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Jun 12, 2024
First of all, don't be discouraged by the number of total chapters being 168. Vast majority of chapters (≈95%) is 1 page long and rarely you get 2-4 pages per chapter. It's an easy read and may take you 1-3 hours to finish.
Just like the synopsis states, the story revolves around a girl named Riri who used to be all smiles, cheerful girl who loved to play piano when she was young. Few years passed, she's now an adult and is hardly the same person! Even her childhood friend, who returned back home after years of absence, barely recognizes her. Riri has turned into a
delinquent. She smokes, she has piercings, she's wearing a tracksuit. By one glance it's obvious she isn't living a happy or healthy life. What the hell happened???
Read the story to find out :)
The story is complete and no question is left unanswered at the end. The art is decent and characters get proper development.
What should you expect?
I won't say much as not to spoil the story, but you should note the story is not purely drama-heavy. There's romance, comedy, family relationships, cute and wholesome moments, depression and finding purpose in life. It's a mix of all. You'll worry, you'll feel sad, you'll laugh (not necessarily in such order), but I think the ending won't disappoint you.
I think it's worth the read. The moment I looked at the poster of Riri, I wanted to know her story and how it ends. Author does a good job making you worry for her after seeing just the first chapter.
IMO, it's a sold 9/10 manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 3, 2022
I'll keep it short.
If you've seen the original 12 episodes, these 4 are a MUST watch. Even if you found the original a bit boring (like me, who gave it a 7/10) you will not be disappointed with "Kamichu! Specials".
You can watch all 4 episodes after finishing the original 12; even though episode numbers here are: 7.5, 9.5, 10.5, 12.5. Art and animation is of same quality.
In terms of plot-progression, these episodes are much heavier, especially the last 2. Writing is definitely of higher quality too and won't leave you disappointed.
For a Slice of Life type anime, I found the ending satisfying. 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 7, 2022
Since there isn't yet a review covering the entire manga, I'll do it, spoiler free.
First of all, if you decided to give this manga a try, here's what you should know in advance:
1) This is a complete story (isn't abandoned)
2) It's above average storytelling. The author is an amateur, so don't expect anything amazing. In all honesty, after finishing it, I was left with an impression that the story is something a middle schooler would come up with. Though, I'm not saying it's bad. It just lacks maturity.
3) The story is: 40%comedy, 5%drama, 50% random and cute stuff, 5% ecchi. With this considered, don't
expect violence.
4) You will enjoy this manga the most if you basically have nothing else to do and want to kill some time.
5) Characters are enjoyable. At least, I found them enjoyable.
Ok, about the story.
As the little synopsis tells us, the story is about a Goblin-girl who reaches max level (level 99), so she's one of the strongest beings in the world. What makes the setting unique, is the fact that goblins are "trash-mobs", or in other words, they're usually low level, easy to beat creatures the heroes and adventurers hunt for exp. and gold.
The biggest running gag in the story is that pretty much everyone underestimates the MC and she easily annihilates them. This she does as a job and gets paid for it.
Slaughtering of unsuspecting adventurers may sound disturbing, but the story is supposed to be all comedy, so be assured that deaths are taken lightly in this world. The world has MMORPG setting. It's a game world where humans don't actually die (although death exists) and get resurrected. So, even though MC kills adventurers and heroes, they get revived and have a chance to fight her again and again.
With this explained, we are introduced to a second MC seen on the poster of the manga, a Human-girl who has been Isekai'd and must defeat a demon lord to return back to her world.
Goblin and the human-girl encounter each other many times as the human is trying to do quests and level up. Their encounter ends badly for the human-girl (obviously), but, one day the goblin decides to pity the human and a very unusual friendship begins. The core of the story is about the relationship between the human-girl and the goblin, as well as heroes vs monsters and how each side views the other.
Do not expect that the story to center on the Goblin-girl alone. She may be portrayed as the MC, but quite often some time is devoted to other characters.
I would say there are 4 main characters in the story:
1)The Goblin-girl (who likes to do her job)
2) The Isekai'd girl (who's shy, kindhearted and very naïve)
3) The mage-girl who's in the party of the said Isekai'd girl (who's very proudful and dislikes the goblin-girl),
4) And a Demon-girl who's friends with the Goblin (who's obsessed with the Goblin).
Of course, there are many more supporting characters, but these 4 are focused upon the most. If there's one thing that makes this manga shine, it's the characters, rather than the story itself. Characters are memorable and likeable and get proper development.
The art is good in my opinion. Nothing special, but girls are cute. There are some ecchi scenes (the 5%), but it's "family friendly" type of ecchi scenes.
Overall, I would give this story a generous 7.5/10. (though, since I can't really give it the said score, I gave it 8/10)
I would advise you not to be too excited for the ending. It is a definitive ending that may or may not get a continuation anyways, but you will be disappointed if you (just like me) expect a dramatic or sad conclusion. This is a lighthearted comedy with few twists and 5% drama after all.
Did I enjoy it? Definitely. There are 41 chapters (though Mal says 42, possibly because there are some mini chapters too) so you should be able to read the whole story in 2-3 days, or maybe in 1 day if you read fast enough.
Once again, considering the "unseriousness" as usual for comedy stories, this manga is read best when you're in a good mood and have plenty of free time and don't really wish to use too much brain when reading :). It's a one-time read IMO, but still worth considering. Do add it on your list and give it a try one day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 10, 2020
Suicide Boy - As the title implies, the story is about a boy who wants to commit suicide.
When i first started the series, I expected it to mainly focus on different ways a person can kill themselves - with MC constantly failing to do the deed. And even though that is partly true, "Suicide Boy" has more to offer than "How can i kill myself" tutorial.
The story centers around Hoon Lee - a weak, skinny teenager who resembles a female MC from Watamote series - He even has feminine traits and usually ends up doing something cringy/awkward.
Hoon lives a lonely and depressing life. There
are several reasons why he wants to commit suicide: He has no parents; thanks to his dad, he has a massive debt - that he can't pay; he lives in poverty and sometimes can't even afford cheap food; has no friends; has no goal in life; he also gets bullied and is abused hard at school.
Despite these, the series isn't "heavy" to read; nor is it saturated with depressing stuff filled with suffering. There are sad moments here and there, but nothing over the top (except for 1 time towards the end of season 1). There are some light-hearted moments, including gags and funny stuff - so den't expect gloomy aura 24/7.
Characters that are introduced throughout the story are likeable and get a decent development.
The biggest issue with the series though is that the plot progression is sometimes very slow and nothing really happens. You could say that it suffers from repetitiveness in certain situations. And there are only 60 chapters out yet!
To me it feels like the author could end the series in just 5 chapters if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to, thus the story goes on.
Art is typical for Korean mahwa style - not my favorite, but it's Ok.
Overall, it's still quite good. Definitely give it a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 10, 2020
This is a spoiler-free Review!
Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 is not an anime about a disaster, it's a disaster anime!
Let's start with the FAQ
Is this show similar to -Tokyo Magnitude 8.0?- - Yes, they both have earthquakes here and there, and obviously some tragedies occur here and there, but that's basically all the similarities there. In terms of quality, Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 is simply - Awful - and if you haven't seen both of them, I'd recommend watching -Tokyo Magnitude 8.0?- over this abomination - 100 times out of 100.
1)Art - 1/10
From the get-go you realize that the art isn't the strongest point of
this anime. There are lots of scenes where the scenery and people just hold still. You're basically watching a very poorly made drawing for up to 5 seconds, while listening to some background noises, or characters talking. Many of these "people" are basically sketches an elementary-school student would draw better.
In some scenes there's literally copy/paste Photoshoped elements of the environment, such as damaged cars, barrels and so on. It's painful to the eyes and makes you wonder whether the creators of this show had a very low budget to work with, or whether they were simply too lazy to give a better effort! I'd say that both are true here.
2)Animation - 2/10
Perhaps just as bad as the art, but there are several moments when you feel that the animators made an effort not to make the scenes downright pathetic. Still, the animation is so abysmal that sometimes you'd want to cry. I can't still forget one moment for example, when a landslide began while the characters drive away in the car. The animators basically used CUT option from paint and sliced off a part of the drawing of the mountain and simply dragged that perfectly sliced piece down - to leave an impression that the landslide happened and the hill is going down!
In the scenes when the vehicles are moving, you are left with desire to throw up - it's just that bad.
Oh god...Throughout the series you'll be asking yourself if this show was made by amateurs, a lot. Perhaps my overall score would have risen if i knew that this show was a school project and some inexperienced children made it with very limited resources available to them. Sadly, that's not the case.
When it comes to art and animation, I, and a lot of other people are eager to forgive the show if the plot and characters are decent at least. Are they?
3)Characters - 3/10
No...The characters in this show are incredibly cliche, boring, undeveloped and quite often - downright annoying.
3 out of 10 might be too generous, but still, i'll give credit where it's due. There are moments when certain characters actually resemble human beings and act like them. 3 female characters, in particular the MC, certain girl -Nanami, and the mother, as well as the father, are the only characters i sometimes felt sympathy towards and could relate to and feel sorry for them.
The rest of the cast, that consists of 5+ characters do nothing but ruin the mood of the show, are forgettable and too fictional to make you feel anything for them.
4)Story - 2/10
Oh boy...Here we go.
So the story, as the title explains, is about Japan going to the bottom of the ocean. It's your typical disaster/apocalypse story where we follow certain characters, see their struggle and how they overcome certain obstacles and change personalities when making decisions. With the poorly-made main characters out of the way, we have the world to deal with, and sadly it's filled with every possible cliche imaginable related to this genre.
We have rapists, anarchists, awfully bad people who forgot about morals and decency the moment the quakes began and act like animals, racists, supremacists, cultists - you name it!
Typical for a poorly scripted story, it's filled with conveniences and characters being incredibly lucky, especially towards the end.
The reason I still give this abomination a 3/10 is that the start of the show was somewhat intriguing and the ending of the ending has a message about "what it is to be a citizen of a certain nation", "what it is to be a human", "why acceptance is important", "why it's important not to cling to the past and keep moving forward". The final message kind of redeems the episode to a certain degree, but sadly that's not even remotely enough to redeem the whole show.
Honestly, in the end i was left with an impression that the author knew how to start and end the show, but didn't know what to do with the 90% of the story in-between the start and finish, thus they/he/she filled it with random shenanigans that makes no sense and is basically a -waste of time!- I'm talking about a certain arc in the middle of the show that made me want to drop the series, several times.
When it comes to the whole "will Japan sink one day?" theory; I personally have doubts that it can submerge underwater in just a couple of days! I've read a certain manga that involves a similar scenario, but the outcome, even though it was just as apocalyptic and world-shattering, was much different and realistic. -Dragon Head-
What makes Nihon Chinbotsu 2020 a terrible story? - The poor execution! Quite often you will be asking yourself "what the heck am i watching?!" Randomness of certain events completely ruin the atmosphere of the show and makes you distance yourself from the characters and the plot. Considering that the art, animation and characters are awful, there is very little that keeps you attached to the show and i barely watched it to the end, considering dropping it at least 8 times - and the series consists only of 10 episodes!
5)Sound/voice acting and soundtracks - 4/10
4 - meaning decent, but not mediocre. At least something was done right. The sounds and voice acting was done the best in the show, even though there's not much to be proud of. There is a lot of "Engrish" spoken in the show that annoyed me a lot, but overall it still sounds the way an average Japanese person would sound when speaking in English, so that's that.
When it comes to music, I always soften up a little. I can't just ignore the fact that there are at least 3 soundtracks in the show that are good, and I liked them. Usually, having a decent soundtrack is enough reason for me to give +1 or more points to the overall score of the show, no matter how terrible it might be. So congratulations to the sound team.
6)Enjoyment - 2/10
As you most likely guessed, I didn't enjoy the show. There really is not much to enjoy in it, and i mean I've read and seen a lot of disaster/post-apocalypse books/movies/anime/manga and by far this was the worst experience for me. Certainly would recommend avoiding it like a plague, unless you're, like myself, obsessed with this genre and has already seen everything else. For this very reason that i love this genre, i forced myself to watch this atrocity to the end, and overall, I've decided to give this show a
-3 out of 10- in the end.
1 for the genre, 1 for the soundtracks, 1 for the drama and how certain characters made me feel something other than disgust.
Thank you for baring with me to the end!
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 25, 2018
Personally i like any story (game/movie/manga/anime/literature) about pre or post apocalypse. That is why, after finishing yet another story, i decided to look for something new and found "Chikyuu no Houkago".
Synopsis looked interesting so i jumped in right away and even blitzed it in one go.(because i'm nuts :))
It was better than expected, but still it could have been so much better!
Story is pretty short and centers around 4 character. It's your average Harem setting, 1 strong guy and 3 girls. Girls pretty much do nothing but talk about boobs or how to seduce the guy or repopulate the world while this guy is doing
everything except for what the girls WANT from him. From all 4 characters, the only male is the best developed character, but i found him pretty boring and simple (typical "good at everything/knows everything MC).
Character development is the weakest side of this manga, but you can feel some personalities in them and they won't annoy you (maybe). Author should have spent more time on character development rather than spamming word "boobs" and "breasts"...
Art - Impressive. backgrounds are very well done. Definitely the strongest side of this manga.
Story - 4 kids seem to be the only survivors on planet Earth after an unknown enemy called "phantoms" made the mankind disappear. The story is 80% about what the kids do on their own in an empty world and 20% about finding answers on very important questions, some action here and there, and actually doing something important in the story!
If this genre is not new to you, you will most likely guess how the story ends even before reading the half of the story.
Don't expect thrill or horror, don't expect huge plot twists; there are one or two disturbing moments and nudity (95% censored). It's an easy read, but i certainly enjoyed reading it and would recommend this manga to you too, BUT...
If you want something better, try these instead:
1) Gakkougurashi - for horror/mystery/action
2) Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - Drama/good atmosphere/well developed characters
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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