actually great haikyuu review, the fact that we had a 10 episode season for ONE match and now literally a 1.5 hr movie for such a crucial match is pure shame. agreed with your points that the others were literally just given npc level importance. yamaguchi came in like that one filler episode character which is just wrong the whole point of haikyuu as a story being so great is they focus on the enrichment of the entire team and everybody begins to groove in.
Hi! I saw your review on Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle, and felt like you were a big fan if the show! I was thinking about watching the rest of the movies and ova's, but I have already watched all of the anime and Im hesitation to watch it because of it! would you reccomennd watching them? thank you for taking your time reading and responding to this post! >-<
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