If I'd watched this when it was coming out instead of for the first time in 2020 maybe I'd be like nostalgic enough to enjoy it more in 2020.
I technically have not finished this series as my girlfriend insisted we not watch almost any of the filler, I think we watched like a couple filler episodes she felt were alright but otherwise we skipped filler. This rating would probably be lower if we had watched the filler from the sounds of it lmao but yeah I'm only technically "completed" this series in that I've seen the final episodes and all the non-filler episodes. We
Apr 1, 2016
Taneyamagahara no Yoru
I don't think I could do justice to this movie the way ridojiri's review did, so I'll keep it brief and impressionistic.
I totally fell in love with the simplicity of Taneyamagahara no Yoru, the genre "slice of life" barely has any meaning to me anymore in a monotonous deluge of school-themed SoL series, but this movie actually did seem like a true slice of life, a sliver from evening until dawn with a complete view of life including drifting in and out of lucidity, in and out of dream. It totally immersed me in that regional culture, and the choices in the art direction ... |