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Mar 21, 2021
If you have read the novels and are wondering whether the anime adaptation does this justice, the answer is yes. There are some minor changes and the pacing is slightly faster than the novel, but if you enjoyed the novel, I think you will enjoy the anime.

If you haven't read the novels and are wondering whether to watch, I'll just cover some of the things other people have brought up:

Rudeus is deeply flawed. His experiences before reincarnation still have a great effect on his personality. I admit, it can be a bit off-putting, but it's supposed to be. The only thing that he wants to ...
Dec 17, 2019
Preliminary (10/12 eps)
An anime where cute girls in tight outfits race on jet skis as a professional sport? It seems perfect for some mindless fun. I'll even give the way in which the jet races work a pass, regardless of how silly they are.

Sadly, the anime falls flat for one or two reasons, such as the terrible animation, the nonexistent story, and the bland characters.

Nearly every episode is just an excuse for the main characters to participate in a race against some other one-dimensional characters. That could be fine, except the races themselves are bogged down by atrocious CGI and animation that manages to appear extremely static. ...
Oct 6, 2017
Made in Abyss (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
I'm trying to not to give this an undeservedly low score just to contrast the praise this anime has received. I'll stick mostly to criticisms since everyone else has focused on the merits of this anime.

Firstly, the premise of Made of Abyss is quite an interesting one which lends itself well to developing plot and characters. The idea of a global economy based on useless trinkets from the abyss is the first insult to the viewer's intelligence, but it's such a minor part that it can be ignored.

What cannot be ignored is the completely unbelievable characters.

Let's start with the 12 year old girl who wants ...
Sep 14, 2017
Gamers! (Anime) add
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
Welcome to love-comedy misunderstandings, the anime. What appears to be an anime about video games for the first episode or two quickly devolves into a dialogue-heavy comedy with lacklustre jokes.

Nearly all of the intended humour is based on misunderstandings and awkward situations. By the fifth episode, it falls completely flat. It's simply not funny 95% of the time. The animation is fine, but there isn't much to animate. Most of the show is just dialogue to set up the unfunny jokes. A large portion of that dialogue is shouting.

The characters are completely unlikeable. It may be possible to forgive the fact that they are completely ...
Jul 24, 2017
Keijo!!!!!!!! (Anime) add
Many people look at the premise of Keijo!!!!!!!! and immediately think it's ecchi. It isn't.

The anime does a great job of having a sport about butts and breasts without it being about the butts and breasts. Now, the premise of the show may sound absurd- and it is. That is where Keijo!!!!!!!! excels, in its complete absurdity. Every episode goes further than that which came before and it works incredibly well.

The very presence of tits and asses is comedic rather than lewd. Every time booties and boobies are mentioned, it's either a very serious discussion about the sport or some kind of absurd comedy/parody.

The characters ...
Oct 16, 2016
Long story short- this is like season 1 but with less comedy and less plot.

The characters are still developed nicely. We gain a lot more insight into the 3 main characters, plus others like Hayato, Haruno, Shizuka, and Iroha.

The change in the artwork is noticeable but not distracting. It comes down to personal taste, but I enjoyed both season 1 and this season.

The only real problem is the plot- there's so much where they just go to meetings to plan events. We get to see some character development through that, but they really should've done better.

The banter between Yukino and Hikigaya is also greatly reduced ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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