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Aug 30, 2021
Well, they can’t all be winners.
I’m a fan of Ryuukishi07 and his work, I’m not a diehard fan or a rabid defender, in fact I only got into his works last year when I read Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, the second game in the famous When They Cry series and less popular younger sibling of Higurashi.
I like Higurashi a lot, I love Umineko, and I’m pretty down with Ciconia no Naku Koro ni and Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni as well… but this, this just doesn’t work on any level. Characters act weird, things just move suddenly with no pacing, it's a mess.
it’s me, I don’t like this kind of horror story that much, I don’t like survival stories, but even among them I’m not sure this manga works. A truly great piece of media lets you forget what genre it is and enjoy it anyways, despite your taste. Higurashi and Higanbana are horror, and I enjoy those despite not being a big fan of horror in general.
The characters don’t get nearly enough time to make you care about them before it’s over, and right in the last few chapters it shoves in some backstory for them to try and fix it but it’s too late. The story itself is basically just a cheap ghost story complete with obvious twist ending that’s not really a twist. Instead of telling an interesting or meaningful story, Ryuukishi really seemed to want to explain how much he knows about Buddhist Hell.
The only interesting part is the tantalizing idea this story plants in your head early on, “how does this relate to When They Cry?” as it introduces a clone of Takano from Higurashi, making you wonder about connections to that. Worry not friend, that idea is answered…
in an Umineko short story prequel to this manga haha gotcha you could have just read that~ Lambdadelta, probably.
Unless you’re a serious Ryuukishi fan whose run out of media of his to consume, perhaps go read one of his many Visual Novels or manga adaptions… maybe Harem Royale is better?
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 16, 2020
If you haven’t seen the original Eureka Seven, this movie is a confusing, boring, inconsistent film. It fails to explain anything, it makes no sense, it cuts from some legitimately great new animation to some bad cg to reused footage from a show from 2005.
And if you ARE a fan of the original, it becomes an abysmal, insulting mess. We spend ungodly amounts of time in a weird, alternate reality that has nothing to do with the original plot. Magic doors open in the sky, every character is acting completely different, and a bizarre multiverse storyline begins to happen that has nothing to do with
anything at all.
Studio Bones seems to desire hurting the fans of Eureka Seven, as every single piece of media past the original series has been endless retcons and alternate versions, designed solely to ruin the series. First you have the films that changed the plot completely, then you have AO, a ‘sequel’ that had almost nothing to do with the original at all.
And now this, Hi-Evolution, the rebuild of Evangelion of E7.
Do you enjoy wasting your time? Well this movie certainly does! It spends half it’s run time showing old footage of Eureka Seven but used in a different context, which advances nothing in the plot at all! then it ends on the most nonsense, series destroying retcon ending possible, making rebuild 3.0 a logical conclusion from the previous film in comparison.
Nothing in this film makes sense, and it's pathetic attempt to retcon the shattered, confusing franchise into one plotline where everything was a fake alternate reality... give me a break. Stop, please stop hurting me and the other fans, I love Eureka Seven, but this... this is Not Eureka Seven.
I’d write a longer review but I honestly don’t want to think about this movie ever again. It looks bad, it sounds bad, it insults fans of the original and drags a once great series through the mud to tell a story that is not only pointless, but actively ruins the original series and it’s ending. Please, if you are a fan of the show, never watch this piece of crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 1, 2019
Very promising initial work from new studio TriF, I felt like I had traveled back to the days of the more experimental ovas and specials that appeared in the wake of Gainax rocking the industry, or one of the better young animator training project short films.
In a time where passion projects like FLCL and Gunbuster are being dragged out of their well earned rests as soulless husks who don’t have a creative bone in their bodies, Mecha-ude is a breath of fresh air. A new studio with mostly new staff, a new IP that while not incredibly innovative offers a new idea on some
old concepts… this is definitely one of the better anime to come out of a crowdfunding campaign.
Is the art and animation a little rough around the edges? Sure, but for a first effort from new animators it’s pretty impressive, the cg is a little choppy at times but mostly looks great, and is easily better than certain other studios I can think of… (Polygon this means you)
And what it lacks in animation polish a full production would have, it makes up in an absolutely fantastic art-style, reminding me a bit of the rougher design sensibilities of mob psycho 100. every character is flashy and stands out next to each other, they even made a high school boy with short brown hair have a good character design, and that’s some black magic right there.
And the music god DAMN it was rad, every track kicks ass and fits the scene it’s played in perfectly.
Everything about this show has the feeling that the staff loves this kind of over the top action shounen stuff and it makes it way more fun, you can really feel the passion behind the project, and the industry could always use more of that raw passion Gainax used to show us in it’s heyday.
I hope this ends up becoming a full series or the team makes something else as enjoyable, and I’ll be keeping my eye on them from now on.
P.S. Aki is super cute and I love her
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 21, 2018
Sick of all those modern anime that try and shoehorn in idol singers into genres that have nothing to do with them, I decided to go back to the good old days of anime to watch this show about a group of fighter pilots that are also… idols.
This ova is strange, a group of idol singers who are also also sisters and an elite fighter squadron defending Japan from… someone. Seriously, I don’t actually know who they’re fighting against, especially in episode 1 where a dogfight breaks out and we never learn who the other side is at all.
Also, why Japan decided that idols were
a good replacement for a military in this alternate future is beyond me, but this is also a show where the main idols base has a secret runway that raises out of the ocean… for their VTOL capable fighters. (for those who don’t know, that means they can take off straight up like a helicopter so they don’t need uh… a runway…)
most of the show is a slice of life affair about these girls worrying about their idol careers and taking being Japan’s defensive line very casually, the tone is similar to other works around this time, like Aozora Shoujo Tai, except that was about stunt show pilots not actual military units fighting in battles.
there’s various stories such as playing vollyball in some sort of idol contest, to defusing bombs using the powers of an Ouija board.
Visually, it’s pretty standard for a 90s OVA series, both in animation quality and artstyle. Which isn’t to say that it’s bad, it holds up quite well in my opinion. The action scenes while not plentiful were nicely directed, and the animation was very smooth, especially when their idol rival duo show off their impressive ‘volume.’
Voice acting is as expected of an early 90s series, background music is largely non existent in favor of a quieter tone, but what’s there is fine I guess I didn’t really notice it. The idol singing, obviously 90s jpop rather than modern styled jpop is far more to my liking, and you don’t get that much of it even in the 90s really.
Now I get real annoyed that other reviews never mention sound design outside of music and voice acting, so I’ll do so right now! The plane sounds, while unremarkable, sound quite clear and realistic next to some other plane sounds in older anime, and are leaps above the likes of sci fi series macross’ and it’s weird sounding planes. The rest is as expected really.
Overall, it’s a weird little show. Very under the radar despite not really having any noticeable problems besides being old and obscure. Which is, of course, a massive problem on MAL, where old shows basically don’t exist and nobody watches them but weirdos like me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 2, 2018
Rest easy Mal, for the Savior is here.
My favorite mecha anime in a long time, Aquarion Logos is a tragically misunderstood show that seems to get unwarranted hate for not being a sequel to the original Aquarion. (Uh yeah, it’s a spinoff guys.) or just being generally weird, which it is.
Logos is a very weird show, but that’s why it’s so great. It isn’t like other anime, it isn’t cliched, or predictable, you have no idea what to expect in any episode. All the characters are huge atypical weirdos unlike the heroes you’d expect from a super robot styled mecha action anime, and I’m thankful
for this.
This is a show where our heroes melt the monster of the week’s ice attack with the burning desire in their hearts to see girls in swimsuits, where a man delivers an impassioned speech about how you should give up on your dreams because you have no talent, and where one of the primary antagonists curls up into the fetal position after his girlfriend is stolen from him (100% serious here.)
And don’t forget the ghostbuster’s parody episode.
It has a simple story about a group of teenagers fighting monsters with some planes that transform into robots when they combine together, but the execution is why it works so well. It seamlessly blends the monster of the week type battles with the character’s stories in the episode, giving it an amazing balance of mecha and character drama/comedy depending on the episode.
Most mecha anime inevitably sacrifice one or the other and fail to integrate the two, but Logos makes it look easy. The gimmick of the planes combining in sets of two or three into different combinations of mecha is handled perfectly, all the designs are distinct and cool and none of them overshadows the other.
And above all else, Logos is FUN. (Hey guys, remember having fun?) if you try and take this show 100% seriously all the time, you are the problem and not the show. The weird, goofy aspects of this show are not it being bad or unintentional in the slightest, this show is very self aware of what it’s doing and it’s obvious from the timing of the awkward moments between characters (it’s called humor, maybe you’re not used to anime with jokes that don’t have somebody shout EHHHHHHHHHH?! At the end of or something)
Logos is a show that at first glance is held together with duct tape and string but is actually perfectly put together under the surface. It’s bizarre character designs and weird non anime cliché characters and comedy are pretty off-putting at first so I can see why it’s so unpopular, but give it a shot if you want a very solid mecha action/love story and some genuinely funny comedy.
Oh and the climatic battle was one of the coolest mecha fights I’ve ever seen seriously just go watch this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 7, 2018
I had no idea what this was when I saw it pop up on crunchyroll, so I took a chance and watched it. I regret this immensely. At times I couldn't stop laughing, at times I was on the verge of crying, but regardless of my emotional state the entire time I watched this OVA I wanted to die.
The story is absolute nonsense where some idiots accidentally unleash the ultimate evil from a coffin in the basement of a university: two Gothic Lolitas who are also super powered zombies! The rest of the movie is about them fighting said zombies in baffling stupid ways. Until
a new zombie shows up to fight the old zombie in a ridiculous super-powered basketball game. (I’m dead serious, that happens.)
The reason this show made me wish I too were a shambling corpse instead of a living person was twofold: the high level of stupidity the plot throws at you every single scene, and the strange, schizophrenic tone of it all. Was it trying to be a comedy, a trashy action movie, or a horror anime? At some point they must not have known what to go with so it’s ALL OF THEM AT ONCE!
Jumping from a stupid comedy scene to a kung fu battle back to comedy to intensely brutal gore made my head spin and it does it quite often. Too many scenes seemed to be played for comedy like a girl screaming like an ecchi comedy lead, only to rip someone’s arm off and transition the scene into gory horror with nothing to indicate it was now going to play the horror tropes straight instead of taking the piss like it just did two seconds ago.
I really, really don’t know what they were going for here, but even if you ignore the writing and focus on the other aspects it’s still completely awful. The musical score is generic and bland, the sound effects sound very stock, the voice acting is fine but nothing special and the artstyle is hideous. Once and a while the animation was decent, but it was mostly pretty bad, very choppy and poorly drawn.
The dialog was painfully stiff and at times incomprehensible and crunchyroll’s absurdly bad subtitling job didn’t help this, it rendered it almost completely unwatchable on top of it being unwatchably bad in general.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 14, 2017
Expecting this movie to never be subbed, I was ready to give up when out of nowhere a group released fansubs for it! In a state of shock I downloaded the movie and watched it, having only a vague idea of what it even was. I had originally found out about this show after witnessing some impressive clips on animation while browsing random things on sakugabooru, and I decided to watch it because of them, I was not disappointed.
So, what even is this movie then? well it's a fantasy adventure story on the surface, where five girls are transported to a doomed fantasy land and
must save it from it’s fate with magical powers. But it’s also an effective coming of age story where they learn how to manage things in their lives not going exactly as they wished.
Also it’s a dancing show with cgi idol-like dance sequences, but don’t let that turn you off! Toei animation, masters of being the cheapest studio who can barely animate anything when they put it on TV are a totally different beast in their film department, especially their cgi teams. Pulling out all the stops, they deliver some of the best looking, cleanest 2d AND 3d animation here I’ve seen in a while.
I don't have a lot to say about this movie, it’s cute, it’s fun, it’s a treat on the eyes. The story is a bit basic at time but what can you do it’s just a kids show. Don’t go in expecting a deep masterpiece and you get a fun magical girl/idolish thing (no actual idols) that didn’t bore me once in it’s hour and a half runtime.
Also there was a sequel hook at the end please deliver Toei.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 16, 2017
“We can’t introduce a new character this late into the story, the audience won’t accept an ending like that” ~ Character in Re:Creators two minutes after the show itself does exactly this for their climactic battle scene of the final ‘arc’ of the ‘story.’
I can’t recall any other time where the series I was watching is actively aware of what’s wrong with itself to a degree that they say not to do the terrible ideas they themselves are doing at the same time, as if this somehow justifies them. (it’s meta commentary on storytelling guys, it’s deep!)
This Modern Classic example of how not to
write an original anime is brought to you by a staff who really should have been able to pull off an interesting, engaging series, yet it utterly fails on so many basic levels it feels like they either didn’t care at all or passed off most of the work to some underpaid interns.
I don’t know what it is about original animation projects, they have all the freedom to be whatever they want and they almost always come out as cliched, stupid messes of a show that aren’t worth watching. That is, if the show came out in the 2010s. Sure there are good original shows sometimes, but most of them end up being like this, or Comet Lucifer. What’s that, you don’t remember Comet Lucifer? Good. I certainly hope this show will go the way of that trainwreck, but a passionate fanbase has already decided to declare this a modern classic anime, one of their favorites.
And why wouldn’t it be your favorite anime? It broke new ground! By digging itself deeper and deeper into the ground with every episode’s downward spiral from mediocre beginning to mind numbingly idiotic finale! We start with a decent idea for a show, fictional characters come to life and have to deal with the reality of being characters from a story, interacting with their writers along the way.
And then they all have a bunch of dumb fight scenes for no reason cause that idea above requires actual writing to pull off. It’s far, far easier to write a dumb fight scene then it is to write a decent dialog scene. Not that Re:Classic didn’t try to write dialog, in fact, there’s so much you might forget it was an action show!
“Did I just contradict myself there?”, you might ask, but no, I wouldn’t write blatantly conflicting pieces of information so close together, I’m not the writer of Re:Creators. The dialog in Re:Creators tries very hard to be smart, but at the end all it amounts to is glue between more stupid, badly animated fight scenes. Characters will switch sides of the conflict on the drop of a hat, generally with a dialog that looks like this: “The information you had was wrong, you’re the villain here!” “Whoa you’re right, I guess I’m a good guy again it’s not like I just shot somebody in cold blood two minutes ago, forget that!”
The characters of this show are all so stupid, if any of them actually stopped and questioned their own actions the plot would end in like two episodes. The plot that is a ton of fight scenes that lead up to a LITERAL deus ex machina ending, people like those right? Oh wait, those have been an overused cliché since ancient greece!
I clapped when I saw the zero foreshadowing devinatart OC show up and wins the fight for the heroes cause the writer’s wrote themselves into a corner! It broke new ground!
Why is this show even remotely popular?
In what universe does a character go from NOW I’VE LOST IT, I KNOW I CAN KILL to “We’re best friends forever now” because of a single conversation, they didn’t even go through a redemption arc, they’re just heroes now.
One of the biggest complaints about Sword Art Online is that it’s filled with Cafe Scenes, where characters explain the plot to each other in boring dry dialog. Well, innovator it is, Re:Creators deftly deconstructs this tired trope by having not only cafe scenes, but family restaurant scenes, sushi bar scenes, fast food restaurant scenes, you name it and they’ve probably eaten it while explaining the paper thin plot to Sota, the audience self insert character who adds nothing but gets to hang around the cool kids anyways.
Sota is a dumb nerd who watches anime and reads light novels and wears glasses, just like YOU, the viewer, can’t you relate to his struggles?? As he stands in the background and occasionally asks questions.
Is this even a review, is there any structure to what’s happening here? And this is where I blow your minds when I reveal that this lack of structure is actually a clever deconstruction of poorly constructed reviews! Marvel at how I stick it to genre conventions by doing exactly what you’d expect but then saying I did it, how original!
I can understand the appeal of Recreators on a basic level, the premise is interesting and could have lead to a great show. However, the strength of the concept is meaningless without the execution, something recreators itself seems aware of despite delivering an incredibly trite, poorly made series that coasts due to it’s premise and character designs, which are just similar enough to real characters that people can project their like of that character onto them so you don’t have to write or design a real character, it’s brilliant!
Oh yeah, the show has bad production values outside of writing too. The animation is cheap at best and atrocious at worst. The music is Sawano’s weakest so far. Now Sawano gets a lot of hate, but I’m not one of them really, I’ve liked several osts of his, including some in series I don’t particularly like or enjoy, like Aldnoah Zero. But this show literally has three songs in it’s ost, it’s so weak and it really undermines the scenes when the only vocal insert track plays Every. Single. Episode.
I have nothing more to say about this, I rambled on enough, the end.
Don’t watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 13, 2017
Move over Re:Creators, Fate/Apocrypha is here to show you how a real TRAINWRECK is made.
The worst anime of the year so far, and I say that both as an incredibly mad fanboy of fate who hates this mockery of a series he loves, but also as a man who finds shows this utterly poor in every way to be outright offensive. There are obviously some mixed opinions on this show in this review section, but unlike the other reviews I will now proceed to explain to you what the ACTUAL problem with this show is.
Let’s get started with the most contentious point, the animation. No,
this is not good animation, I’m sorry, but if you think its good animation I suggest you go watch a show with actually good animation. This show came out in 2017 you guys, and it’s using all the same tricks and tactics to avoid animating as much as possible as the original Fate anime from Studio Deen back in 2006.
Are there a large amount of frames in this animation at times? Sure, sometimes. But every. Single. Frame. Is drawn horribly. Characters in fights manage to be off model almost the entire time. “B-But Rahk, those are just in-between frames of fast moving action scenes!” No, they’re not, they all stay on screen far too long, showing how badly drawn they are in full view. Also, here’s a secret, in-between frames have to be… in between something! A fight scene of all inbetween frames ends up looking like a mess where the characters are literally melting, which is what we get here.
Outside of the animation quality itself, the directing in the animation is also terrible. Shots cut too fast, too slow, angles change at complete random with no flow. For god’s sake, in an early episode a shot starts at an isometric angle from behind characters walking from behind them on the left, only to cut five times and end up behind them on the right facing up. That might not sound like a problem to you, but it breaks… let’s see, all the rules of visual storytelling? In fight scenes, the camera never stops moving in A-1 pictures patented “give the viewer a headache” style of fight choreography, as seen in such shows as Aldnoah Zero and Birdy the Mighty Decode. Never giving the viewer a chance to orientate themselves to the scene in a hope you can’t see how bad everything looks. Characters won’t stop spinning, why won’t they stop spinning in fights the other Fate anime don’t do this why is this one doing it?! It doesn’t look cool or make them more badass it makes them look like stupid cosplayers making a fan film.
But you must be thinking “surely at least they can draw still shots of characters talking well?”, ha, hahahahahahaa, ahahahahahahahaha! You fools, did you think they wasted any of their precious effort on scenes of characters not moving? Think again. An entire scene goes by with an entire FOUR frames of animation, characters faces not even drawn on so they didn’t have to animate mouth flaps. I’ve seen defense of that scene as not having faces give it a horror atmosphere, but such a naïve defense shows a complete lack of understanding of the show they’re watching, there wasn’t anything remotely creepy or scary about that scene except the horror of watching a 25 second scene made out of 4 still frames.
Three paragraphs on the animation? Time to expose the truth about the SOUND DESIGN. I was, honestly, shocked to learn the sound director of this show also worked on Unlimited Blade Works, as that show suffers none of the following issues. Was he drunk when he came into work for this show, what went wrong? In short, the sound design was crap, but let’s get into why.
It’s so LOUD, the sound effects are tuned for max headphone blowout. In an attempt to make everything more epic and impactful, they made all the sound effects sound like your speakers are breaking. Sounds are over compressed with far too much bass, so they all sound like somebody taking a wet fart into a recording microphone from walmart. I’m not sure about you but the majestic, epic image of a fight between two legendary heroes doesn’t sound like this. When sounds aren’t doing this they have less impact than a wet tissue does when thrown by a small child. The music is all horrible, hardly ever fitting the scene. Songs start too soon, end too soon, and just don’t work. And good god, who greenlit that opening song? It was possibly one of the worst songs I’ve ever head in my life, I shudder just thinking about it.
You might have noticed I haven’t mentioned anything about the story or characters yet, to which I will respond with: Apocrypha has a story? We’re seven episodes in and there has been a lot of setup, a lot of setup for events. You might think I’m crazy for saying this, but events happening is not a story. The story you see, connects the events together and makes you care about the events. Without a story to make you care, you’re basically watching a bunch of character designs fight for reasons that don’t concern you.
The story should be a struggle of two factions trying to best the other while the members of each fight within their own ranks for the right to win the holy grail war. But somewhere along the line everybody in this war forgot to bring their motivations with them and the majority of the cast is here entirely to look ‘cool’ and die later.
In Fate/Zero, the FIRST thing you learn about each Master is what they want out of fighting in the holy grail war. In apocrypha after 7 episodes we’ve learned… the characters names? Sure that one girl wants to fix her legs, but that’s literally the only one. In a plot that should have 14 characters on each faction at LEAST, we know the motivation of one character. And don’t even say Darnic’s motivation is known, he has the default “win cause that’s what magi do” motivation, it literally doesn’t count.
Characters… let’s see, is there anything to say about these bland, soggy crackers that make up the cast?
I’m actually struggling to come up with things to even complain about here, because every character is such a big nothing in terms of characterization. They’re one note at best, and zero note at worst (sieg)
Sieg… Sieg, Sieg, Sieg Sieg SiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSiegSieg SIEG!
I hate Sieg like Shiki Tohno hates chairs, every aspect wrong with Apocrypha’s character writing is personified in Sieg. He is a character with the most uninteresting character design, no personality, zero motivation for anything… he is awful. His existence actively makes the show worse, every scene with him is automatically ruined because of how terrible he is. So I’m sure glad he was the secret main character of the series who slowly takes over the plot! Thanks!
Just… just stop. There are so many great anime out there, this show is like a cheap drive-through hamburger, you think you want it but after eating it you regret it. I’m so extremely angry that this show is even remotely popular, just the same as I get mad when I hear somebody say how great The Big Bang Theory is. The more you support shows like this, the more the industry thinks that they can get away with this utterly subpar garbage.
Is Fate/Apocrypha the worst anime I’ve ever watched? No, not really. But it is the show that’s made me the most angry, even more than Psycho-Pass 2. In a time where such highly refined productions as Bones’s Boku no Hero Academia and Madhouse’s One Punch Man, Apocrypha manages to feel utterly devoid of passion, of soul.
It doesn’t feel like a production the staff loves, but just another job, like most all of A-1’s shows really.
You deserve better, Fate deserves better, than this cheap cash in that harbors none of the original spirit of the series because it knows it’ll sell if they put a new Saber on the cover.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 23, 2017
The Twin Angel series is based off of a series of slot machine games, first as a 3 episode ova, and then a soft reboot/remake of those ovas in the form of a 12 episode tv anime. The original is a smartly written, fun parody of the magical girl genre.
Twin Angel Break is… a Pretty Cure knockoff. If you’re reading this you probably have some understanding of precure’s existence, but for those who don’t, it’s the biggest magical girl anime franchise and is the sole reason this genre hasn’t fallen into obscurity like super robots. (Please come back my sweet, sweet robot anime) and
as a series that in japan is more popular then even madoka, it will of course have it’s share of imitators.
But that isn’t what twin angel was. What was once a parody is now playing everything painfully straight, but that isn’t even the biggest problem with it. No, a standard magical girl show can be fine, but the issue is the incredibly poor production quality of it all.
Let’s see, how can I describe the animation quality of this show? Uhm, how about absolute garbage. I haven’t seen a show this poorly animated in a long time, JC Staff can put out some high quality animation when it wants to, but they clearly weren’t even trying here. Characters move stiffly, fights have barely any motion, and it just looks bad at all times, hell even the color design is worse than the original! Bright colors were replaced by boring pastels making everything look washed out.
The characters of Twin Angel have never been amazingly deep or interesting, but this show appears to have gone out of its way to craft the least interesting cast of all time. I didn’t even know half the cast’s personality by the end. The main cast of the original are sidelined for boring, uninteresting replacements at best, or at worst transformed into the mascot. Yeah, did you like the third ‘Twin’ Angel from the original tv series? Too bad she’s a damn hedgehog now! This is quite frankly insulting to fans of the original IE ME, and you should feel insulted too, even if you didn’t watch the first one. Why? Because the show assumed it needed a mascot character to sell, because Precure has a mascot every season. But you know what show didn’t have a mascot animal? That’s right kids, Twin Angel.
I bet you think from this description that this is a show about the new Twin Angel being magical girls? Hahahahahahahaha I’m so sorry but this is a show about how tragic it is to be a robot. That’s right, for about a third of the run the plot is about two brand new characters, a robot girl and boy who were made by the villain to be idols so they could steal people’s happiness? And then they’re sad and stuff and what the hell does this have to do with twin angel???
Oh, and the villain of this season is so poorly defined in their motivations they might as well have had none. In the original the villains were thieves trying to steal art or riches or magic items and in this it’s some woman who wants to revive a different evil villain we’ve never met? Is he from the pachislot games? I don’t know and the show never even tries to make you care.
Sound, what sound? The music, voice acting, and sound effects are all so lackluster and standard I have literally no opinion on them. I can’t remember a single thing about it and I watched the last episode of the show like 20 minutes before writing this.
Twin Angel Break, like Nanoha Vivid before it, utterly fails to revive a classic magical girl franchise, and in the same way no less. It fails to understand the appeal of the original, offering an experience absolutely nothing like it’s predecessor, with the bare minimum of effort put into it.
Avoid this show, avoid it as hard as you can. Watch literally any other magical girl show (wait no, don’t watch Nanoha Vivid that sucks too), you’ll have more fun. Watch Precure, watch Nanoha or Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura or the original Twin Angel, but do not watch this one. Don’t accept this garbage, do not let japan think this is a passable magical girl experience.
You deserve better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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