Its Bloody Awesome to see this anime again!!
I had such a fun time watching the anime series since It
has a very Dynamic Blast of entertainment value which is what I
appreciate a lot with kill la kill, Its fearless and crazy at the same time!.
As for the KLK special,
This is a special added episode taking place right after the series had left off along with all
the existing characters as they send us the KLK viewers their last love letters from Studio Trigger’s definition of an All out humorous Fan-service action-packed anime,
unforgiving and Relentless mindless fun.
This was similar to the series except a
All (45)FriendsXadowMonzteroldmanswaggaTHEAnimeHEROTyler_KuronoUltimateSSJZeroXJackson_HObeythealfaBobSamuraiBornIn1142iTenshiiii
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Jun 29, 2014
Dragon Ball Z
If anyone knows of Shounen anime Then there is No doubt
anyone would of course heard of Dragon ball Z which I'm obviously sure most people who are reading this review have and are not hopefully sleeping under a rock. Its One of the earliest shounen animes along side others. The show itself has probably had one of the Biggest impact of a shounen anime I've seen in my lifetime growing up besides the likes of attack on titan, Fullmetal Alchemist and Death note and yet till this day it has many viewers still checking it out. some have finish seeing it, some re watch it, some ... if not Loads of people own it or they don't, but they sure as hell know about it already. This series has its fair share of flaws upon viewing but it also makes up for some of these many moments in the series that are so awesome and unforgettable that in its own right has become an Iconic series in its story along with akira toriyama's art style alone in the world of anime which is why its easily one of my favorite animes and NO, I don't mean that in a Nostalgia kind of way, Here is my review.. Story - 9 In most Shounen animes the stories tend to have similar concepts of the whole Heroes (Underdogs) Overcomes the powerful Villain scenarios where seeing to do the impossible is very typical of course, but that has always been the trait in many cases whether the protagonist of a show is surrounded by friends or enemies. DBZ is an Old anime that started off in this trend. It was also influence by a lot of movies, shounen animes such as saint seiya, other mythological stories and a blend of eastern and western cultural references from the past. The world of Dragon ball has a lot of these and so much more to its own universe even though a lot of its focus is on the fighting since it is a battle shounen anime. The story mainly centers around our main protagonist Goku and his son Gohan for some years after the previous series Dragon Ball. Goku for the remainder of the time has trained to become the strongest warrior he possibly can be, enough to defeat his enemies and of course to look out for his family however what is unknown to him at this point is his brother that is unknown to him Radditz an evil alien warrior who comes to earth seeking goku out which for the most part changes the many fate of the characters for the entire series to come. From the point Radditz meets Goku, He is told about his past and his heritage about being part of a powerful alien tribe known as the Saiyans or Saiya-jins If you prefer It includes the reason why he is here on earth especially from the original Dragon ball series where goku's own origin at the time was hardly known about and was almost a mystery until now. (pretty much the anime superman's origin story with some differences mainly with goku who actually was sent to destroy everyone on earth not to save it.) and long story short, Goku decides to put aside of what he is and from the rest of the series he, his son gohan, along with his friends and new allies in Piccolo, Vegeta, trunks and other characters continue on fighting against those that pose a threat to the earth along with the rest of other civilizations which becomes a Huge order with some ridiculously over the top relentless training that the characters have to take to ascend pass their limits in order to protect their loved ones and the of course the universe. Basically Its quite a simple story yet some events can change drastically making it to be an overwhelming struggle at an alarming scale even with the exception of the dragonballs. The story itself is split into different arcs known as sagas each with a different story scenario and different antagonists who have their own agendas. The villains play a big key role in the development of certain main characters as well as the story and fights. Within the setting of this series there are features similar to the original series for starters the fighters can create Chi / Ki to gain incredible surge of immense power and abilities. Also from a world setting stand point you have Prehistoric Giant creatures, Futuristic technology, the afterlife, Supernatural elements, Different animal species, wishing the dead back to the living, and of course many memorable moments that the characters do in the series that can range from simply epic, to funny, to sad, to stupid, to strange, to Downright bad ass or Just plain evil which can be seen in every arc. However there are of course minor issues that I do have about the story and that is mainly with the incredibly slow pacing and lack of progression with certain characters of the original series dragon ball. Not to mention missed opportunities for other story developments and a little inconsistency with the writing within the arcs sometimes where some might get quite slow and repetitive or might have fillers to drag on some episodes here and there, Frieza not being able to know what 5 minutes of time is also laughable in this case as well. The Ki powering up which will also leave viewers having to endure these pacing issues unless they have to skip some seconds or minutes ahead, But then again those were the 80s and 90s with certain animes. But that being said these are mainly the issues in my opinion that I feel take a long time for any specific build up with this series only because the anime at the time I know was trying to catch up with the manga from time to time when it was broadcasting on TV channels like toonami and other channels back then which is understandable since its also the case for other shounen animes of late as well. . I've also notice some people tend to think the titled dragon ball referring to obviously the 7 orange magical orbs to grant wishes, tend to hurt and devalue the series mainly because of the insignificance of death most of the time. (which there are) Now To simply address those who say Death always makes a convincing plot twist for a show to be good, I've notice viewers complaining that in ordered to feel something for characters they need to die in order to give yourself some sense of attachment of feelings towards that specific character or moments if you will? but I'm sorry, Is it just me or as a viewer does that seem kinda strange?? let me explain. If that is the case then most anime should have their main characters dying left and right to make the story better, to feel some sense of pity to the characters along their path in the story (WRONG.) The fact is, it doesn't prove anything what so ever yes it can be somewhat important and I can understand if its meant to give some shock value but honestly that sounds very cheap for character development and Plot progression if you ask me, Its already overused nowadays in a lot of animes without any significance of knowing and enjoying these characters for the most part and yes I haven't forgotten about that little popular quote itself stating (PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED) or even (YOLO) blah blah blah. But interestingly enough when you think about it the dragon balls is what made that unique prospect within its own series stand out. Because It gives the characters that much more of an objective to strive in finding the dragon balls when events could go so horribly wrong which a lot of times is the premise and sometimes seems to be the case throughout the series, its also the same for some villains too like for example when vegeta and nappa arrived on earth vegeta told his saiyan compatriot nappa when you destroyed the city that can also ruin our chances of locating the dragon balls this is true in a sense if they become reckless in finding them. You see, That is what the original Dragon ball did within its own series, If all you cared about was seeing how characters die than there is no sense of this series to begin with here. It would only make the journey seem non-existent to a point since these sagas of the series is mainly about the journey and the battle shounen experience. So think to yourself, is death necessary in all things always? That is what makes DB/DBZ unique and different in a good way and If that is not your thing well than I'm sure there are plenty of other animes that take up a lot of serious death tolls for the most part and only guarantee you very little insight about the characters before they are pretty much one foot in the grave. With all that being said, the story is a mix of intense fights, light hearted comedy and serious moments too along with a sense of sci fi and supernatural elements to it. From each arc there are some of the most memorable arcs I've seen in shounen animes in general, they may not be as thought provoking as other shows I've seen but it still has these enjoyable merits that for a 1989 -1994 series, it can still hold its ground today in terms of that entertainment. Characters - 10 Like I said about the main issue I had from before with its story was just the lack of some of the character progression from the original series dragon ball who are mainly on the sideline for the most part and ironically at the same time other characters are really amazingly well written including Vegeta, Gohan, krillin, Trunks, and Piccolo not to mention goku and vegeta who have one of the best rivalries in the shounen genre. even some of the villains like Radditz, Cell, and Frieza etc are done amazingly well. Sure most of the characters are stereotypes here and there but they are of course shonen characters at the end of the day so what do you expect, it is a battle shounen is it not? The Characters are easily the main driving force of the show and can easily get the blood boiling and muscles pumped up when it goes to the extreme almost bringing out an inner fighter in you especially when watching it. The characters have some really good interactions with one another and can easily make you have a personal attachment to 1 of them in some way in terms of their personality. Art - 6 Old series tend to have an outdated look for examples the original Dragon ball, Berserk, Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Shadow Skills, Fist of the north star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Slayers etc, DBZ is no different in that regard. Its funny because for its generation the art and animation style in its action was actually ahead of its time of the late 80s and are still till this day entertaining to watch since its a mixtures of very long and short fights and are sometimes done sometimes in an excessively dragged out fashion but with a very Fast pace rate where you see characters having hand to hand combats in this sky with a mixture of projectiles, powerful impacts and explosions along with gut wrenching body blows that always seem to intensify the more you watch. If I had to describe the action it would be like an over the top street fighter meets the Justice league with some supernatural elements here and there. And yes Of course, the animation is re-used often which is obviously noticeable and sometimes it can be lacking which is a real shame but thanks to Akira toriyama's art it actually has a great distinct look to it like for example some of the features in the environment would start to feel the intensity of the battles including where the locations are, especially details to the characters like the look of cell for example to me is one of the most unique looking design for a villain that I've seen in anime as he undergoes different transformations not to mention Super Saiyan transformations like Super Saiyan 3 Goku which looks freakin BadAss!! and that is saying a lot for the depiction of the other characters in Toriyama's art. No doubt the animation is the weakest aspect of the show which might turn of some people who are looking into animes with great animation But to be fair for others who are open minded this isn't that much of a big deal though I wouldn't mind for a newly updated animation for this series as much as anyone would for example like what other animes have started to do like Hellsing Ultimate, evangelion rebuilds and the new sailor moon crystal series reboot etc, If DBZ had new animation such as that chances are this section could easily be a 10! but for now its only just passable, animation wise speaking it doesn't quite contend too well with others from other battle shounen series unfortunately but its art is still pretty decent enough regardless. Sound - 8 Now Sorry if I'm going on a little rant here, but by chance Have you ever heard anyone debating over what sounds better in the series? Funimation?, Ocean?, Dub Vs Sub Vs DBZ Kai vs Bruce Faulconer vs other dubs, This that yady Yadda, But For me I'm in the group of I've seen them all and don't really care mainly because at the end of the day its THE SAME FREAKIN SERIES!!!!! And possibly most, if not, a Hell of a lot of people know the popular story now OVER 9000 Times Already!!!!!!!!! Back on topic, seriously besides that for the record both dub or sub were kinda rough around the edges, its obvious that it could clearly be better however a lot people still like to debate over this which i can understand but I don't see the point as I don't have anything against any voice actors or Voice actresses after all Nobody is perfect and I have already stated that this is an old school anime not to mention at the end of the day It is a matter of preference. Ether way, if you do watch this anime and you want a more clearer translation i would also recommend watching DBZ Kai for its Translation its not perfect by any means but its a lot more accurate to the manga still. So the dubs and subs in some areas can be quite debatable I hear, but i feel both do suit a lot more in a different kind of way, and for the music the openings and closings is ok, a little cheezy at times and can sometimes leave much to be desired. The music for the dub and sub seems to fit well for some of the overall tone of the series as the music blends in well with the action, supernatural themes, sci-fi themes and comedic themes unfolding in this show, at times again it can sound a little repetitive after a while for a series that is 291 episodes long and so i feel the music is fair no matter which version of the show your watching So to me for this category of sound I'd say its pretty decent still, but it could be lot more better. Enjoyment - 10 I have re watched this anime series more times than any other anime in general and for a series that finished Decades ago and I'm still in my early 20s I still enjoy the build up with its characters, interactions, morals and a Crazy fun story that is very inspirational like its predecessor dragon ball. It simply feels like family to me and that is more than enough of an enjoyable series with some of the most iconic and memorable moments and fights that I have grown to love about anime in general to date, simple as that. If you really need to see an old epic action shounen fighting show its definitely worth giving this a shot. Overall - 8.5 Now I've already stated the positives and negatives towards this without blinding my inner fan boy to this particular anime. While People might say its overrated like other animes they honestly would have a point, But to others This anime became a gateway to anime in general for a lot of people out there as well as myself back then. Its also a significant template used in other shows to build off on and I couldn't be any more thankful for this as this is one of my personal favorite animes of all time that pave the way for shounen animes and a lot of others in general to take notes and to get out there in the big pond themselves and do justice like many others. I'm not saying Dbz is the best but it has succeeded globally for what its done and its that simple. Dragon ball / Dragon ball Z has had its influence for so long now and yet still continues to pass it down for the next generation. Without a doubt its just like that saiyan goes ''Legends never die'' It is what it is and for the most part if you're still skeptical about this anime do not worry because i know its not meant for everyone. But there is a little something for everyone as it has different forms of entertainment making it a revolutionary Shounen anime in its own right. Other shounen anime Reccomendations - I'll point you to Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Death note, Fullmetal Alchemist (old and new), Fist of the north star, Saint Seiya, Hajime no Ippo and the Hunter x Hunter series
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all May 2, 2014
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
Mixed Feelings
Before I start this review I must start by saying Bayonetta is easily
one of my Favorite over the top action adventure games EVA!! This movie i feel is for those who have mainly played the game bayonetta. if you have not, It might not be worth seeing this. Anyhow, seeing that there was an anime based on the game i was worried at first, that is until i got the chance to watch it. The Movie for the most part was quite fun. however Not as fun as playing the actual game though. For those who have play the game Bayonetta you'll will be pleased ... to know that they have incorporated the characters and some of the soundtracks from the actual game to make this feel like the game itself. but does it live up to it? Story - 5 Yes it is a bizarre story. ( The Prologue ) In the remote part of Europe is a place called Vigrid where there lies the observers of history, Among them are 2 Main organizations they are known as Umbra witches (representing Darkness) they known to be in league with demons and the Lumen sages (representing light) who ally themselves with the angels. These 2 organizations were protectors in charge of keeping the right balance of the world between the 2 however that decree was suddenly violated by one witch and one sage that bound them together producing a child. The witch was imprisoned and the sage was banished. It was An entity between light and darkness was said to bring calamity to the world and now the legend was finally about to be realized however 'you guessed it' this starts a war between angels and demons that then soon fades into the obscure dormant of history, That is only the beginning. Now in the present day we start with a journalist named Luka, investigating a mysterious woman who he seems to hold a personal grudge against. That women is Bayonetta. We follow the story of the witch known as Bayonetta, as she defeats these crazy ass blood-thirsty Angels in her path and tries to remember her past from before the time she was awaken 20 years ago along with some of the other characters like Enzo bayonetta's information broker, Jeanne Bayonetta's closest rival, Rodin a renowned demon weapons dealer as well as a bartender, Cereza a mysterious little girl and of course Luka. Characters - 7 Simply put the characters are exactly who they are in the game and nothing more which is a plus. Bayonetta is one of the Coolest, Sexiest, unadulterated all-out protagonist in video gaming in my opinion, She displays this in her nicely stylish long black hair and librarian glasses with such a lovely, enticing, witty attitude and her Epic abilities and powers which to me easily gets a thumbs up. all of the other supporting characters are in this as well and they too represent themselves as they are in the game which is Good, The Downside is do not watch this anime for character development because there isn't to be honest. After all it is based of a crazy hack n' slash video game after all despite the lack of enemies, bosses and mad situations that happens compared to the game itself. Art - 6 I am not that much of a fan of Gonzo from their previous anime productions, The art style was nice don't get me wrong. Its just for me, the action scenes however were not animated that well unfortunately which is why I don't usually favor Gonzo animation that much, I thought the CG backdrops were used poorly within this film as it stood out while it should of blended into the background even with the use of some blood in the scenes which they tried to make it seem like its Hardcore popcorn fun. I'm not too sure if I was impressed at the time or maybe I just didn't seem to care. It does capture some of the over the top action I'm used to seeing in the game itself. But I felt there should of been a lot of more better ones from the game since Oh I don't know, ITS FREAKING BAYONETTA!! A Dominatrix with many abilities, many transformations, Weapons, Incredible finishers even more so than Dante from devil may cry himself and of course she has some great Ass-ets. ; ) Sound - 6 To be fair the anime is Based off the 2009 game along with a few soundtracks from the game, Not all mind you though. Its missing better soundtracks from the game indeed and to be honest its still really not my cup of tea anyways. I'm not saying the soundtracks are bad. I just felt maybe the sound effects could of sounded better and possibly they could of used more of the video game's better soundtracks in the fight scenes. It would bring some good vibes from the game to inject it into this movie to give it more of them Bayonet Feels OOH YEEAHH.. Enjoyment/Overall - 6 I didn't mind watching this movie in my spare time after all I do LOVE Bayonetta. Bayonetta Bloody Fate is Only just a decent film at best which could of been more fulfilling for fans to check out if they had done better with the material they had, I think for some depending on who you are, I honestly advise you to play the game because as I said its an Awesome game!. With this film, I feel it was trying to imitate those very elements of the game and to me it didn't really pay off that much, but then again it is quite a lot of game content to put into a normal feature length film. HOWEVER, If there is something I could at least give credit for it is this.. At least it was better than that Shitty Devil may cry anime adaptation imo and that is all. for gamers into action games If you like the first bayonetta game, Also Play bayonetta 2 since its even more Better if you do have an nintendo wii that is and if you do, Lucky you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Dec 28, 2013 Recommended Preliminary
(197/396 chp)
This Review is for those who are intending on reading toriko so its About time someone gave an honest objective reason as to why someone should read the Manga without any spoilers...
So let me give you Toriko's main Pros & Cons: Pros + World Building This is where Toriko has an obvious advantage over the typical battle shounens. The sheer scale and diversity of the planet in which the story is set is awesome!. + Battles The fights in Toriko highlight the "battle" in being a battle shounen. More often than not, in head to head fights there are no holds barred. Characters just don't give a flying F ... about themselves during battle and risk it all - not going into any spoilers here, but manga readers will understand which greatly improves the intensity of each fight. The added gore helps too, SO Much helpful than the anime version which never does it Justice Despite getting the push by the crossover with Dbz and One Piece in an anime special earlier. Sometimes overlooked, but the author does manage to describe characters abilities and their concepts, giving a better understanding of the situation where things maybe seem a bit messy at first glance. +Plot Twists Admittedly Shima's story does deliver some impressive and unforeseeable events which leave the reader completely bemused. + Sheer Power What I like a lot is The strength of some of the characters in this series can make the jaw drop... Not to mention the creativity of some abilities are unique in its own way for a shounen its like a influence of Hokuto no ken, Dbz and Asura's wrath (Yes I mention Asura's wrath the video game in terms of all the Beasts and creatures called gohma that asura fights against,) Anyways what I will say is that The power scheme within this manga series is Damn Good. Cons - Slow Starter The first 25-50 chapters of Toriko are rather vague as to what the series wants to achieve. The premise of being in a Gourmet Age where food (quality food) is the most valuable asset, and only capable hunters can procure the higher quality ingredients doesn't motivate the story until later on- where Acacia's full course is introduced. Only when all the heavenly King's are introduced fully does the story's momentum pick up. - Story-telling Throughout the manga, especially in the earlier chapters, the story seems a little inconsistent, jumping from an epic, well foreshadowed battle to consecutive chapters of extensive dialogue which serves little purpose. The latter has been rare as of late, and it does seem like Shima has improved in this area greatly. - Lack-luster characters Hate to admit it, but it's true. Some of the characters, relatively speaking, are as bland as a slice of bread despite how their personality come across. Not trying to be harsh but I think they could be better Just saiyan. Overall: Major stuff happen much Later on and let me tell you It gets even more Crazier. The Manga has so much going for it than the anime itself. All-in-all, I'd say give it a go especially if you are keen on it, again it might not be for everyone but for a battle shounen its up there along side Hokuto No ken, Dbz, one piece, Jojo Bizarre adventure Etc.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Sep 18, 2013 Recommended
Its been a long time since I've seen a DB/DBZ Movie, and unlike all the other usual
macho good guy vs bad guy films that I've seen in the past of this franchise before. This film takes an interesting alternative within the series and starts to proceed in a different dimension in this movie compared to the other usual movies in the past. It would seem that this movie is actually cannon to the series stated by Akira Toriyama himself as this takes place 3 years after kid buu's defeat and 4 years before Uub's appearance at the world martial arts tournament within the anime. Don't worry ... NO SPOILERS. Story - 7 If you have seen previous movies of this franchise, you will know that the premise within its own story is usually Basic and doesn't have much depth to them since its main focus is on Mindless and intense fights most of the time. The action scenes in this movie are few and have been tone down to show a lot of the characters from the series present within the film. This movie mainly follows a God that is known for destruction by the name of Birusu / Beerus / Bills? ( hmm however you address his name ), is woken up by his flamboyant assistant and caretaker Wiss after a 39 year slumber. Wiss informs Birusu of Frieza's defeat at the hands of a mysterious Saiyan (Goku) who transformed against him during their epic battle. upon hearing this, Birusu recalls a prophesy 39 years before his sleep, About an Oracle fish that told him about a So called Super Saiyan God that will compete against him in the future. Having witness Goku's Super Saiyan transformation against Frieza, Birusu feels now the time is right to face this saiyan with this SSG power. So him and Wiss decide to find the remaining surviving saiyans after the destruction of planet vegeta in order for birusu to test his God Powers against the one who possess this SSG power which eventually leads them across the galaxy to King Kai's planet where both Goku and Birusu face off for the first time. Ultimately the story starts of really well with its introduction and brings a fresh new look to the progression and feel of the characters from the anime however as soon as it gets to the middle where Birusu and Wiss arrive to earth and enter Bulma's 38th birthday party (Which by the way who even celebrates their 38th birthday anyway? since she is so Loaded.) its during these moments in the film where things for me personally became more tedious and a little too weird and random at times. The movie had some nice comedy and interaction scenes with many of the characters within the set pieces of this film. But during the middle I could see it started to drag on a little and it made the pacing of this film a little awkward to sometimes to keep watching which is understandable since this film has a more of a comedic tone to it, especially about that desert scene which perhaps could of used a different scenario perhaps. I know some people who did not like this scene involving a dispute between Birusu and Buu over a pudding cup (which believe me I've seen worse). but ultimately I found it hilarious XD. This didn't turn me off instead however it kept me hyped for the tension and action that was happening and through the Last quarter of the film we find out the revelation of this Super Saiyan God and after, the incredible main event fight between Birusu and Goku which ends up taking place in many awesome locations from the city, forest, desert, mountains, cliffs, river, from underground labyrinth to the skies above and into the outer atmosphere of space itself (puff) it literally was Outstanding to watch to the end. Art - 9 A really Great plus to this movie was the animation as it looks awesome, which was also one of the reasons it was worth seeing and not only that but this film is also the first anime film to be shown on screen in IMAX. The locations throughout this film looked amazing as well as the action scenes, the CGI looked good within the angles even though its a little tricky to see here and there it still works really well. The character designs were nice apart from a few the super saiyan god form whether you like it or not I felt they could have done a better design (mainly the look of the hair and few other things but thats just my opinion) But also not to mention how Goku gains his SSG powers seems a little off, Also ox king (Seriously what is he wearing?) and I could also say the same about the look of Wiss too. Also I felt Trunks and Goten could of looked a little bit older but that is just only a minor nitpick. But anyway despite those nitpicks I felt that the most unique design was Birusu who has this Egyptian Siamese Cat God look to him almost resembling Anubis the Egyptian god of judgement which brings a lot more of a unique look to his character other than the typical generic steroid looking villains that we are so used to seeing in most Dragon ball movies. Sound - 7 Not much in this music score stood out to me unfortunately. A few tracks suited some good moments and other scenes in the film including the original opening and closing theme performed by FLOW was good, however i found the music score at times to be quite generic especially with Goku turning into a super saiyan god. I didn't mind the heavy metal use in the fight between Goku and Birusu in the forest which was cool but apart from that, the music i felt wasn't really all that special. Characters - 8 The characters are pretty much the same as always, there are a few changes in the behaviour of the characters like Goku, Vegeta, King Kai for reasons mainly due to the story which viewers will find out while watching it and not to mention some old faces that fans of the original dragon ball will remember from the past like Emperor Pilaf, Mai and Shu, But again 1 of the most interesting characters that stood out to me in the film was of course Birusu. Birusu is awesome, he isn't actually that evil as you think he is but he can be obnoxious. He is casual and easy going yet has a playful manner about his personality and a lot of swag which is not something you get in a lot of db/dbz villains he is quick to anger especially over pudding which sounds very silly. But believe me people I have seen MUCH worse. He is not only a powerful fighter, but he is also both quirky and entertaining at the same time which made me like his character a lot. Wiss despite his appearance also seems very calm and casual like Birusu not to mention A little mysterious at the same time. I kind of wish more characters were utilized a little more within the more Enjoyment - 9 The thing is honestly I love how different this film is to a lot of the other films in this franchise, there were interesting moments I enjoyed besides the action, there were some nice comedic moments of nostalgia especially for those who like the Dragon ball series with a few hidden stories closely related to the Dbz series which will keep fans interested. And most of the characters from the Dbz series are in this film too along with some old familiar faces which is Great, they might not get as much screen time in this film but at least they are there in the film regardless. Towards the end of the film it leaves off on a cliff hangar and one that will raise some questions from there on in. Also this film had some decent and memorable moments as well like for example Birusu final attack in outer space in the film which I like to call (Star Blaze of Judgement) which is basically like the sun being thrown at goku's face i have to admit was awesome! also (Bulma getting slapped by Birusu was also 1 of my favorite moments too ) I'm sorry to any bulma fans out there but that had me in stitches XD. Overall - 8 I would like to say personally I didn't feel this was the best DB movie but it is one of my favorites alongside Wrath of the dragon and Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan and a nice addition to the story itself. I know for some fans and others, its a Film where i feel its not going to be for everyone, sure there is some hiccups and plot holes I notice in a few places here and there which I can't deny that. But this did not stop me from enjoying it since it had many parts catered to fans of the series. Note: You should be aware that this is cannon material to the actual series created by Mr.Toriyama himself and for Db/Dbz fans its more than enough reason for this movie to be seen, Whether the creator Akira Toriyama would want to make a series or a set of movies or specials for the franchise only time will tell. But for hardcore fans looking for a Bunch of straight up intense explosive action (Its over 9000!!) well there is action but not as consistent enough to meet everyone's needs like some of the other movies, but despite that as a fan, the film is still worth a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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