Jan 3, 2023
Going in I had no idea this would be connected to Heike Monogatari (dir. Naoko Yamada which everyone should watch!!) in any way but it was a pleasant surprise. Not only were both of them created by the same studio and released very close to each other, both are about the power of story telling and use the Tales of Heike as a backdrop. Its obvious this is meant to be a companion piece to the anime (or the other way round idk). But its the contrast in how these two approach these themes of storytelling that makes it so fascinating to me. While Heike
Apr 17, 2022
Shin Evangelion Movie:||
If you already are an Evangelion fan you would probably enjoy this too. On its own this film essentially functions as a love letter to the entire franchise and if you like Eva to any extent there is a lot to love in this. The main theme revolves around maturing, learning and healing by talking to people around you, trying to understand them and growing together. Shinji learns, grows up and moves on. What he goes through is incredibly tragic and all these years later seeing Shinji finally in control and more confident than ever is honestly very powerful and cathartic. Not to say these
Jun 3, 2021
The surrealist humour of Nichijou is still present here but its not as random and absurd. Its actually way more chilled out and this gives a lot more space to develop and explore all the characters in the titular CITY, and there are so many of them. Arawi Keichii has a knack for creating lovable characters and his prowess is at full show here. It feels different from Nichijou in a way that it feels way more mature and personal this time around.
Its warm, wholesome and makes for a very easy and cozy read. I think its a must read for every Nichijou fan. |