Ohayo gozaimasu! My name's Rocky but it says Roxy on here. I'm really just too lazy to change it sooo yeah.. it's fine.
I recently decided to get back on here and add some shit, nothing special. There's still plenty of stuff to add, but this stuff takes too long.
Anyways here's a very interesting (not) about me!
I am a 14 year old male from uh.. "Nonya fucking business" and I obviously like to watch anime in my free time! (Mostly because I generally don't have anything to do in my free time). I've had anime around me my whole life because well, my father is an anime enthusiast himself. I only started hardcore watching anime in late 2021-early 2022 and have completed decent amount of animes. The addiction has died down a bit because I have other shit to do in my life. I do still frequently pop up and watch new stuff my friends recommend me. I don't read much manga because I don't exactly like reading!!
Anyways congratulations if you've read all of that writing I rushed through!! Anyways Goodbye!
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