Tokyo ESP. A show about people with a variety of superpowers duking it out against each other. How can you go wrong with that?
Story: 3/10
Frankly, the story of ESP is a jumbled mess. The first episode sets the stage well. It introduces the world and the conflict between factions, and leaves the story open to development. Super powered beings called Espers have rebelled and taken Tokyo hostage. People are panicking. Everything is going wrong. And then the protagonist appears to save the day. The first episode left me keen for more. I was exited to see where the plot would go.
And then, it pulled a
Sep 25, 2013
Wolf's Rain
Wolf's Rain was, to say the least, and interesting, but not overly involving anime. Although I liked the concept, setting, sound and art direction, I could not find myself getting attatched to the characters or involved in the plot.
When I look back at it, I honestly believe that the characters just followed common stereotypes, and really didn't evolve throughout the plot. The supporting characters were able to garner a little interest from me, but the lead was dull and drab, and the only dialogue I can remember from him is "we have to get to paradise". A lead character is supposed to get a viewer ... |