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Hello I am not trying to be mean or anything and I am a hells paradise fan so I probably will be biased towards the series. After seeing your review I just want to comment I had similar experience with it but I realised soon that their not meant to be normal charatcers (they are criminals) and so their development will be much different for example. For example I thought gabimaru and sagir development and the execution was really good but in on the other hand it does feel boring that we did not specifically see his thoughts on the others. Also I like fuchi and ganteatsui relationship and development how gantesatusi developed from fuchi death and how fuchi realised the importance of life after the friends he cherished died and we really see that fuchi just wanted some friends or acceptance because of his rather cold attitude and happiness that ganteatsui called his name. This applies to other characters. ALTHOUGH I DO AGREE AFTER THE FIRET 30- 50 CHAPTERS THE PLOT BECAME MORE GENERIC AND WE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR THE CHARATCERS, I WOULD SAY IF THAT BIT WAS CHANGED OR ERASED THE MANGA WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH BETTER. PLEASE TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS
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