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Sep 24, 2022
When I originally started watching the first episode of the first season when it originally came out in 2018, I didn’t think much of it. I mainly wanted to watch it, because it sounded like it would be an ok anime to watch, if I don’t have anything else on my plate…now it’s 2022, season 3 ended and I already want a 4th one or at least a special. That should give a good idea, how I feel about this show…
As with the seasons before, this series continues being a bloody fun time, as we watch Jashin-chan, Yurine and all the other demons and angels
around them in their day to day life, being jerks to each other, yet at the same time, they make for some of the most fun interactions I have seen in a show. All the characters are still a big highlight and watching their diverse (and sometimes disturbing) personalities play off of each other is still what makes this show in my opinion. And all the new ones are just as much a welcome addition as all the ones were. While because of how large the cast has gotten not every character gets to shine anymore, even the ones that appear like for only a couple of minutes in it still do their best to be as strong as ever.
As for the jokes, well it's the same as the older seasons. While some fall flat, quite a few of them are pretty funny, going from dark humor where Jashin-chan gets brutally murdered to reference humor where they mention shows like Esper Mami…to not even pretending, that they have a 4th wall anymore (with the first episode having an entire segment about each of the characters being drawn in a different style, ranging from childrens anime all the way into FF character designs).
(Plus, gotta give Studio Nomad credit for knowing that by adding Hatsune Miku into every episode of this season, their show will garner some more attention as usual)
If I have one thing to criticize, it’d be that one of the later arcs focuses on Jashin-chan being on the run across different japanese prefectures and the characters going after her. While these episodes still are fun and they definitely do their jobs of making me wanna visit those places well, it felt a little much after a while. I remember that after 3 episodes into this arc, I did feel a little annoyed that the next one again is another one. Plus, since the arc appeared right after new characters were introduced, it did make the introduction of these characters feel weaker. I still enjoyed them and they had some good running gags as well as a variety what they were about, but I was definitely glad, once they were all back home.
So yeah, all in all, a solid season and I hope we will see a season 4 soon. Or at the very least, that they’ll do another special/OVA. And if you're in the mood for seeing characters being jerks to each other and having some dark humor, I can definitely recommend this whole series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 13, 2022
I’m sure many people know or at the very least have heard of the infamous live action Super Mario movie. One of the most often brought up examples of why all or at the very least most movies that are based on a videogame suck and there are barely any good ones. I personally disagree with this, considering how the medium of anime brought us some great movies, some I do plan on talking about in the future. And if there’s one thing I can easily say about the Super Mario movie (obviously not talking about the Illumination one) is that, while flawed and pretty
cheesy overall, it’s still a pretty fun ride all the way through and I really enjoyed my time with it.
The story keeps it pretty simple, Bowser kidnaps Peach and Mario and Luigi get isekaid to her homeworld to save her. And they need to do this by collecting three special artefacts, before Peach marries Bowser. Again, it’s a pretty simple plot, but one that’s more focused on bringing in characters from the game (and actually representing them correctly) and doing some fun scenarios with them. Add to that some cheesy, but still fun 80s rock montages and honestly, it gave me a time that I found myself enjoying pretty much despite how simple it all really is.
The animation is honestly nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done. Besides that, I also really enjoy the colours and the more…I guess cartoony style. It just fits so well in this world of 80s montages, princess that need savings and plumbers that have to fulfil a prophecy. So it definitely could be better, but it still gets the job done.
As for the characters…well, they’re all as simple as you would expect from their game counterparts, with Mario being a brave hero rescuing the princess, Peach being that kidnapped princess and Bowser being the evil villain that wants to forcefully marry her. The only character with any kind of…unique personality is Luigi, being the more greedy of the two brothers, caring more about the money than anything else. So yeah, these are not the most developed or complex characters, but they still feel like accurate representations of the games own characters and how these characters would act in a movie.
So yeah, all in all, if you’re looking for a more silly, but still fun animated movie, whether you’re a fan of the games or not, I can recommend it. Same if you’re looking for an animated movie that just shows you “80s” then you won’t be disappointed either.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 20, 2021
Now this was...an interesting OVA to say the least. One that can be quickly summarised, both in its story and my thoughts. Which is why this one is going to be a lot shorter than what I usually write...
It follows a boy, who has a small demon child living with him and who tries to get his soul...but she’s too much of an embarrassed kid to do it. It’s certainly an interesting idea for an ecchi comedy and despite only being a 5 minutes long OVA, it has some nice and smooth animation courtesy of Shaft, who made it pretty fun to look at at
least. But I don’t know if I could really watch this as a full show, if it’s pretty much just relying on the same jokes about her being a demon that sucks at her job and him always being mistaken as being into children by the girl he likes. Those, while I did enjoy the ones that were in this OVA, I feel like they can get old very fast.
But as a short OVA promoting the manga, I thought it was pretty ok. Nothing I wanna watch again, but still something I had at least a little fun watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 2, 2021
We all are aware of the Isekai genre, which has been a big part of anime for a while now, with new shows coming out every season, all about the same guy getting killed and reincarnating or just directly getting transported into another world. Though one genre that’s also a part of it, is the Reverse Isekai, which is basically characters from another world ending up in our world. And this movie definitely belongs in that category.
The story is basically about a group of heroes, who fought the demon queen in another world and when they defeated her, they along with her ended up in
modern Japan. And now, with the demon queen herself just being a little girl, they make it their mission to collect all the pieces of her power, before they turn spirits into monsters...if only our world didn’t have so many fun things. The story is pretty fun and definitely sounds like something I would enjoy, these heroes who only know war and bloodshed are suddenly learning about Doujin works, video games and stuff. But the big problem, as can probably be seen by that description already, this movie feels more like a TV pilot than anything else, with it starting right in the middle, certain elements getting introduced...but not getting expanded on, characters having arcs that are sorta just there and it having a rather abrupt ending. And I do admit, I would love to see it done as a full series. But as just a pilot for a series, that most likely never will be picked up, it was still fun.
This problem sadly also goes over to the characters. As said before, most of them seem to have interesting arcs, that in a TV series could be fully explored. Be it one of the heroes wanting to give up being a hero to become an idol in our world or the woman who comes from our world and has the girls live with her (who I haven’t even mentioned until now) struggle to become a good artist. These are brought up for like a couple of seconds, before being either immediately forgotten or just have sorta a resolution. The only character, who’s arc I did really get, was the one of the leader and knight of the group, who turned into a dog and has to struggle to accept that the demon she fought for so long is now a nice, little girl. But other than that, there wasn’t much that felt developed.
So, what can I really say? If you’re looking for just a fun and quick watch, then I can recommend this. The characters are still fun, if underdeveloped and there is still some nice action here. Just don’t expect to see a movie and more, like an extended episode of an anime that was never made.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 12, 2021
Well, as someone who hasn’t read the original manga (though I’m planning to do it at some point), I can still see the frustrations fans of the source material have. But on the other hand, I just can’t bring myself to really say that I didn’t have any fun at all or that the anime didn’t make me curious in reading the original stories in the manga. But for now, I can give my own unbiased view on the show…
The story of this anime feels just like a bunch of random situations that are cut together and sometimes do get referenced by later episodes. But
thankfully the situations are sometimes handled in such a over the top fashion that they do end up being pretty funny. Especially the jokes revolving around how different mundane situations are sometimes seen through the eyes of a yakuza are some of my favourites. But it does suffer from one fatal flaw…
As some people already mentioned, the anime barely has animation. It feels more like manga panels, that are coloured and got voice acted over. with the only movement being the lips occasionally moving. And it just looks awful and only puts up the question, why doing an anime of it in the first place?
(One thing I did find interesting is, it reminded me of Gokudoll, by the same director and studio, that also felt like just a bunch of coloured manga panels. But that show had at least good over the top reactions and its humor worked more with this type of…”not animation animation”)
So yeah, the show definitely suffers from the lack of animation. But I would lie, if I say that it didn’t manage to make me laugh a couple of times. So yeah, fans of the manga will be really disappointed by this. But for people without any prior knowledge of the original work, this might still be good for a short and fun watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 22, 2021
Before reading this manga, I was never aware, someone could make things like punctuation and grammar scary. And then I read this manga, written by the author of Zatch Bell, a series I loved. And this definitely is a rather short, but still pretty fun and creepy tale, that I feel like a lot of people would enjoy.
The manga is about Chao, a boy, who sits in a wheelchair, finally having his first day of real school and making friends with his classmates. But the teacher turns out to be a monster in disguise, forcing the students to answer a question “related to punctuation.
And when a student gets this wrong...they get turned into a giant bug, without anyone (them included) remembering their face, name, hobbies, life...anything really. Before then being crushed to death.
So yeah, the story of this manga goes from a 0 to a 100 pretty quickly. I was expecting it to be like some simple childrens horror manga, but this one does have pretty dark moments. Even the implications themselves are pretty dark too (especially the whole body horror aspect and forgetting about your own life). And it doesn’t pull anyway from any of that either. Which I thoroughly enjoyed and made the story stick out more to me. Especially the ending with the answer to the question, which made it a little more clever. One small problem I do have is, it’s not really complex or it doesn’t really go much into any details, be it about Chao or the ending with the whole “Was this a dream? Was this real?” aspect. But then again, this is supposed to be a rather short, creepy tale that you can quickly read. And it definitely excels at it.
Excellent is also what I can call the art of this manga. It manages to capture the horror aspect of this manga really well, be it the fear on the childrens faces, the disgusting look when they turn into cockroaches, the design of the monster teacher...it all goes hand in hand with the creepy atmosphere the writing already manages to establish and improves on it massively.
The characters are the weakest part of the whole manga and pretty much show that this is more or less just a short story. They all get their personality traits (with Chao probably being the most developed one), but that’s really it for the entirety of it. Like the story, it never goes into much details about the characters. Same goes for the monster, but then again, this uncertainty adds a bit more to it. Is it evil? Does it have any bigger reason for pretty much scaring children for life? There are all things we never really learn.
A short and creepy manga, perfect if someone is in the mood for a short and creepy read. Then I can wholeheartedly recommend this manga to them. While it never goes into details or develops any characters really outside of the basic things, it’s still a great short story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 31, 2021
In-Universe series, that become their own series are always an interesting thing. The same goes for series that try to take a different spin on the Magical Girl formula. And I’ll be honest, I only learned, that this was an in-universe series for Gate (which I haven’t read nor watched), after I finished it. Still, it doesn’t really have any connections to the main series, so I’ll just look at it as its own beast…
As for the story, it’s cute if a bit standard. It follows retired Magical Girls, who became NEETs and use the last bit of their magic to run a cleaning company,
cleaning after the messes made by the new magical girls. It’s cute and has a bit of a chapter of the week formula to it, with only the last 2-3 chapters coming close to a story. Though while cute, it’s pretty standard, with nothing really standing out. Still a handful of the gags were making me smile and there wasn’t a moment, it felt awful, so I enjoyed the story.
The art is pretty alright, but again, nothing special. Still, all the characters do look pretty cute, they have some small comedic reactions to certain things happening and you can tell what’s going on. Plus, the backgrounds do look pretty nice and they really show the destruction the magical girls always cause with their battles against the monsters and what kind of stuff the girls have to deal with.It’s pretty good. And outside of that, the art still manages to be cute enough, that it kept me reading.
The characters were more of a mixed bag. They all had distinct personalities and went through some small arcs...but because of how short the series is, a lot of it feels more flat and not really developed. Which is a shame, since I really liked the interactions these characters had with each other and their personalities seemed like they could have some potential. But still, most of the characters just end up being really...eh.
I think this is a harmless and fun, if nothing special read. And if you think, some short comedic chapters about a bunch of retired magical girls cleaning things up sounds like something you would enjoy and you’re looking for something short and a little fun, then I can recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 4, 2021
Akira Toriyama is most likely known best nowadays, for being the creator of the Dragonball manga-series and the franchise that followed it.Though before that, he was pretty well known for his more comedic work and even the early Dragonball had parts of that. And so this manga is basically a gag manga that takes place in the universe of Dragonball.
There isn’t really much story. It follows three different Neko Majins, though it mostly follows Neko Majin Z, during some adventures where they meet either very strange or just ordinary people. And all the funny and bizarre situations that come from it. It doesn’t really have
much story and focuses more on the weird humor happening in each chapter. And to me, the humor is...alright. There isn’t anything that made me really laugh, but there wasn’t also anything really awful or unfunny about it. And with only a few chapters, it stops, before the humor gets stale or boring and goes on for too long. Which helps keep the manga just fun enough as a quick read.
The art is what you expect from Toriyama. It’s nicely done and manages to enhance the comedic scenes a bit more, helping in not making them feel unfunny or boring. Some characters are fun in how they get exaggerated, be it through their designs or their reactions. And the one-two times a fight scene between two characters breaks out, it’s drawn pretty well too.
There isn’t much to the characters. They are fine as comedy relief, but there isn’t really much to them. The Neko Majins are probably closest to Buu in personality, except as cats. So there isn’t really much to say, except that the characters do work for these short comedic chapters and as references to Toriyamas other characters and work...but otherwise, they do fall completely flat. Though I do like the occasional Dragonball cameo.
An ok, short gag-manga, that parodies some aspects and characters of the Dragonball universe without getting too long that it becomes too boring to read. If you are really into gag manga and it just has to be in the Dragonball universe, then this one might be for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 27, 2020
Cool-kyou Shinja is a name that many people in the anime, or at the very least the manga community, know. Some only know them as the person, who loves drawing characters with big breasts. But many, myself included, consider them to be one of the best Slice-of-Life authors of all time who can write amazing characters and equally amazing relationships between them. Even if one of them never says a single word…
The story is pretty simple. It follows social and energetic girl Kyou and Makoto, who never talks, except with signs with the numbers 1-10, rating things. The manga stays pretty simple, as it just
follows these two, with each chapter dealing with a small adventure or situation they have and how by the end of it, both of them end up getting even closer than before. But because of the rather simple premise, the manga can build on the storys greatest strength...the growing friendship between the two leads. While there aren’t any major conflicts or big drama or anything like that, the story still manages to get a lot of good moments and good messages about friendship across.
The art is typically Cool-kyou Shinja, with it looking fairly...ok. Their art was probably always one of their manga's weakest aspects, but it’s not ugly or anything like that. You still get what’s going on, how the characters feel (which is especially important, considering one of them doesn’t talk) and the occasional panel does get the emotion of a certain moment right and help make it stronger.
This manga doesn’t have many noteworthy characters and the ones that are important are all likable and full of personality. Especially our two main-leads. Kyou is a fun main-character because of how energetic and social she is and how genuinely she tries to be a good friend for Makoto. Makoto, despite not speaking, is also full of personality. She’s sarcastic, she can easily get annoyed and, even though she only uses signs, has a pretty sharp tongue. Add to these two a few characters that don’t really have big appearances but still have some funny or interesting quirk and you get a pretty likable cast of characters.
While this is a rather short series, I still would recommend and I consider it one of the authors best shorter works. And if you’re a fan of Cool-kyou Shinja, you’ll find everything you love about their work here too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 21, 2020
Sonic has had quite a few different appearances in animation and while this is really just…”another one”, it’s still pretty good, if you look for a quick, fun watch and it has to have something to do with the blue hedgehog. Then it easily has what you are looking for.
There isn’t much story really, it’s just Sonic and Chip in a haunted house fighting against ghosts that love taking pictures of scared people, to impress a girl ghost. Outside of the Werehog and Chip, there isn’t even much reason for this to be a Tie-in or promotion for the Sonic Unleashed videogame. Though I will
say, I like that this story isn’t told in any dialogue and it’s just the actions and expressions of the characters, that give you the full context of everything you need to know.
The definite star of this short is the animation. 3D is always something that anime struggled with back then (and even nowadays, it still can look rather rough), but this has some pretty great use of it. The look and the expressions of the characters are nice and the reactions to cartoony, which really helps making some of these really funny to watch. The characters move pretty nicely too, there’s especially a cool fight scene between Sonic and the ghosts at the end that makes great use of the cameras movement to help elevate it a little more. Making this a really good looking 3D ONA.
And, as previously mentioned, even without any dialogue at all apart from the occasional grunt, the animation helps to give these characters just enough personality. So then you can easily understand, that’s how they would react in that situation or something like that. Even if there isn’t too much character in it after all, but enough to keep things fun.
Like I said before, this is a pretty fun, if nothing too special ONA. It has some pretty good 3D and while the story certainly isn’t anything special or anything like that, it has some funny moments in it and is a good way to spend 11 minutes. And especially, if you’re a big fan of Sonic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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