one of the things that had to suffer from this comparison.
The thing I love about the works that this crew makes are that they tend to lose focus on having an interesting plot, and go for a set of characters that seem plain at first, but are actually extremely complicated. I love the shows that they make, because I love the characters. The characters tend to mirror real people, how they may be plain and easy to read, but really you never know what's going on in their heads. (Which is also a big theme of this movie.) Also, that twist (that may have just been me who wasn't able to predict) with the love interests around the middle. Now THAT was a reflection of real life. As much as I loved the Main Four, they could've been fleshed out more, making way for more attachments with the audience. But, if you care about them enough that you start screaming at them, laughing with them or crying for them(like me), then the characters did their job well.
I have spit out what I enjoyed and didn't enjoy about this movie. I was attached to the characters, I was emotionally moved, and the movie in itself was just a blast to watch. Grab your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or Dakimakura, and watch this movie with them. It's a drama, that anyone can enjoy.
Final Verdict:
I am never eating eggs again. 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 14, 2016
The syllables I can describe Shokugeki no Soma with. It's good, but not amazing, neither is it horrid. It's not a transforming rice seasoning dish, neither is it some weird grilled peanut butter level type thing.
Food+boobs+The Good Shounen Archetypes=This thing.
Shokugeki was without a doubt, a very enjoyable anime. Humour was great, and to be honest it was what kept me going to watch it. But everything else other than my enjoyment, was a weakpoint, slowly kicking at the table legs while we wait for the Table to just completely fall off, bringing all the food to the ground and plates crashing.
Okay let's get to
the actual review rather than having to go through my horrible food references.
I'll tackle the mediocre parts first. The soundtrack was fine. It was okay. The songs were funny when they needed to be, I guess. It's not a "God only Knows" level soundtrack, but at least the OP is good exercise music. The art was fine, the character design was one of the things that impressed me with this show. In terms of production value, the show knew where to put its priorities...the food. Duh.
The best way I can describe this show is "a Sports anime, without the sport." And if there's anything that I hate more than Sword Art Online, it's sports Anime. Shokugeki is the closest thing I've watched to a Sports anime. Now let me describe why I hate animes of this type of genre. They usually take something, and drag it out. And I mean REALLY drag it out. It takes a whole four episodes to get through the Climax. FOUR. EPISODES. The story was nothing special, we can all agree on that,I don't expect any social commentary from a food anime, and neither do you. , but the fact that they know this, and do nothing to make the show even more slightly interesting other than shoving some reused gags in there as well as some Oppai...well I don't think you're trying hard enough. It just lacks that...spice! (Sorry not Sorry) And by that spice I mean a main goal. The story had no actual goal other than "I need to get better than Daddy Yukihira!" for our main character. And I don't only mean character goals, the show in itself had no goal in itself. I'll namedrop a few anime that I found more enjoyable than Shokugeki but was in a similar situation as this show. Kabaneri, it had a goal to give the viewer something cool to look at, and at the same time make us feel some sort of emotion. Angel Beats, it was mediocre...but the humour and characters kept us going, the romance and action was below lackluster, but despite the number of its cast, we were still attached to all of the characters. More into that in the next part of my review which is...
Okay, Fanboys time to bring out your tissues. The weakest point of this whole show is its characters. Now, let's count all the characters. Right how many characters are there...one, two, three...HMM, I DON'T KNOW TWELVE?! And now, in contrast, let's see how many characters were actually Enjoyable...Soma, Erina, Megumi...Right. THREE! I think Aldini's character description in Episode 20 can describe every other main character who aren't those three. "Vaguely Uninteresting." Thank you for perfectly summing up your cast for me, writers!
I felt no certain attachment to any of the other characters, other than the Aldinis (and that's merely because of personal reasons) I was really happy to see the vast amount of cast, and they're certain differences despite some being clear copies of usual Shounen archetypes, I thought it was going to hit me in the emotions when they do something cool, like how I felt with the other characters in Angel Beats. But, no. I felt nothing. When...what's her name...smiley blonde chick did the thing with her curry and made everyone happy, did you care? Probably not. When purple haired boob girl did the thing with her curry, did you care? Probably not. When glasses guy did that thing with his curry, did you care? Probably not. I think you get the picture here.
Final Thoughts:
You see those tags up there? Comedy, Food, Ecchi. Expect nothing more. It is a mediocre anime, with mediocre story, mediocre characters and nice animation. However, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the experience. I loved watching it, not because I sympathized for the characters, or was kept on the edge of my seat, but because it was fun. It was a fun anime to watch, and it was a fun experience. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 17, 2016
A1 Pictures, you've done it again.
It's very rare for a person like me, who is a man of steel (or just an emotionless lump of human flesh) to cry over an anime, or any type of media to be exact. But AnoHana is definitely one of those extremely beautiful gems, that you'll just stumble upon, and be so happy that you found it.
My Short Review:Do you want an anime with real characters with real emotion, a good story that will make you cherish friendship and one with beautiful visuals so pleasing to the eye you just want to live in it. This is perfect for
Story-10/10 I can not exaggerate how amazing this story was. The writers knew how to hide secrets, and they hid them well. Just like real people, secrets aren't supposed to be handed on a silver Platter. With the amazing Super Peace Busters confrontation scene, we were hit with each characters' secrets, and was shocked, exactly like how all of them were. We could FEEL the emotion they wanted to evoke from the others, and the ones they just wanted to show. This just proved how skilled the screenwriters were in conveying a realistic story of realistic people. We always wanted more at the end of each episode, we wanted to go back to the world of AnoHana, to see more of its story, we wanted the story to end, but at the same time we didn't.
Art and Sound-10/10
I've been bombarding you with how emotional this anime was. The Soundtrack DEFINITELY contributed to that, a rise in the music, a rise in the emotions of each character. Each song was well composed to compliment the amazing story that this Anime had to offer. The animation was beautiful, it was perfect. Scenes had the proper color to set the mood, you can see the clear differences in how a scene was much more well animated (more frames) to compliment the more serious scenes. Art and Sound was outstanding, just like the other aspects of this masterpiece. I had to pause some times to look at the beautiful sceneries, and don't get me started on how I sung along to the OP and ED every episode.
Oh boy! This part has to be my favorite out of all the aspects of this show. Each character was a real person. They were not so one-sided, and none fell unto certain archetypes that anime has set for other shows (as expected.) But what made me love how each character was written was how realistic each of them were. They were all so real. They were real people. I can see exactly how these characters could exist in the world, they were written with how a person dealing with loss, or chasing after a deceased love one would react. They were written like they were real people who have dealt with the loss of a friend. Written like friends, who were brought together by the exact same thing that separated them. They were people who dealt with the same problem differently, who all had their side to the story, who all had been guilty for what they've done. They were people who wanted to fulfill their own desires, despite knowing well that it would only cause trouble. There were no favorite characters, just an appreciation for how they all contributed to one whole amazing cast.
Need I say more?
Final Thoughts: AnoHana is an experience no person in their right mind should miss out on. This is a human experience, that showcased real human emotion, through a work of fiction. If you need a snap back to reality, then please watch AnoHana. Grant Mishe's wish, and watch this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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