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Mar 28, 2025
Let me tell you a story, I never intended on watching this show. I was cooped up in an AirBNB on New Years with some friends and the TV was on and this ended up playing. We were shocked at its quality: Everything was off, from the animation, to the offputting designs, but most of all, the tone of the entire thing. My friends were of course put off entirely by this, but somehow, there was something in Momentary Lily that drew me in.

GoHands had became infamous in the post-SYD days where they've seemingly eschewed conventional design wisdom to make... whatever the hell it ...
Mar 27, 2025
I find myself grappling with how much I ended up enjoying Ave Mujica even after the final episode. Throughout the weeks as this show was airing, I often found myself second guessing at the creative choices in its story, as well as coming to terms that the story I came up with in my head will never be the same story put to TV.

There had been tremendous amounts of hype going into Ave Mujica, in part due to its very unconventional (especially by Bandori standards) ARG, portraying Ave Mujica as being this dark, cult-like underground band that kidnaps unsuspecting young girls. Not helping are all ...
Dec 19, 2024
Let's get this out of the way: Yes, the whole series is butt ugly. But, I happen to have a very high tolerance for lousy animation so long as the underlying narrative is any good, and boy, on that front, KamiErabi certainly delivers, and then some.

What I enjoyed most was the show's unpredictability. The premise of it being a death game might as well be a lie, as that notion is pretty much abandoned halfway through the first cour. And yet crucially, the show manages to resolve all of its loose ends very satisfyingly. It's also possibly one of the few cases of a Deus ...
Sep 23, 2024
You know what we need more of? Violent, mean girls with an awful personality as the main protagonists. The moment Mayonaka Punch opened with Masakichi socking a girl right in the jaw, I know I was in love.

Mayonaka Punch is about the business of YouTubing and dealing with being cancelled. Shockingly, despite how wrote this premise is by now, the show manages to keep fresh and doesn't treat its audience like brainless numbskulls in need of simulation every two minutes (coughVtubercough). Even more surprising is how it manages to pull off some pretty good character drama and have it stick without taking away from ...
Sep 22, 2024
When the Summer Season was announced, two Anime Originals were announced for PA Works, Na Nare and Mayonaka Punch. I initially thought, that given that this show is largely made by a lot of the same people behind MyGo, I had assumed that this show would be the better of the two with a focus on character drama. Oh how wrong I was.

While ostensibly about using cheerleading to bring cheer to others, the show actually has very little cheerleading in it. In fact, most of my gripes with the show is how it seemingly doesn't know what it is about. Several plot points and character ...
Sep 18, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Have you ever got the feeling that a show was only "just good", even though you've had unreasonably high expectations for it to be an all-time classic? Shikanokonokonokokoshitantan was the show for me, and the part that scares me is how my negativity may be a reflection of the existential reality that I'm getting older and am slowly losing interest in shows like these.

Let me explain. When I was younger, I've held Oota's shows (mostly from Doga Kobo, sometimes other studios) in high regard as some of the best examples of comedy: Yuru Yuri, Gabriel Dropout, Umaru, the first season of Minami-ke, hell even Uzamaid ...
Sep 16, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Much like the two main characters, the experience of watching Shoushimin has been uncanny to say the least. From the direction to the writing, every aspect of the show feels unnatural and strange, as if an alien without an understanding of how humans work but has read countless LNs decided to write and direct an LN of their own. It's weird, but not in a good way.

Let me elaborate further. Making hot cocoa in the least amount of steps and a kidnapping should not be treated as dramatic equals, yet the show depicts the two events with equal gravitas with similar inner monologues and ...
Jun 29, 2024
We're two for two for the unusually specific genre of "Disgraced former idol finds new life through a bunch of amateurs looking to make a name for themselves complete with a twintailed antagonist who is the vocalist of the former idol's group" in this season. Although, despite its superficial similarities, Girls Band Cry and Yorukura have different focuses and priorities, with GBC more focused on Nina's personal drama, and her outlook on her choices that took her there.

You follow through Nina's journey with TogeToge all the way through the finale, whilst unravelling Nina's backstory on why she became a victim of bullying, and how she ...
Jun 25, 2024
Last year, for reasons beyond my control, I was subjected to Liar Liar, a thoroughly awful show on games that wastes half an episode explaining some asinine rule, only for the MC to pull off an asspull to win whatever impossible game he's faced with. Now, faced with a similar predicament, I once again find myself in a similar situation watching a very similar show... only, maybe this time... could it actually be kinda decent?

The answer is no. As novel as the premise is (thank God too), a combination of bland characters and bad writing kills any potential this show may have. Any moment you ...
Jun 24, 2024
After Tanks (Girls Und Panzer), Ships (Girls Und Panzer again), and Planes (Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai), Director Mizushima et co have graced us with another Girls Und Transport anime original, this time being Trains (or Train). Not knowing what to expect, the first episode has got to be the biggest surprise this year, maybe only rivaled by Bravern's own madness. If you have even the slightest interest in trains, episodic comedies, or wireless mobile communication, stop reading this now, and go watch the show. You won't be disappointed in the slightest unless you have a grudge against the Seibu-Ikebukuro line for some reason.

Mizushima's penchant for ...

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